Coach Shayain: Let's do a quick recap. So have my gaps. My grip is neutral. My aim. I am making sure that I'm always standing behind my ball before I start. So you have to make sure a little hot tip bonus tea boxes. Sometimes they're making you aim towards a tree towards water, a hazard, which is why it's very important for you to come behind your ball. So I have my tea, nice and high everyone.
Nice and high. This tea comes nowhere close to halfway. I am keeping it nice and high. Okay. So just a little bit. I just dig a little bit and then let it go. Nice and high. You can use the lines on your ball. If that helps you. If you really, really need to golf to kind of guide you as to where you want to go, but you have to stand behind the ball. (09:08) Your aim is very, very important. You can have the best golf swing in the world, but if you're aiming towards the trees, it's gonna go in the trees. So we are back here. We are aiming. Please watch that video.
I am finding something in the grass in front of me that I want to aim towards. So I have my G my grip. I am finding my routine. I'm finding that piece of grass. I want to aim at perfect. I am staring at that piece of grass. I am now coming and putting my club nice and flat and closing my feet right behind the golf ball. Not over here, right behind the golf wall. I close my feet, 45 degree angle, nice and wide. I kind of wiggle to make myself relax. That's how I know how tight up holding the grip. So I wiggle or waggle just to like calm myself and kind of just to baby steps within my own space. I bend my knees and I'm sitting like this. My shoulders went from being square to dipping the right shoulder down a little bit. Okay. So I'm dipping the right shoulder down a little bit, gonna do a nice, smooth swing.
(10:44) I crushed that and Rapsodo didn't catch it, but that was way over 200 yards. I caught that very clean everyone, and my teeth flipped outta the ground. And I'm really sad that cheat and catch it, but sometimes it just technology is just like that. <laugh> Speaker 3 (11:08): Hi, everyone. I forgot to do a closing to the last video. So a little bit different. You're seeing me not on the golf course, but here we are. Thanks for watching. And if you have any questions about your golf driver setup, um, please leave them in the comments below all the links to everything that I've mentioned in terms of you wanna see my other videos with gaps with teeing the ball up, um, all things about Robin golf, also in the link below.
And as always, I do read the comments. So just like you guys asked me for driver videos, there's gonna be a three part series. So thanks for watching the first part next Thursday, you're going to catch the biggest mistake I see with the drivers. And the week after that part three, you're going to see three successful ways to hit your driver when you're on the golf course. See you next week. Thanks for watching.