You're playing pretty good but you're
kind of confused which hand to use on the forehand
sometimes like using two hands and then you go back to one
hand. So on the forehand side which is everything on this side to the right of
you that's a forehand you're gonna do it with one hand.
Okay let me show you first how you're gonna hold the racquet. So the best way
to do it is just put your racket on the ground like this
put it on the ground and then with your hands you're gonna grab the racquet like
this you're gonna put your hand right on top of the racket
and pick it up. When you hit the ball you see how your hand is underneath the
racket all right and now it's going to be a lot
easier to go up with the racquet like this.
Okay so go ahead and stand right here i'm going to feed you a few balls
and now all i want you to do is just position here stand right here on the on
the service line you know what everything's called like this do you
know what the lines are called okay so this is the service line okay
the one in the back is baseline okay all right so right now we're going
to be on the service line and now put your racket
right along the service line like this you're just going to imagine making
contact don't let go of the racket hold it.

Back up a little bit. So this is going to be your contact okay.
So now i'm going to drop a ball in front of you and you're just going to finish
the stroke from the contact to your left shoulder
like this. Let me show you you're going to start
here like this and then you're going to go to the
shoulder this way. So when you're done look when you're done your elbow is
going to be pointing towards the other side
like that. So you're going to go from the contact to the left shoulder elbow is
going to point straight forward. So go back
and you stand right here.

One hand though. Remember forehand is one hand
okay not two hands. Go in front and just hit it from there. Okay make
sure you don't take too big of a swing okay
start kind of small you want to get that ball inside the court this is the most
important thing. Beautiful job there it is do it again
okay see you're taking the racket a little too far back yeah do a little bit
less you start from here hit it
nice very nice do it again put your racket in front where the ball
is. Be a little bit more open towards the ball so you're not so sideways.
okay again do another one good nice very nice
another one don't take the racket see as soon as you start going back
you lose control so i want you to just get a good feeling for the ball
so you're going to start as close to the contact as possible so it's the contact
here i want you to start very close to here keep holding the racket
you're going to get disconnected from the ball it's going to be very difficult
to control it so you start here and just think about
what's going to happen from the contact to the finish okay there it is and see how you're making
pretty much all the shots right now beautiful job look
you're making everything that was like four in a row here keep going
it's easy right okay you miss i i jinxed you do it again
put this one away come again good beautiful job what do you think i like it it feels
good right it seems so much easier easy right yeah yeah so in your
mind you're intuitive though you know you just feel like you have to like
you don't have to just right now just focus on the ball is the most important
thing and then you're going to just think
about the contact and you're going to start at the contact
and then once you feel the ball on your racket just finish it off like this
to your shoulder so now let's go i'm going to go on the other side i'm gonna
feed you the ball you do the same thing nice you start yeah start that's okay
start from the contact good wow look at this are you sure you're a
beginner that was really really good now we're
gonna go to the baseline i'm gonna hit one further back okay
now obviously you're gonna have to swing a little bit faster okay because
otherwise like a little bit stronger otherwise the
ball is not gonna make it very far you know so from here you can accelerate
a little bit more but don't change anything
good and again you start from the ball okay try again good
good job just keep accelerating and again another one
okay remember start from the ball sometimes you kind of get excited a
little bit you start you start swinging a little too fast so
you have to the most important thing is control
yeah you have to control the ball make sure it's going in and then
the other stuff power and all that stuff we're going to go later
come again good wow that's a really nice shot yeah i like the sound
this one the sound is very sound it's very important
that was really good sound if you hit it right it's gonna make the perfect sound
good try again okay again it's going a little too far like this when you start
taking it too far back you know what's happening actually
without you even noticing there's already
intuitive elements of the stroke so when you start here you're starting here
and i tell you accelerate you number one wait longer and then you actually do end
up taking the racket back without even noticing
you know but when you conscious which is a very good thing that's how you're
supposed to do a backswing you're not supposed to think about it
but when you go back here too early and you take it back
and and now the swing is too big and you lose control and you also are
disconnected from the contact so remember the most important thing is
the contact that you're that you have a good control
over the ball in the very beginning and the best way to do that is you just
kind of like mentally the mental image of you
starting with the racket here gives you a good sense where you're going to meet
the ball and it makes the contact a lot easier so
right now when you're playing just kind of put your racket in front and
then wait for the ball there like right there no it's fine they did
pretty good yeah do it again nice and another one
good and actually you are already taking the racket back without even noticing you started here look hold the
racket and the racket still went like this
which is sufficient that's all you need okay do a couple more and i'm gonna go
on the other side wow
again it's unbelievable so good so how was the forehand it was
pretty easy right it felt comfortable makes sense now the difficult thing
about doing a backhand is you can't use the same grip
okay because remember go ahead go ahead and find your forehand grip again
remember remember how you found it let me see how you find it you put the
racket flat like that and you pick it up okay so this is your
forehand now remember if you were to hit a ball
on this side of your body your backhand side you see what would happen is see
how the racket is open here yeah everything will fly up into the sky
yeah but you can see how when you bend it here your wrist bends
so you have to use a different grip okay i'm going to show you how to do it so
now remember we had the racket like this on the forehand
now we're going to put the racket like this like neutral and i'll put your
right hand right on top of the racket right yep like you're shaking somebody's
hand like that okay put your thumb around put your
thumb your thumb your right thumb around the racket the same way put your
left hand on top and now make sure that the hands are not
overlapping okay make sure there's space there okay good
this is your backhand grip okay we're gonna do the same thing we're going to
start in front but now we want to be sideways
we don't want to be open anymore so you're going to be
facing this way you stand right here you face me face me put your feet
parallel to each other like this all right and now you're going to start
in front i'm going to drop the ball and you're going to go
up so that your left elbow is pointing forward
you see that so i'll show you from this side so i'm going to be sideways
i meet the ball here like this and now my left elbow is pointing forward like
that okay you see and there's a little bit of
upper body rotation so you don't want to be
stay sideways and play like this you want to rotate with the shot a little
bit okay the feet don't worry about the feet
right now later on you will move the feet
but right now just focus on the actual stroke okay and go up get the elbows up it's very important that your
non-dominant elbow comes through at the end that you're pointing with a
non-dominant elbow towards the target when you're
done which is the left one left one exactly so it goes like this like this
this is going to be an indicator that you're rotating a little bit good now if you can hit it away from the
camera i'll be very thankful which is i'm asking for a lot because i
know you're just starting with backhands but i was close it's all right i'm
willing to take the risk because this is an important
important angle to catch good and again go ahead and rotate all the way i'm afraid of hitting okay i'm gonna do
one more and i'll move it but you see the one one mistake that a lot of
players do when they hit a backhand that the dominant elbow gets kind of
overwhelmed by the stroke and ends up getting tucked in like this so
it's important that you go here that non-dominant elbow has to go
up okay okay one more much better and do it again both of them
are going up that's why i put the camera this way so that you can see
uh that you can see what the elbow is supposed to look like beautiful job okay
let's go to the baseline start there a little bit more
come and a little bit more with that with that elbow look
you ever play golf i tried it's kind of like a golf swing where you you don't
want to like go like this you want to go like this bring the whole
system around okay like this so your your elbow here go ahead and finish the
swing finish the swing yeah i'm not i'm far away it's okay i
want yes that's it see this elbow needs to point like towards the back fence
yeah that's a full swing so you want that you remember we're not we're gonna
minimize what happens in the back over here but we're going to maximize what
happens after contact okay so it's very important that we go
from contact to the finish there it is beautiful backhand wow
how's the sound you're liking the sound on my back
oh you're hitting yourself that's good actually
that means that you're finishing the correct way i always hit myself on the
back too and one more last one very nice job
awesome so those back ends were pretty good yeah
all right so now you did forehand and back and you did a really really good
job for a beginner i'm very very impressed
but now we're going to take it one step further i'm going to have you
hit forehands and backhands and one thing about this
is that you shouldn't do this with the same grip
and i'll tell you why because the longer you do it with one grip so
in other words you're hitting forehand like this backing like this your hand
will get used to that grip and eventually you'll have to change it
it's going to be very difficult so i always recommend to beginners that you
find the correct grip right away so forehand has to be hit with a forehand
grip backhand has to be hit with a backhand
grip and that's what i want you to do next i want you to hit
one forehand and then a backhand and you're going to be changing your grip
in between okay all right go ahead and go in the middle of the baseline go
right there in the middle and go in what's called the ready
position basically it's going to be an athletic position
where you're going to be waiting for the incoming ball
yeah and here you can wait either in a backhand grip or a forehand grip
you will figure this out on your own what your preference is maybe you like
forehands better maybe you like backhands better
but for now let's just wait in the backhand grip and i go in a ready
position like this and now i want to teach you real quick
the sequence of the stroke so when you are waiting like this you're going to be
looking on the other side and the ball is going to be coming to
you and as soon as you see the ball coming to your forehand for example
you're going to make a turn to your forehand side so you're going to go like
this you're going to turn like that and the
reason why now you can run normal to the ball
right okay otherwise you'll be like running through the ball sideways like
this that'd be weird right yeah now in
addition to turning you're also gonna change your grip
so you're gonna be going from the backhand grip to the forehand grip and
turning at the same time and the mechanism of changing your grip
you're actually going to be doing this with your left hand
so the right hand is going to be loose and you're going to turn the grip with
your left hand like this can you do that for me a couple of times
there it is you turn and change the grip there it is there it is okay you don't
have to let go of the fingers you just kind of loosen the hand
and the grip will turn you actually want to feel the grip on your fingers
so you know where you are you're going to feel the bevels on the grip turn the body change the grip wow all right now on the backhand if
you're going to weight in the backing grip you really don't have to do
anything you don't have to change anything
so go into ready position right there in the middle ready position
and all you have to do is as soon as you see the ball coming towards your left
you just turn towards the backhand side and you hit the ball like we practiced
before now remember you want to be sideways
right so you don't want to be open you can turn your body sideways on the
backhand okay you're too open you know what i
mean by that you're too you come into the ball and you're like
this you're open i want you to be sideways like this come yes do it again just like that
there it is and come beautiful shot nice okay we'll do one
more thing okay go there right there in the baseline yes
and now actually you're gonna have to change the grip so go into ready
position and no it's fine and now you're gonna
get a forehand so you'll have to do the sequencing you'll have to turn to the
forehand side change your grip hit a forehand come
back to the middle and then you're gonna go back to your backhand
grip and then hit a backhand okay forehand good back to the middle
ready position change your grip there okay back to the middle all right change
your grip again and turn forehand good
back to the middle change your grip backhand so even though you're a
beginner i feel like your strokes are looking
really really nice sometimes when you start from scratch you can build the
right mechanics right away you don't have to change any bad muscle
memory so you're doing really good i will do a racket tap all right
actually you know what let me take a look at your serve
you know how to serve sir all right let's check yeah you know where to serve
where to aim yeah you have to aim in that little box over there yeah okay that was bad i'll do it again try
another one okay oh it's okay
it's all right well the first thing you're doing wrong
is you're kind of facing the court so you're kind of open here you don't
want to be like that you want to face me when you're serving you're going to be
sideways so go ahead and move this move this foot
back there you go like a little bit more there you go and now another thing you
have to start with a backhand grip remember the backhand grip let go of the
left hand you're going to put your racket in what's called the trophy
position okay you know what it's called trophy
because every tennis trophy there's a person standing like this you know
on the trophy so this is called the trophy position so you're gonna start
here and now you're going to take the ball in
your left hand don't go back yet stay on this side this
is a left grip but with one hand one hand your backhand
good and now you're gonna take the ball look straighten the arm but put the arm
aligned with my racket here your left arm down down by your left
pocket okay put your racket in the trophy position
okay i'm gonna set the racket don't move it like this
and now you're gonna put the hand here like this turn it the other way around
turn your hand like this and now you're gonna toss the
ball up here toss it let go let go this ball is gonna go here and
you're gonna hit it here we go okay you don't have to bend your knees
and then go up with your knees stay straight and just go look you go
here toss it up and hit it like that trophy with the
racket trophy right yeah this way not bad at all now if you can throw the
ball a little bit more in front it'd be even better okay
in front meaning here in front is here like that open your hand like this
go here take the ball put in a trophy toss it in front it's not bad do it again come on
see if you start going from the bottom now you're doing a full swing it's going
to go it's going to be very difficult so i want you to start
halfway bend the elbow a little bit bend so behind
like this yeah a little bit behind oh yeah yep toss it up
okay you threw it a little too far let me show you it's like you want to hit it
go ahead and stand there you want to hit it somewhere around here
like this all right this this like a robot later on it's
going to not look like a robot it's going to look really smooth
oh my god look at that serve so that's the basics of the serve i don't want you
to do anything else you already got the stance you have the
grip you're going to start halfway and you're
going to work on the toss and that's it for now we're gonna build
okay from here on all right do a racket tap very good very good