Do anything with your credit card Except for these three things or there will be a lot of problems. Number one Let's say your card limit is ₹50,000 And you have spent ₹40,000 this month But you ensure that You make the full payment before the due date. But your Cibil score will not go up, it will drop instead. This is because Your Credit Utilisation Ratio is 80% You use ₹40,000 from the ₹50,000 limit card You should maintain this ratio at 30% That means if you only spend ₹15,000 every month Then your cibil score will slowly increase. Number two Never withdraw cash using your credit card On all other transactions You get an interest free window of 45-50 days But the window is not applicable to cash So never use your credit card in an ATM.
Number three It is possible you don't get the full bill amount And only get the bill for minimum payment But you always have to pay the full outstanding amount Otherwise, the remaining money Will be charged with 30%-40% interest The interest free period will be cancelled And you'll have to pay that interest from day 1..