so I've just come off a couple of golf schools 
and what was really interesting is every single   golfer when they were on The Fairway were really 
struggling to strike their shots consistently some   Were Striking the ground behind the golf ball some 
are topping the golf ball along the ground but   they could never get a consistent strike sometimes 
they're striking great but it was not consistent   by the end of the session we'd really improve the 
quality and the consistency of their ball striking   and the distance they hit every golf club now the 
way we did this was kind of by controlling when   this club bottomed out the low point of this club 
now everyone had their own little problems are not   faults and in this video what I do is I want to 
share with you five simple ways to improve your   ball striking now you won't need them all just 
maybe one or two or a combination of them will   work a tree but by the end of this session I can 
guarantee the consistency of your ball striking   will improve just like he did for my students so 
let's start with now tip number one so the first   thing to do is this you've got to recognize 
that if you want to strike a golf ball really   really well you've got to strike the ball then the 
ground and to do that that the left arm and club   only line up after the point of contact too often 
golfers are basically this lead arm and golf Club   are lining up too early here but so by the time 
he gets to the golf ball now we've got almost   kind of this flicking motion here and that's going 
to give you your fats and your thin golf shots and   also your weak hits so a simple golf drill is this 
I get people to draw a line in the middle of their   stance either with foot spray I sometimes get 
to jump into a bunker draw a line in the sand   and all I get them to do is do a little test 
can they strike the ground ahead of that line   and create a shallow divot okay what do you 
think happens sometimes they strike it over   here sometimes they strike it over here but it's 
very very inconsistent other people misinterpret   this what they do is they go yep Danny Maude I'm 
striking ahead of that line but they come in and   they've got this massively deep divots that's 
the Shocker too that just is an out to win path   we don't want that so we want ahead of that line 
and shallow divots your body's super smart and it   was for a couple of my students they simply worked 
it out they okay Danny they've got a few hit few   behind the line then they started to consistently 
get it and their body organized itself in a way to   get that over here to strike the line or the uh 
the divot after that line once they've done that   and showed me that in the bunker a couple of times 
I then got them to line up some balls like this   and hit a few shots and again what they 
were able to do is start to look at this   and then judge where they were striking the 
ground relative to that golf ball thank you simple as that now look at that divot there look 
low points after the golf ball I could do this   all the time right but for some my students this 
simple drill didn't work they needed something   more technical let's move on to tip number two 
so if you struggle with your ball striking this   I see a lot so what happens is this golfers who 
know they should be striking the ball then the   ground find it very difficult because what happens 
is their head moves off the golf ball here now   the problem is if you stay there you're going to 
strike the ground behind the golf ball if you make   a lunge how do you time that's too inconsistent 
great ball Strikers off the Fairway have a very   very steady head okay so to help you achieve this 
what I've got here is I put alignment stick just   inside my trail heel now if you've obviously move 
back you're going to get close to hitting it you   won't really it's more of a visual tool but what I 
want you to do is imagine you're keeping your head   fairly steady here and what you're going to do is 
you're going to come into the golf ball in such a   way that misses the alignment stick strikes the 
ball then that actually strikes the grounds it's   encouraging you naturally to get that weight onto 
that lead side here and come through Focus here   like you've almost got something holding your head 
you'll see in some tall coaches in the past they   put stuff on the side of their head here hold a 
shaft next to it here and they're simply turning   inside that shaft they're not letting themselves 
move across so super simple keeps you head nice   and steady and really helps you get that ball turf 
contact now this worked beautiful for a few of my   students but one of them Joe actually although 
it really improved his kind of his low point he   started to strike the ball better he lost a little 
bit of power and the reason being is he fell into   the Trap of this yes you want to keep your head 
steady makes sense right but you'd still need   to move your body now the problem was with Joe 
is what he was doing is he was basically kind   of not moving at all he was keeping his head now 
dead still and not actually getting any movement   of the body you've got to be able to turn that 
body in such a way that keeps a steady head and   nobody does this what I tend to see happening is 
this people focus on turning away and if all you   do is turn the head's going to move off the golf 
ball you've got to make sure that this also looks   some form of Sideburn or tilt in here because if 
you have a tilt this way now look at this as I'm   turning I can stay over that golf ball so here's 
what I want you to do this will give Joe I said   Joe you need to just feel how the best players 
move right so get yourself set and simply just   tilt down here now when you do this don't push out 
here just keep just side Bend here and turn that   lead shoulder toward towards the golf ball down 
towards the golf ball here and extend up a little   bit here now that way now he's got a sensation 
of turning and tilting turning and tilting in   a way that's going to keep him steady if I just 
turn I'll look like this but if I tilt and turn   now suddenly I'm able to keep a steady head and 
get power look back into that golf ball now with   Joe we didn't hit golf balls to start off with I 
actually got going through exercises of going tilt   turn extend a little bit here tilt turn extend 
then I've got him he was up there got into a   great position we looked it we did some mirror 
work with him once he got the sensation of this   we then applied exactly the same thing again we 
put this kind of drill in place and got him very   slowly getting that tilt in place here steady 
head back to the golf ball steady head with a   tilt back to that golf ball and then very 
very slowly we wound it really slowly here and played some soft style shots just before until 
he got the feel of it okay so yes you want to keep   a steady head but you've got to move that body in 
such a way to work to treat let's move on to tip   number four so a couple of my younger players in 
the in the group love this and it really really   helped their ball striking off the Fairway I 
just basically mentioned some said look don't   take a selfie and they were like what let's 
don't take a selfie when you're playing golf   I said look most of the time you're hitting 
the ball bad because what you're doing is this   you're taking a selfie and what this is doing 
okay is is creating this kind of flicky motion   through the impact so what I want you to do is 
this I want this angle here at impact I want   you to compress the golf ball I don't want you 
to take a selfie I want to point the phone you   grab your phone point it towards the ground now 
look point it away from you and then when you're   coming down don't point it towards you point it 
away and then when you come in Impact look just   imagine it keeping away now that immediately 
gets your wrist angle the feeling what the   correct wrist angles are and then secondly 
I said look most people end up releasing too   early why because they're throwing the club down 
towards the ground I want you to throw the club   basically at an angle like this at this angle if 
you throw downwards here the club will straighten   but look if you throw the club this way that 
angle so my trail arm look is going across my   body as such suddenly then the release happens 
that little bit later so don't take a selfie get   that sensation here in that trail trail hand keep 
it there and then throw the club at an angle this   way not this way that's going to help you get that 
compression let's have a look at this in action thank you beautiful so don't take a selfie enjoy 
that lovely compression now before I move on to   tip number five which is an absolute Bell to look 
if you're enjoying this type of content I release   it every single week to try and help you improve 
your game so press that subscribe button and the   bell plus there's a free downloadable practice 
guide in the description box below so you never   have to remember a thing so tip number five you're 
like if you're struggling with your ball striking   a lot of the time as you know you're kind of 
flicking those wrists and you just can't stop   that flick through impact a lot of times just 
through feel all right so what I do my students   love this take a collab grip it down here just 
like this okay and then what we're going to do   is I'm simply going to make a pivot of my body 
through impact here I'm going to square up the   face look and as I'm coming through what do you 
notice this shaft look is away from my lead hip   if I start to release this club too early and 
immediately you're going to start hitting that   shaft on my body okay if I cheat the drill and 
I just do this yes the shaft is away but where's   the cloth face wide open so we do kill two birds 
with one stone we let the club release square but   at the same time look we keep it naturally away 
from the body build this feeling in okay simple   as this go up the shaft bit by bit build 
that sensation then go on to the grip here   build that sensation in I've still got this kind 
of alignment sticking here to encourage a downward   strike as you're doing doing this and then I would 
do with my students I could do my students I'd   start off really really small and gradually build 
this up just like that beautifully stroked ball   then Turf and it's just a great way of starting 
to feel how you get onto that front foot whilst   at the same time keeping that handle ahead in a 
natural way we're not holding this angle we're   just letting it release through but in the 
correct way so hope you loved this video if   you love this you're going to love this one here 
wonderful way on some of the basics on improving   that ball striking with not just your iron to put 
your driver too because look if you're new to the   channel press that little button down there 
but until next week have a great golfing week