hi guys it's Amy your golf coach welcome to the lunar series level 2 today we're going to talk about the eight o'clock position as promised talk about what it is and give you an image I drill a simple drill for you to work on so eight o'clock position is kind of the starting part of your hinging so it's very important and if your club is on plain and square at this position you're top of the backswing is gonna look fantastic it's not an exaggeration to say that the eight o'clock position determines what you look like at the top so let's get started we worked on the takeaway last time if you haven't please go check it out because it is a continuous movement from that so eight o'clock position is if you draw a clock twelve o'clock six o'clock nine o'clock and you take it back boom when your left arm not your shaft but your left arm is pointing at eight we call that the eight o'clock position here you can tell boom the club is parallel to the ground the shaft is parallel to the target and you can't see your hands because the club head is covering my hands that's being on plane as I refer to in the last lesson the takeaway lesson a lot of golfers tend to flip and the club goes under the plane now you can see your hands also hands have moved away from your body that is something you don't want to do because your contact is going to be inconsistent lose a lot of power and accuracy that way and or if you go outside you can still see your hands boom the club head is hiding your hands you are on plane look at the clubface toe pointing up at the sky that is called square at this point but we do prefer to keep it about five to ten degrees shut facing to the ground slightly we like that better actually so those were some checkpoints for eight o'clock position so it's right after that first initial takeaway this is where your wrist starts to break a little meaning let me show you the difference if I were to keep my wrist nice and straight to eight o'clock position you see how hands got really high and copy this way low now you're going to just make up for it and compensate from here and then [ __ ] your wrist later at the top of the swing which is gonna cause you to maybe go over swings you go over now that club gets really heavy in your hands you have to do whatever you can to bring that club back to the golf ball either have to throw it and cast it or you would have to go boom and then you're gonna go over the top because your upper body is so into it to try and get that Club back down and either one of those swings you're going to most likely gonna go really heavy and hit the ground before the ball and then eventually that could lead to try not to hitting it heavy and then doing that not extending through correctly hitting it thin we don't want any of those guys that's why we are here right so if you're having issues with hinging finding where the clubs you travel to you should really look into this 8 o'clock position guys keeping that clubface on plane that shaft parallel to the target into the ground and the hands can't track out etc etc etc it sounds so difficult right but of course I'm going to edify the whole situation meaning making a simple fun and effective and I'm going to give you one little drill that's gonna help solve your hinging issues and position issues you're gonna do a split grip you're gonna grip your left hand in the normal position instead of gripping the right here you're going to grip it farther down on the grip I'm not hitting golf balls so I'm gonna go ahead and grab the shaft now set up to the golf ball like this you're gonna hover the club off the ground and then you're when you take it back boom because you have a split grip on when you do this you're either going to feel like you're pressing down on the button to the club or you're pulling up on the shaft part of the club I want you to feel more of the pushing down with the lead hand rather than pull up with your tray trail hand because once you start like pulling up you're arc can get very inconsistent and we don't want that so if you push away you're always going to maintain your ARC so when you go boom you're pushing your grip and down feels like see how this is tracking slightly outside the plane you know with the Tour Pros you see some players they track outside above the plane isn't that bad but under the plane we rarely see that because you have zero control once the club goes inside and then it's just ketchup game to try and get that clubface on the button it's a terrible feeling when you're always doing a guessing game on your shots right there boom square here all you have to do is watch rest of my beginner series level two and complete your backswing and boom go as hard as you can because your club face is on plain and square let's do that drill one more time and hit some chip shots with it I'm gonna do a regular grit and then I'm gonna try and feel like my left hand is still pushing down a little bit right and then go this is really going to eliminate your hands flipping the wrong way to try and hinge I know a lot of people have questions a lot of questions on how to hinge the hinge kind of goes like this see my hands here instead of rotating your hands to train hinge it really should be I wasn't copying this way I was put just pushing the butter in the club away kind of pushing the butter into the club away there was no rotational just pushing and obviously your arms are rotating around your body so it'll look like I'm rotating but I'm really not I'm just pressing down on it let's try it again I'm just pushing down pushing down how did it go guys it started off very complex but it was super simple at the end right so try the amy fire drill it's really going to help you to understand how it feels to take back and get into the correct 8 o'clock position which will set you ready for the next step and you think the next step is half swing but I have a surprise for you tune in for a next lesson to get that beautiful swing going so you can hit took off for longer and straighter thanks for watching let's get really excited about this beginner series level 2 because I am so thanks for watching see you in the next one you