How can this jackknife drill, help your  weight shift Amazing the power you're   going to get by understanding the timing  of where you want to deploy the knife.   I don't want to miss this show. So 201-yards carry six-iron right in  the center of the clubface. As you saw   now, when we get into this, if you look at  all of the top tour players, they get into   this beautifully loaded arm unit, that arm unit  is loaded the same way for fishing. So when you   want to cast an efficient pole, you'll notice  there's a beautiful hinge on that snuff-box,   but there's a wonderful load of the arm.  You would never allow that arm to collapse   onto yourself.

You can't cast a fishing  pole from here and you would never cast   a fishing pole like this. There's it's  all shove. So we allow the fishing pole   to load up the wrist and we feel the load, in  the fishing pole itself. And that gives us the   ability to sling it accurately, where we want to  catch that fish. It's the same thing in tennis. There's a beautiful load of that tennis racket.  There's a beautiful structure in that arm unit.   So if you were to take baseball, well, you're not  going to collapse your arms into your body and try   to hit a baseball that way. There's a specific  structure to that baseball bat and the technique   that you're using. And it's not something that  you have to think about. Your brain knows what the   path of least resistance is. You give it a task  and it'll figure out the way to do it. Now in the   golf swing.

A couple of factors that you're going  to need is a very sound grip in order for you to   really get the right grip, go to the best video  on grip ever, Sean Clemett. And you'll see how   we're taking care of that bottom hand and the  tray of the, you know, the lead hand as well,   so that when you get fully loaded and we're  going towards the target, there we go. Now I'm in my Jack knife set up. So I feel  like right now, gravity is trying to pull   the club down, and notice as gravity, the club  down my trail arm is going to start extending.   It's pulling the trailing arm into extension. So  where's the best place to deliver that jackknife   not there can't be the ball. We're collecting  the ball from where that is and sending the   ball out there. If you watch one of the greatest  collect releasers out there on tour walkie Neiman,   you'll see how that, that trailing arm is really  bent, coming into impact.

And it's releasing out   in the direction of the target. You're going to  see right here, how that trailing arm is right   up in front of the body collect release.  There's where it's maximizing its speed.   So I want to take this Jackknife  and I want to deploy it over there. Notice where the legs engaged and extended.  So all of you struggling with early extension.   Well, if you want to early extend, deploy your  Jackknife at the ball. So here we go. So I get   into my position. I'm going toward the target. Now  I'm in a really good position to collect the ball   from here and go to the target.

So, but what if  I want to deploy my knife completely toward the   ball I would have to do this. Now I have to stand  up in order to hit the ball early extension. But   if my grip club relationship is sound and  the clubface is closed enough dynamically,   right Or my grip is strong enough, then I can  deliver out towards the target.

So look at weak   grip versus strong grip. Sean, Clemett get that  grip, right So now I can go towards the target.   So the brain is loading the ground, maintaining  that load so I can collect the ball here,   and then extending that load out there towards  my target. So I want to take the Jackknife. I'm feeling how gravity wants  to pull down. So I'm going to   take this Jackknife and deploy it  through the screen. Here we go.   Oh, does that ever feel amazing I  absolutely pasted that? So I had   way too much juice.

This is 2 0 7. I carried  that 208 yards and a hit that to the back fringe.   I want to try and stay a little bit below  this flag stick here. So I'm, I'm looking   for 1 95 with my six iron, and I'm getting a  heck of a lot more than what a bargain for.   I'm getting at least one extra club. So if you're  struggling with clubhead speed, this is the drill   for you.

Big time. So you don't have to hit balls  with it. You can just rehearse it. So if I take   me, you know, if you take a sword, imagine this is  a machete, hold it at the bottom of the shaft and   give it a slash you'll notice the legs are going  to see you would never slash towards yourself. That's not good. You would always slash  through that bamboo shoot or that sugar   cane that you're trying to cut. Same thing here.  Imagine I got two arms. There's my jackknife   slash so the beginning of the cut is  here. The end of the cut is there.   And the release of the jackknife, the point  where the Jackknife is fully extended is there.   So peak speed is going to be out there in the  direction that you want that ball to go.

Okay. So   you got to see this in action here.  Let's have a look from the face on   load. The knife, use the legs to deploy the  knife out into the picture. So my brain is there.   I'm getting ready to feel the  deployment of this thing over there. So   out you go, that was a good miss on the green,  a little right edge. You can see it right there.   So that one was more like 1 94, but I caught  that just a little bit thin.

So here it is again,   presents the knife. Ooh. Yeah.  Deliver the knife out there. See ya, man. That was way  out there. Way over the green   213-yard carry on that one. So it wasn't that  slow-motion action. Amazing. That really, you   know, you can really get that sucker to get some  serious speed. And you know, the legs really know   when to deploy and all you gotta do if you want  to practice this. So you take a three-pound hammer   and you heave it around the backyard.

So notice  I would never force it with my arms. I'd wreck   my shoulder. So if you take the three-pound hammer  with both hands, let it hang from the shoulders,   and feel like you're going to heave  it through a window. Don't let go. So   see how I'm using my legs to  he, even into the backswing.   And then he, even into the finish, have a  look at my video, entitled a wrecking ball,   hit it like a wrecking ball. Sean, Clemett  you'll really appreciate that video. It's gonna   show you how to heave it into the backswing.  Gather that range of motion gather the weight   of that Jackknife so that you can just go take  it downtown, enjoy that, see you next week.

So for easy gift ideas, if you don't have a  rangefinder or the loved one in your life,   doesn't have one. You got to get one it's really,  really important to have this on the golf course.   This is the tech tech tech U L T S pro just  came out. I was using this all summer. They   sent this out to me to test and this one locks  right in. So when you point you push the button,   it locks in on the flag. It'll vibrate. It'll tell  you exactly what's going on. It is super quick,   super fast. And just like the top, the top  brands that sell these top-line models at $600,   this one's 300 bucks. So really, really cool  from tech tech tech, the swing catty made some   nice improvements. There's actually a light at the  end of it. So when you see that pretty cool, huh You see a nice flash of light as you whip through.  So obviously we're looking for a nice click,   a little bit more beyond the ball. And the  pro model is now up to 135 miles an hour.

So   if you're looking for a little bit of speed  training, this is the ultimate. It took sad   from a hundred miles an hour to one and eight  miles an hour. And she had to use her legs   to really get that sucker to click. So it is  a really good unit for all kinds of a little   exercise. You'll see the video that I have on  their website, as far as the training with it.   And of course our wisdom in golf grass whip. It's  got a nice, very heavy top into it. I recommend   you get it in a seven-iron length. It's very easy  to bend at the neck. It uses a nice soft material. So you can bend it to the lie that you  need for yourself. And of course, you know,   what's really cool is you can put any golf  grip that you want on this particular unit   to get that, that, that maximum benefit of  that full release and last but not least,   don't forget our boys over at true links  where they make an awesome product. Love,   love walking around in their shoes.

My  feet are always very, very comfortable   and they've got shoes for all occasions for,  you know, teaching shoes, shoes that you want on   the range for the mats, you know, the spike list  ones and they really grabbed. So be careful. And,   and then obviously the ones I like to perform  in, or the are the originals with the flat sole,   they really grabbed the grass beautiful. It's like  having, you know, your barefoot with spikes on   really cool stuff. So happy holiday season  for everyone. And we'll see you next week.