in this golf video I'd like to share with you one 
of the biggest mistakes I'm seeing golfers make   so I don't know whether you hook the golf ball 
whether you slice the golf ball but from many of   my students that come most the people are working 
on the wrong thing and it's really ruining their   golf swings you know if you slice the golf ball 
you're trying to stop coming over the top which   is understandable and if you hook the golf ball 
you might be trying to stop coming inside too   much but there's a first person to start and that 
isn't it okay it's tending to ruin so many swings   in this video I'm going to share with you the very 
first thing you need to work on to start to solve   any curvature that you've got you get this right 
and what you're going to find is a Snowball Effect   where your golf swing starts to improve naturally 
in a really really easy way so let's get started   if you slice the golf ball you're probably aware 
that your Club must be coming across the line of   the golf ball out to when we call it okay the face 
must be open to that path and that's giving you   the curve to the right if you hook the golf ball 
you're probably now aware that you swing too much   over to the right hand side of your right-hander 
face is closed and that's giving you the hook   to the left but one what's causing it and two how 
do you get rid of it well the very first thing I   want you to focus on is Club face and when you 
started the game you wouldn't have done this   this is why you have these weird and wonderful 
swings because let me explain your desire to hit   pharaohs and greens will far out where your desire 
to improve your golf swing what I mean by that is   this if you're Fierce Without You realizing was 
open it would have created let's say a Bend to   the right hand side if you're a right-handed what 
you've done naturally without even realizing to   compensate is that you've aimed further left 
and you've started to swing further left just   simply to do the exact right thing which is to 
hit Fairways and hit greens but if you'd assault   the main problem first which is Club face none of 
this would have happened none of the over-the-top   Martians and stuff would have happened okay so 
let me show you now three very simple words on   how you start fixing clubface the very first thing 
I want you to do is look at your grip and nobody   does this enough because it's boring yeah a lot 
of people like the fancy stuff in the swing but   the grip controls the club face and I want you to 
just look at this for a second if you slice the   golf ball the tendency is this is that your hands 
are turned too much towards the Target now if I   if you do this with me look at this if I move my 
hands to the end of range turn them this way okay   and then I grip my clubs that's almost like two 
weeks the only thing they can do now is do this   open the club face yeah what I want you 
to do is this do the opposite start to   turn your hands away from the target a bit 
more so that they have more range to do what   if I've turned my hands away from the target I 
have more range now to do what close the face   yeah so if you naturally have your face open 
too much you need more range in your hands to   get that club closing down this is how you're 
going to start to straighten your shots up okay   it's completely opposite if you hook the golf 
ball for example sometimes I myself can kind of   hook the golf ball in and the reason or the thing 
that I change is my left hand grip my left hand   grip can get basically Twisted too much away from 
the Target and giving me no range look to kind of   open the face or kind of square it in my case 
so what I tend to do is I move my left hand a   little bit more towards the Target and now look 
I've got more Mobility look to kind of open the   club face or in my case Square it and stop that 
hook so how do you go about working on this well   get yourself set and I gave this to a recent 
student who is actually slicing the golf ball   and I got him to move his hands away from the 
target a little bit more and bit by bit what we   found was these ball flight was getting straighter 
and straighter but where do you think you hit it   he was hitting it straight left why because he 
didn't get rid of his over the top that's not   what he worked on we worked on face so now his 
Club face was beautifully Square to the path he   was swinging on which was straight left now we've 
got a chance to start to really really improve his   swing we we wanted of course we want to stop the 
other top now we could because now what we could   do we said now he's hitting it straight left his 
body he doesn't he doesn't want to hit it straight   left he now wants to hit it online so now he's got 
the confidence to swing more this way why because   he's got the face ready to go before if you try to 
change your path you'll never change your path if   your Club face as it is still open because you'll 
start to change your path and the ball will go   even further right with a perfect golf swing so 
you've created this motion as a pure byproduct of   an open face all right so fix the face first and 
then you'll have the confidence to swing properly   down the target line which is what you need to do 
let's now move on to point number two which will   start to help you compress this golf ball while 
simultaneously controlling that face so you've got   your grip sorted now the second way I want you to 
really help bring in this club so it's beautifully   Square in fact not just square but you actually 
strike the shot fantastically well it's full of   this drill a lot of people don't realize that 
when you set up here that's set up but look this   is impact completely different isn't it we get 
compression hands are slightly head here's how I   want you to feel this and at the same time control 
Club face get yourself set up and all I want you   to do is this take some some swings and I want 
you to throw the Leading Edge of the club into   the ground so we're going to make a Mac like this 
okay and as you're doing it I actually want you   particularly slice I want you to throw the Leaning 
Edge in and even get the toe digging in first okay   like this now what this will do is it's going to 
give you one a feel of where the face is but also   it's going to give you a feel of that level of 
compression of that Leading Edge going into the   ground with that handle lean okay does that make 
sense now I gave this to a recent student Liam   unbelievable results I've got a video here 
which I'll I'll share with you me doing this   unbelievable and it really helped him not only 
get rid of any cut or slice but really helped   in compress so you take you simply just throw it 
in feel what that's like and then simply move the   club to the golf ball and then imagine returning 
to that there so you're throwing the club into the   ground with this time where the ball is okay so 
he looks something like this listen to that sound   look at that ball Turf okay gives you a beautiful 
beautiful draw okay and it's always going to be   brought up now get that sensation it's as simple 
as that get the sensation of lineage coming in   it'll feel the compression as opposed to look if 
you do this which you see a lot of people there's   never going to be any compression your bounce is 
going to hit you're going to be thinning it fatten   it you name it simple one yes but it works a treat 
okay now before we get into step number three look   if you're enjoying this video make sure you give 
it a thumbs up and of course look I release videos   like this every single week to try and help you 
improve your gain so come and join the community   by press that subscribe button and the Bell so 
I can see you next week now Point number three   so what I thought would be nice now is to take 
you out into the golf course and show you how to   apply or how I apply it as well and my girl and 
your girl should be the same we want to stop we   want to hit straight shots I sometimes over draw 
it you might sometimes over slice it yep so our   goal should be to do the opposite as somebody who 
overdraws it my goal is to either straight shots   on a golf course or a fade that has to be with 
my goal that means I'm taking control how do I   do this I move my hands towards the target if you 
slice the golf ball your girl should be number one   to do this to see if you can hit straight shots 
or even get the ball moving right right to left   if you're right-handed it almost like draw shape 
okay that's your girl so we get ourselves set and   what I'm doing here is this I'm moving my hands 
towards the Target and all I'm going to do now   is visualize or aim to get a left to right shape 
why because my bad shot is a right to left ship just like that okay so that's what I do now you 
can well I want to imagine this if you get the   confidence that you now know if you're a slicer 
your ball is going to curve right to left you   will then have the confidence to start swinging 
more into out and correcting that slice that   has to be your girl okay that's the only way 
you're going to build that confidence out on   the golf course so hope you enjoyed this video 
give it a thumbs up if you did and look if you   love the drill I gave earlier in the video 
check this video out right here that I did   with Liam what unbelievably well I'll show you 
step by step how we created it and create some   amazing ball striking of course look if you're 
new to the channel press this little button   right here and come and join me next week but 
until next week have a wonderful golfing week