– Cinebot studios, a super fancy, multimillion dollar production facility, with a robot camera. – That scared me a little bit – Today we got a special delivery from the golf company TaylorMade inside is their brand new driver. It's the one that Tiger Woods was using at a tournament with his
son Charlie a few weeks ago. And I'm excited to get it. It's called the stealth driver and it's something unique. It's very polarizing because the face, instead of it just being
like silver or black is full on red or you can customize
it to different colors. So while it would be cool to open this up and test it on our golf simulator, I have a better idea If I can lift it up. I wanna unbox this thing and get some epic slow motion shots so we can make this club look as cool as it was intended to be. So first I need to drive four hours with this giant golf club but let's go review the new
TaylorMade stealth driver and also get some epic shots of it.

(upbeat music) Look at all those ducks. (laughs) Okay. So the story is we are in a town called Springville Utah. It's in Utah county If a lot of you guys, if you know where Brigham
young university is, it's a big college, one
of the best sport colleges in the country In my opinion this is right in the shadows of that. It's really close. One of my former employees, we ran on the Oregon
football field with him. We shucked oysters with him in Oregon. Really, really good guy, incredibly talented videographer.

After he worked for us, he went and did some things on his own. And then he built his own studio that people hire him to do commercials and all kinds of really,
really crazy stuff. Gotta be honest. It doesn't look like much here. We've got the mountains. We've got this giant
industrial looking building. I've got my box here. And then this is the place. (door knocking) – Hey, how's it going? – Corey? There he is. This is the guy, all right.
is this is the place? – Yeah. Check it out. – Oh my gosh. Is it (record scratch) is something on fire or did
you put fog in here for me. – Got some good haze going right now. – Oh my gosh. – If you could use this real quick, cover your shoes so we don't get the, the white floors dirty. – The white floors? Oh my gosh, okay. Down, and then back? – pull back, cut it on the side. (tape peeling) – Show me what you've got set up here.

I didn't expect this whole thing. – Yeah, we wanna do a cool reveal. So we did red back drop for big club and got a table here for the boxing. And we actually hung up some
black Duvetyne over here, – that's good – Big ol' curtain so we can,
swing the golf club full speed. – I really don't want to
break anything in here. – Yeah. Not ricochet off of every seamless wall here, so. – and then this is your giant robot. This is a thing. The bolt it's called. – Half a million dollar rig here to film super high speed
super precise stuff. So. – Half a million dollars for this. What about the camera same?
that's that's included in that? – That's include in that. Then we have this camera that
one's a hundred thousand.

Just that right there. That's high speed, we'll do later. – Is that like one of those Phantom things that The Slow Mo Guys use? – Yep. Same one. So, Yeah, we Can get some really cool shots of this. – Okay. I gotta walk in this place. This is the fanciest setup we've ever done for any type of unboxing. – I mean a laptop that floats – There's fog in here, he put fog in here and then the walls it's like you can't even see the edges of the walls. I can see my shadow. Once I get closer. There we go. There's the edge. It's like a curved edge.

Like you could ride a
skateboard up it or something and no, the walls are not red. He could control whatever
color he wants for the walls. Okay. So you've got this
giant robot track right here that I don't wanna a break. And then this massive
computer setup right here and this is like the brains of it. This is where you control everything. Oh yeah. There's a camera right there that shows what the camera's looking at. And you also have it on
a monitor right there for somebody else Kind of scared of this
robot taking me out. That must be the way the
red lights are on it. Look out we're in motion. Whoa Oh ho! That was fast. Okay. It's back. Ooh, that Scared me a little bit. Fanciest unboxing of this driver in 2022.

I'm claiming it right down. (packing material bangs and echoes) Ope. Yep. (laughs) why is this is so difficult. Is that not the prettiest looking box? Wow. Okay, TaylorMade that looks incredible. The colors are so bright. Wood? Nope. Metal? Nope. Carbon wood? Yes? That's their thing. They're saying this is carbon Wood. All right, are We ready? To take this out.

This box is amazing. It's farts. All right. It is time. We have it. Is it gonna fall? A paint can, and a paint brush. Welcome to the carbon wood
age, It says on there. Every journey begins with a starting line, sometimes you have to
paint that line yourself. I don't know, sometimes companies go a little crazy with their marketing stuff. Oh, look at this stealth. It's like a little bag
with something in it. Divot replacer and a fancy stealth ball
marker from Shamus golf. Lincoln will use this put your score in here and
put it in your back pocket. Pretty nice. Okay. That's what was in the paint can. The golf club, we have the golf club before we look at that
though, a bag is inside of it. Stealth. Very nice leather. It says team TaylorMade on there. You have been selected to
be one of the first golfers on the planet to hit the new
stealth carbon wood driver from tailor made. So basically tiger woods tested it and then they sent it to me.

I mean, that makes sense. The carbon face is built for more efficient energy
transfer and faster ball speeds. We'd love for you to share this unboxing. I'm sharing it right now you don't even have to ask. That's actually a really cool head cover. This is one of the things
that makes it unique, and it's not necessarily
just the red on there. A lot of people on the internet have said this looks like a barbecue grill. Like they've Photoshop,
hot dogs onto there. This is supposed to be 60
layers of carbon fiber on here. So TaylorMade can make the face bigger because the face is lighter and also put some of that
weight in the back of the club and then that way, hopefully
your ball gets a bit of a kick.

So I'm a believer in what
it looks like right now. We're in this crazy cool studio. We showed you a couple of shots. Here is a challenge that I have, Cinebot studios is the name of the studio. We're gonna have Corey film, like basically a commercial just like a hype clip. So watch this little hype clip
commercial for the driver. And then we're gonna hit
this driver into this net and see what it feels like. (bass heavy rock music) He's made hype clips before. This is a macro probe
lens on a red camera. (laughs) That's really nice like shots that you can't
get with regular cameras. I mean, look how close up that is. There is the 60 times
carbon fiber twisted face (robot moves) And, Whoa, oh, it's going down. That's it, that's the whole thing. Wow. I'm a decent golfer, like, I'm okay. I'm not fantastic, but I enjoy golf, sometimes I can beat Lincoln. It's true. I beat him and he gets very angry.

And even though I'm decent at golf, my swing is not pretty. So we want to be able to get some shots with this robot camera, with a Phantom, slow motion camera. Is that what this one is? – Yeah. – The Phantom slow motion,
Slow Mo Guys type camera. I called in some favors. I got a professional 15 year old golfer. 16 year old or 15? – 15. – 15 year old. This is urban. This is one of Lincoln's buddies that he plays golf with.

Urban has one of the most powerful swings with a driver that I've seen with a lot of the kids that Lincoln golfs with, So he lives close by and I'm like, Hey, can you come hit some golf balls? Little lessen in filming
slow motion stuff. You have to have bright lights. Fortunately, we have so many lights here. It's blinding. But you can see the ball really well now. That's beautiful. Watch how fast. This is gonna be in his golf swing. You see that? So you gotta hit with that
going on in your back swing Tiger Woods' dad used
to take his golf bag, a full golf bag, and right in the middle
of Tiger's golf swing, when he was like a teenager, he would drop his bag and make a loud noise
and kind of told tiger like, you gotta learn how
to hit with that going on. Cuz you're gonna have a
lot of distractions in golf and you can't focus on any of it.

Just be in your mind. It's like a mind game. So I'm no Earl woods, but I'm training The future Tiger, how to hit without distraction, hopefully. This is the moment we're
gonna do our first take, first run, he's gonna do I told urban not to hit
like super, super fast but not super, super slow. Just a nice, comfortable
swing that can hopefully get in the center of the club face. (indistinguishable mumbling) (golf ball impacts backdrop) – Shoot. That scared me. – (laughs)That's so loud. Where
did, where did you hit it? – I have no idea. – Did you say go? – No. – You just went. – I just, I – He just hit it. That was such a good swing. And it scared everybody though. I don't see where it hit on the clip face. I think you hit dead center. Okay. We weren't rolling
yet, but good swing. – Thank you. – And we know that that works.

– It works, yeah. – He scared everybody. That was perfect. It's a two-man effort over here. You've got the robot camera and you've got the Phantom
record camera where you gotta stop and play and
don't wanna record for hours which could be seconds. And so the timing has to be perfect. And we're gonna try to get a shot here of urban just swinging
like a full body shot. Not as slow-mo, but
still somewhat slow-mo. And I like his giant
shadows in the background. Looks cool. – All right, You ready? – Yep. – I move away from this
cuz it scares me sometimes. – All right On you (robot moves as golf
ball impacts backdrop) (laughing) – All right, are you ready? – Yep. – Okay, go ahead. (golf ball impacts backdrop) – Oh, scares me every
time, he did it though. He did not break anything. (calm and slow music) Urban. I knew you were the
perfect person for this job, hitting it right in the
dead center every time.

And that's a wrap. Robot is here, red light is still on, I should not get close. Which by the way, do not
approach when red light is on. (robot noise) Oh, okay. You did that on purpose
didn't you. (laughs) Jury's still out on the club. We will go test it and see. my opinion is, I know
it's a polarizing thing, some people either love it or hate it, after seeing it I love it even more the looks of it and the
carbon fiber on the face. So it's definitely
something that I wanna put in my bag and try this year and have, I might need to get a blue
face on there cuz I like blue. But anyway, Corey, thank you so much – Of course. – For all your help. – Any time. – And we're gonna put a
link in the description to Cinebot studios. – Come check us out. – If you need commercials made they've done it for so many companies, but they can't really
say all the companies they've done it for. And sometimes what's cool is he'll make commercials for companies without them knowing and put
it out there on social media, it gets tens of millions of views.

And then the companies
reach out and they're like, yeah, we wanna work with you. So, kind of a cool way to do business. I love it. So, all right, See ya. Stealth paintbrush, that
I can't seem to hold. oh, I got a Charlie horse in my left foot at that exact moment. (laughs) Okay. Be careful the red it is still on. Oh, did you? Uh oh. Sometimes I can beat Lincoln. It's true. I beat him and he gets very angry..