Hello and welcome to the 2020 Waco Annual Charity Open We have got second Disc Golf Pro Tour stop here in Waco, Texas We've got BigUli Commentary bringing you all the action from the first round front nine Let's give them a little bit of that Grip6 low profile Simon Lizotte coming in at tenth position score thirty one under par 83% circle two in regulation and Myself being a big goof, of course as always two-time winner both in playoffs sixth place last year This place has always done well for me and we got KJ USA twenty fourth place last year last couple years KJ has started the tour off a little slow, but he always picks it up I imagine he's gonna do well at this event with that jaw line How could you not of course and Calvin Heimberg picking up the glasses sponsorship? He's finally looking out there not squinting everywhere.
So that should fare well for him even though it's not that sunny of a day Got a little bit of overcast a lot of wind. Let's get right into the action. Hole one is a par-3 291 feet most right-hand players are just gonna play that spike hyzer. The only real difficulty is that Shrubbery, that's to the right of the pin can catch anything that's a little bit too low, and there's also that OB sidewalk to the left Yeah, I feel like angle control is really important right here If you get it too flat It can push you to the right with that headwind you were talking about and A little bit too much hyzer can push you left out obviously over that sidewalk So, let's see and a lot of times there's a slight Right-to-left headwind that comes off the Brazos River Símon way left out-of-bounds Not the shot he was looking for That right smile says it all not what he was looking for My normal play this one has been the sidearm up the middle in the past but uh little heads-up advice from a new sponsor Jamie Keep Earth and Him.
He told me Jerm just go big spike hyzer this year. And so I listened to him It looks good. Good height. Yep, concrete slab nice and over stable And One thing that's really not noticeable. But actually comes into play is there is shrubbery right off the tee to the right as well So if you do pull it and catch that I've seen a couple people hit that and end up Oh, yeah definitely And it's getting bigger every year and I like that you go with the words shrubbery cuz I don't know if that's the right word But we both use it so therefore it must be the right word and Kevin's in the circle.
He's about 28 feet That is not how you pronounce Calvin Heimberg, but it's close enough When you say it with that much authority, I feel like it's right. Yeah, I believe anything he says And Calvin's going with the Star Firebird this needs to get down. This is pushing that left side But yeah, that's exactly reaction You want to see on that hillside a lot of times if you don't skip left you'll get that roll back down the hill So Simon outside the circle right on the circles edge actually downhill scary putt for par Cash, that is a great way to save that par If these tops on these prodigy T2's are all flat and with no flagstick if it hits the top of that band He can skip out of bounds and be putting for the 5 Yeah, it's like a slip and slide basically on top of that thing.
Mm-hmm. So Huge putt to start off Kevin just a little bit low Calvin even tucking the shirt in and the glasses. I mean I Don't even know if I recognize this guy except he's getting birdies just like the the one from Memorial that guy was getting birdies, too good start Also a good start So a couple pars couple Birds, yeah, it's about normal Simon with that great putt on the first hole It's kind of an interesting Starting hole just because it shouldn't be that difficult But that headwind and the nerves of the starting of the round It just always makes it a little trickier than normal hole two par-4 631 feet we have a slightly new pin position here They moved it back just a little bit and off to the right bringing that Sidewalk in to play the tee shot is gonna be best thrown with a low hyzer flip with a stable driver And you want to get to the left side of the fairway it opens up the best approach and that's stupidly bad Low but not that low Yeah, but just like on hole one we have that kind of cross headwind, so mm-hmm You really want to be focused on keeping it low like you said so a very easy mistake to make is to throw it low into that hillside and Honestly, that's the pro mistake instead of completely shaking it over that over the sidewalk or something no mistake here Calvin absolutely obliterates this disc I mean I have seen only a few longer ever and that's into a slight headwind That was incredible just Right exactly where you want to be almost a putt from there, what you call slight I call stiff headwind Yeah, it definitely was it was breezy.
It was blowing Simon also with a nice tee shot. This is not flipping up as much as Calvin's but still that's you've achieved Exactly what you set out to achieve. You've missed all the early trees and you've given yourself more than 450 off the tee and Those should be both relatively easy approaches Yeah I feel like that kind of Tilted tree in the middle of the fairway is the one you really want to go right in front of yep And a lot of people actually end up going around it, which I believe is probably a misfire But it's fine.
You'll get away with it Kevin kind of the king of those low hyzer flip ups that one just a little bit too low And this was a kind of an awkward shot with that tree so close on my right and I was getting a bit nervous with this thing lifting that it could skip over the sidewalk, but Plenty of space there How far back were you about oh that was probably 400 feet but into that headwind, it really was kind of unobtainable to get all the way to the pin and Kevin's come up well short there. He's somewhere in circle two Simon kind of surprisingly going with the forehand. I thought he would just throw his little Sky God backhand but a nice shot there From our perspective it look like that was gonna skip up and hit cage But that was a great shot and look at Calvin also going with the Star Firebird approach with the sidearm He's really impressed me lately with his touch shots around the green with a forehand He's not just doing it with that Rhino that he throws so well, he's going forehand and back in and I've noticed him relying on it a Lot more than years past as well the sidearm in general really Kevin given this a long look And That's gonna be a little bit of a tricky comeback putt.
He's probably 28 feet with a tailwind and Off left and Kevin is going to miss two putts in the circle in the first two holes and he's gonna be one over par Not the start he was looking for And all I believe those to miss putts are a product of the heavy wind It just makes you super nervous on the putting green no matter how far you are Even you see Calvin make that what 12-footer a little bit high not exactly where he went or was aiming for so It's just breezy that was more of a product of what four bad shots in a row. Er Then you get to tap into fifth bogie. That was a that was a really awfully played hole on my book on my part, but That's what you get. Sometimes you play bad and you get birdies. Sometimes you get pars, but most likely you get bogeys So two birdies and two bogeys on hole two a Hole that was just playing a little bit more difficult in the past just with that headwind that low ceiling definitely was playing tricks with The players average just barely below par on the hole three 320 foot par three.
And again, this is another hole that has changed with just moving it back about 25 Maybe 30 feet and a little bit to the right, but that change really did change the entire shot the lines that players have gone for in the past is not quite as open and so it is more of a Driven driver down the right side. I believe is what best suits the fairway, but it's a lot trickier now It's just a little bit of a change in the pin placement And Calvin just Absolutely filet mignon right there He's gonna have a tap-in with the tailwind side Anytime you can put yourself on the tail wind side of an elevated basket is a huge advantage Looks like Simon is lining up that spike hyzer now This was great for the other pin placement, but that back tree I noticed from especially for me in practice Was kind of getting in the way and made you had to go super high like this.
Yeah, and That's a decent result. I mean you really it's hard to get closer to that Like you said that tree on the high right side is definitely in the way And I'm still like even after a couple rounds of practice not 100% confident with the disc selection or the line that I want to go is just because the wind has been different every day in practice and in the first round of the event That was a Thunderbird and that was a little bit shanked off to the left.
I Feel like most people are just playing Backhand right down the middle miss that middle tree with your stable fairway driver right, kinda feeds right up there So I'm surprised to see Kevin Take this height on line and That is the last thing you want to do after missing two putts in the circle to start the round hitting the very first available and leaving of incredibly hard approach and That's gonna be bogey at best at this point And this isn't a gimme either from way No, not at all, I mean, I know that yeah, I mean less I'm tapping it on the elevated basket I don't feel comfortable to anything with the winds blowing over 8 miles an hour There's a good lay up for Kevin.
He's gonna take the 4 and walk away, but got a couple birdie putts Simon's so good at these spin putts in the wind just keeps that disc low little nose up That is exactly what you want to see right there little smile That's such a good putt from there. He still didn't even like the putt, he was talking about it hitting the side chains I mean, it's a pretty good putt And after that last blemish on hole two I was happy to Pick that one up and Calvin's just gonna step up and he's gonna start the round off with three straight birdies Off to a great start And Kevin's gonna look to turn things around as soon as he possibly can and Get things going on the front nine The front nine is definitely the harder of the two 9s and you can see why starting right here Hole four par four 441 now I'm just gonna say 444 just to keep it all fours 134 meters but this is the Really tricky, well, probably the trickiest tee shot on the entire course.
You don't really see, you don't often see Holes that are under 450 feet that end up being one of the hardest holes in the course But this is it. You have to navigate that early tight gap and then if you skip too far past the fairway It's almost just as bad if you hit early. So keeping it somewhere in the fairway is it's a tall task And that ain't it no Calvin has gone super early with that champion Rhyno So there's that middle tree if you miss inside left with something that skips way left. You're probably golden. I Simon just absolutely this looks so perfect from our perspective and watch this. Oh No out of position Yeah It's just a basically take birdie right out of the equation, yeah that that small role He had already turned around and walked back to his bag and I had to tell him dude that rolled unfortunately Just going with an Eagle L and I got an incredibly fortunate kick right there, that was heading straight into the zone of where Really n o one even you can really save your par sure if you're not in the fairway off the tee It's almost impossible to save that par.
So that was a very good break And Kevin just a little bit tight, so none of us really looking that good off the tee here Calvin is I mean what you can't do anything and that's a great perspective of his next shot I mean that fairway is so small And I believe that is Calvin's Eagle really that's as good as you can do that's a solid shot I mean as soon as you get off the fairway that early I mean really taking a five is kind of best-case scenario.
You guys are all hanging out. Yeah, we really are Mm-hmm This is nice Yeah, that's a nice shot really too far back with that weird angle to really do much better than 80 feet away Which is I think that's about how close Kevin got there So you're not thinking you can put this in a circle? It's just too far right and I'm having to shoot off my left leg Which is just it's hard to get the power that you need to be able to do that I mean circle two is fine from there again I am when I'm not in prime position or when you're not in prime position on this one Par is really fine and scrambling can get you into trouble being a little bit too aggressive Yeah, if you get too aggressive when you're not in right position, I mean that's this course is known for the rough I mean you can just look just past Simon there think about being 10 feet in there's no way to get out I liked his shot.
But it was just a little bit too high, which is the risk You have to take if you if you do want to kind of make that corner And that was a great approach from Simon just passed this pin is the Brazos River and it eats up approaches that don't have the right nose up control and There's a Calvin pitching up For his bogey And Kevin wanting nothing to do with that. He's just gonna lay that up as well the weird reaction off a root, but Fortunate almost in the way that it didn't stand up a little bit that if that starts rolling at all Dare you to run it.
I wanted to so bad. I kept telling him. I was gonna do the pterodactyl claw here, but Yep Now after four dismal shots escaping from the hole at 1-over par is not too bad for the group moving on to hole five One of the easier par three's on the course just 264 feet uphill Place closer to 300 feet just because of the two shelfs you have to clear really the main thing You want to miss are these Two or three trees right here on the green if you can just barely get past those you'll have a tap-in putt But kind of a low ceiling and it's really tight left and right yeah, you want to miss those and all the absolute You want to miss that stuff.
Yes. Yeah I'm also throwing another Eagle L here very straight Just drifting a little bit too far left, but gets on top of the hill just about that 37 feet or so I Feel like this is one of those holes in practice where you just come over and you shred it You just throw it right down the middle and then as soon as you get there in the tournament It's like the fairway absolutely shrink just it does it does it totally does and you just question yourself. You're like wait This was my go to all of a sudden. I I don't feel like I'm gonna do really good It's like one of those Alfred Hitchcock Film tricks where like the you're going forward in the hallway, but it's like zooming out. It's how this fairway feels sometimes Calvin I think they would all agree with us.
I think the whole group is saying yeah, this fairway is impossible It's 20 feet wide. It's impossible to miss it We didn't do so well with this one so far Simon's in a really tricky spot and that had a great angle on it but You can see that that did not get passed doesn't matter how good your angle is if you throw in a very top of a poofy tree, I True that I'm Calvin pitches up with the Rhyno KJ is just gonna give this a nice little jump putt It always impresses me players Who can jump putt over 80 to 100 feet That's something that I've struggled with kind of my whole career and to see people do it It's just like man, that would be so much easier if I could do that it's a huge advantage if you can putt from that far not having to reach back and throw and Simon given that an oh sit, effort That have been a great par save.
Simon's gonna have to take bogey best-case Trying to save a little bit of grace for the card Nope At least you hit metal. Yeah, I definitely hit a little bit of metal. That's great It's awesome Really pumped about hitting the metal there for the par On top of a poofy tree. Yeah, it's better than the top of a poofy tree. That's right It's good to have you back in the commentary Paul Miss you, buddy It's good to have you back on tour too. Calvin takes the sunglasses off. Oh man a little darker in these here woods That'll be once again, that is one over for the group on Hole 5 that's not what any of us wanted there Hopefully we can regain a little bit of our dignity on hole 6 par 3 again 267 feet just drifting down over this hill to the right such a specific Fairway and and that little mound that comes up just about 50 feet short of the pin Seems to block a lot of sidearms that don't have the right height so it's all about getting the right height and the right control as It always is but it's very very specific on this hole.
I Just drifted Five or six inches too far to the left, which is never good on this course and I want to say this is Kevin's Mx2, but not sure. I think it's his A2, A2, yep I don't even know if Mx2 is a disc. I just make that up Either way, it was a great shot Kevin. Hey if it's not Maybe you just pitched him another good idea there And Kevin being to over through five holes definitely looking for a first birdie of the round He said he was looking for a little bit of metal This is another one of those holes where in practice you could throw your whole bag through there Not hit one thing get lucky left side.
And then as soon as the tournament starts like shrivels up. Yep Then Simon and Calvin both going forehands Simon getting all the way through I didn't think that that was gonna be clean but way short long putt for the birdie Calvin I wish we could have seen it over the shoulder shot. I would kind of do a little bit here. This is such a Well-crafted shape there. It's the all the way up there If you go down to the right it is jail time and you usually serve the sentence of one bogey Okay, yeah, that's okay again, if you don't execute the tee shot on any of these holes in the woods walking with par you're happy with it it just bogeys, so easily present on so many of these holes And Simon a little bit of skip off the top of the band should be a pretty short putt for his Par I don't know what you consider short putt But for par that is not a short putt for Simon. That's yeah that's pushing the the edge of short Yeah short he is a such a phenomenal putter.
A hundred percent Confidence he'd make it and I also saw earlier today Calvin he connects with his par and Kevin OH The cage on the front end Yeah, it's actually something you should check on those that I like I love the way these baskets catch but there's a little thing where they sometimes get caught on a ring Anyhow moving on to hole seven par-4 462 feet this is a slightly attackable par-4 if you have a forehand turn over most players are gonna go with the backhand out the gap and just leave themselves a pretty short jump putt does half throw This is an emergency Kevin must get a birdie Had it been, had it been a mid range because of if it's not going faster than one of those Then anyway stop it was a mid-range good shot And I'm throwing a Star Wraith just trying to keep this one low Oh, this is perfect That's the best I've ever thrown this hole that not in not one practice shot in my four years being here Have I ever been, did it stop on the stairs? It stopped on the steps? It's 24 feet away for Eagle Yeah, that's definitely the best shot I've ever seen here then result Calvin with a nice shot pushing that right edge If you kick right off the tee on this hole forget it.
It's just one of the worst spots in the course Oh, it's so important to get a good tee shot and all four players are able to do that Simon with Beautiful shot flipping up if that's too far left. It's somewhat tough because that edge of those bushes really makes that little approach tricky, but I think he's in a good spot and Kevin trying to ring it up.
That's Incredible, it's quite impressive to see you all get out of the gap that you usually see one to two players not able to get out to the opening and then It shows you how crucial that is because once you do you have this kind of simple up shot exactly yeah, it's it's a par 4 because the tee shot can be very tricky but You still see a lot of scores well over par on this one And Simon he was a little surprised he kept that too tight, but he's still up there Stance maybe he had something to do with it.
Just I love you, but shut up That was a terrible putt, I'm so disappointed. I Was hoping so it wasn't the stance I was hoping that Jomez had just edited that one out. So we didn't have to let everyone see me miss that short eagle putt. Here we go But we're still gonna get the star frame and Let's check in with Ulibarri for a hole preview I'm Paul Ulibarri with another hole breakdown. This is hole 8, 213 feet don't let that distance Fool you with the short distance comes a very narrow fairway And if you do get clean all the way down the fairway the green is anything but friendly here on the green speed and angle control are Crucial going deep leaves you a very difficult putt coming back and not having the correct angle Increases your chances of rollaways. Let's see how it plays out you You said it two hundred and thirteen feet and Kevin Master with the putter he throws Beautiful angle to control and he's not baited into trying to get that disc to go to the right He just wants to hit that initial gap.
Let the putter go straight and just control that distance and just again second times it Aviar X3 just pushed up a little bit too far left Calvin just Coming up a bit short and that is a super scary putt going to that. Yeah. He's got a decision to make yeah. Sure. Absolutely Simon I believe he's actually going mid-range and That has such great control. There doesn't even need to stop this Stomp. Yeah, it definitely doesn't need a stomp and it definitely doesn't need that stump either beautiful flight line. I Can't really throw that any better Again I wanted to run this but I mean, what am I even I there's no look at it So what that one could use a stomp.
Yeah, I done You know, I'm actually not happy with the way I'm playing. But at the same time I'm having a good time So it's not you know, nothing to worry about here Having fun you're winning Calvin runs it. Oh boy. Yeah, that one's Calvin says, yeah that's a bogie. Yeah, I love the Calvin has so much more personality than you can see in his facial expressions he's just one of my favorite people Not just on the course just he's all hilarious. Yeah, I love that guy But from where he was, I mean you put almost anybody in the tournament. We're all running that putt Yeah, you have to I mean if you're low wind in the woods here I mean You get out in the open again in the back nine' it's gonna be windy right here is such thick cover that we can't feel The wind you look you're standing down 35 feet or in.
You gotta go for it. We're all going for it You just calculate the risks and you just hope that you hit enough front metal that you don't roll away or where you just make It or we just make it now. I mean, that's I'm usually calculating How can I miss the best way to miss Everyone else is thinking make and I'm gonna start trying to do that at some point, but not yet Hole nine a par four this year.
It's the same exact hole. It's 519 feet it really is a par-4, but the way that the scoring turns out it it really isn't The hole averages 4.64 clearly It's gonna make it one of the hardest holes in the course In fact it the second hardest hole Players are gonna try to throw something that have it just flip up and maybe miss those early trees down the middle There's like three different rows of trees that you've gotta miss that are kind of in the middle of the fairway If you can get all the way down to the bottom of the hill, it's a somewhat pedestrian approach But getting down there is a very difficult thing to do Kevin going with the flipiest disc I've ever seen and turns it over into the woods.
It's actually fortunate kick-out into the fairway that's nice anything in the middle of the fairway to the left leaves you kind of an opening to get down to that Yeah and par is such a good score, molish area. It's a great score this hole I meant to ask Simon what this disc was cause he slips and he just annihilates this Lovely That's actually it doesn't look like a ditch, but that's a little tiny ditch right there like a little puddle almost and that is like the spot that if you could walk down the fairway and place the disc anywhere that's Where you'd put it, I would never walk down and place my disc in a puddle And that's a fortunate kick-out to the fairway Calvin oh This looks Oh No, and guess what? It's that last set of trees I mean, it's just like you want to see that shot get rewarded. It felt so good, bummer Such a good shot It's kind of tough to see it looks like he's in the fairway though.
Mm-hmm Really awkward place trying to go the concrete slab flick roller Caught a few twigs and other things and rolled back into the right edge of the fairway. Yeah, that's nice. It's all right Not really much else you can do for Calvin Just trying to pitch around the corner and just get to the opening there and just, probably a pretty good kick Yeah, it's not a bad place for that to be Simon's just like it's almost so easy from here. It's a little intimidating Just because it's such a hard hole But Simon executes that approach perfect. He's gonna have a short putt for a relatively rare Birdie three And Calvin giving that a bit of a bid Did he go driver on that approach.
He did he went the Star Firebird will shout out to poppa Nate here I'm going with the Pro Dart, first tournament with this disc in my bag It's a good disc if I did I say Star Dart I didn't mean to if I did it's a Pro Dart Kevin and Calvin both pushing the back edge Calvin's got a very obstructed view of the pin and We got an obstructed view of Calvin So it's fair And and the basket wins the basket wins this one unfortunately for Calvin But maybe fortunately for the course, I don't know how that works Kevin connects for his par Simon looking to join Kevin really putts aggressively from like inside 25 feet.
Yeah, and you really can on these baskets I mean, you're not gonna get really anything spitting through with those cross chains, so he he knows these baskets Well, he knows he can give it a lot of pace Simon looking to join six others in the rare birdie club You can call that a beagle. That's half birdie half eagle that's gonna end The front nine for our feature group and we're gonna check in and see what the scores are looking like and look at this Colton Montgomery 8 under on the front nine absolutely scorching coming out of the gates Paul Mcbeth Matt Bell Drew Gibson so many players playing really well But like we said before the front nine is by far the harder of the two nines the back nine it is windy But it's a lot more open and usually when it's open these players are just gonna rip it up.
Absolutely Well, thank you guys so much for joining us for the first round of the 2020 Waco Annual Charity Open big shout out to Prodigy For being the presenting sponsors of this event Thank you so much the JomezPro Founders Club Specifically to South Canterbury disc golf club. Thank you. You guys are the best Yeah And just all you guys for what you do you allow this cover to continue for as long as we can continue stay tuned We're gonna bring you that back 9 coverage right away. Yes, we are.