[MUSIC] Hello everyone welcome to another episode
index of nft and metaverse metaverse so I'm sorry for a bit of silence there's been some uh travel issues and so stuff like that really slows it down a little bit so I haven't been able to produce as many videos as I would have liked but I'm back now and I'm going to share with you a project that's currently mining and I'm going to show you my actual thought process on this before doing anything so project I want to let you know that this is not financial advice it's purely for
entertainment and educational. For purposes only please do your own research first NFTS is very very high risk high reward type of investment so with that said uh let's dive in so the project we're looking at is called crypto shack uh this is the website Cryptoshack .club and it's a platform
collection about NFT which Coming up and basically you can mint these three different types so you basically what they've done is their mining process is actually a stealth mint so it's Actually running right now there's not a ton of people minting right now because it's a stealth mint so stuff like that really slows you down you don't need a whitelist or anything actually if you see this Friday March 4th 2022 video more than likely you will more capable uh mint it's ok so oh so yeah that's cool stuff so literally you connect your wallet you go to the website connect your wallet hit the middle button and then you can choose to mint one two or three so I'm actually live mint Not minted yet so I'm going to mint this video later once we go through the research process so it came to me through someone
I'm in the Alpha group, I'm the Cripps Alpha group and someone there was kind enough to show me this project and Yeah so I thought it would be good to make a quick video explaining a few things.

So if you go to the
white paper so I'd say definitely read the white paper if you can, it only takes about 10 15 minutes to go through the whole thing ah but there's a lot in there a very short description but I'll give you a quick summary so when you mint So let's say you mean three you have access to three different types of nfts or entities so that would be basically a gopher uh a caddy or a golden gopher okay and it destroys that which is explained further down here in the white paper so there you go there A gold gopher caddy or gopher and the way to find out is once you're minted uh you'll see it in openc so let's go open c now and see some sucking stuff so if we're looking for crypto check crypto shack I believe this is a crypto shack club But I still want to be sure so let's go between them dispute so this dispute and you have the official link so the new members official link so that's what I mean you know even if you know the link it's trust Don't I would say go to their official link and always go through that ok so they checked crypto it's open sheet open c it's now their community vault funny thing I didn't see it before they did what they did actually go ahead and three nft bought a piece of land in the world for this project and these lamps are worth a lot you know so the floor is 9 8 at the moment so 27 eats that land is invested in so the team behind which I will go a little later uh already invested quite a bit in the
project is not fast you money for it know how to earn
team they're really pretty committed uh but anyway so it's kind of their community vault and that's the real shack now here's the thing you'll see the full price here is 0.05 and if you go to their website for mining so I'm here so if you want to mint A cost for minting is 0.069 so it's about 0.7 to mint and you can buy it for 0.05
so y their price mismatch so basically these three types of uh entity that I explained so he Bullets are the lowest level of the treasury ok so you get one point so basically that's the dynamic so you're going to meet three and you want to be a member ok you need four points to be a member ok so you can either have four gaffers or two Caddy or a gold coffer or whatever combination of your three you can get and then once you upgrade to a member you 're good so obviously the golfer is good because if you get a goffer that's quite another thing so yeah people dump very easily.

can goofers so they can try and get a gold coffee so people are doing all of these the price is actually a goofer now how do you say you just need to look at the number see if you can see here eventually this number is going to be the actual token id that number and it's is also mentioned in their declaration but I believe it's also here member caddies and treasury so actually it's not here it's given them in their declaration in their disagreement you can see their breakdown given um so s There's a lot so there you go so all the numbers from zero to ten thousand a coffer ten thousand to something 20 000 to something a golden gopher and 20 000 to something a caddy okay so when you mint that's what you do okay finish So you just have to check your number and then based on that you can uh say it's a gopher a caddy or a golden coffee so people are actually dumping gophers so they can try and in between it's a golden coffer or a caddy.

it looks like if you scroll down you're going to see these others it's 836 the number is also 796. If I scroll down let's make sure we click buy now and then scroll down a little bit and see what we get here so it's 20 000 so it's going to caddies 0.15 so see what I mean so people are selling them uh at a high price caddies it's just golfers who are selling cheap prices so that's what to be careful about here for uh so off by Will not
price you can obviously buy them here price so you can get four for 0.28 golfer and you get your points for
member ah or you can turn to
minting and then you can get something better it's really your call how you want this Play the game um yeah so that's basically their white paper there's a lot of detail here like I said definitely go through it but I'm going to give a quick breakdown again uh so that's how they plan to distribute their sales there's going to be 4 700 plus 2 350 plus 1 150 Which makes it 25 plus 45 total 6 7 200 they have that they're mining so right now if we look here we've got about two thousand eight hundred bucks minted and it's started if you look at the announcements uh it's started again I think it's It was the first of March so it's oh yeah just a few days so I think it'll all be done in a few days finish mining and then the actual gameplay starts now if you look at the gameplay uh detail so they actually got a
metaverse uh ka Ran they got NFTs which is the land part of the world and you can actually earn the world token and this is the utility token and yes you can have many benefits of having this token and and this earnings so again I can't go through all those details here but definitely look here and Yeah, I mean the cool thing is it's like you skip all these whitelists that you face with a
lot of projects oh but yeah you get airdrops a part of a plot if you're the original uh a mentor I believe I say Like, I think if you hold
a membership token there's only going to be 2500 members so as a member you get all these good uh perks and as a caddy you get 30 yields you get special golf tournaments there's mini game challenges there's exclusive accidents there's the gaffer golden gopher scavengers hunting many game quests underlying value hidden value there is a lot going on and then jane is going to be two coming in the spring ok so it's not too far It's probably months away we can see Denta also look at the team now so that's their core team they're completely as far as I understand so they've got a development blockchain developer advisor they've got an artist Gabriel Balletta founder and blockchain dev frontend dev entity partner Michael O'Keeffe so and then They 're talking about gen 2
and yeah that's basically the
white paper for that so let's look at the twitter what if we go back to their website uh let's go to twitter okay so what's really interesting is none of the top I know the NFC influencers are actually this involved with the project but so far what I'm seeing I'm really liking this project so I think it's very secretive and underground and it will probably surface at some point um a lot of people didn't know about the creep when it first came out and then suddenly uh It made a lot of waves so um yeah so let's see what we do here so let's look for these guys first of all it's only 2 600 followers there's not here on One guy oh and let's look at the controversy ok so they got 2500 people in their disagreement very small controversy in their speech uh shudder new member of the net world announcement oh ok so there's a lot of creeps joining which is good news um there's some other people too ok so in the announcement you them You can see all the community wallet here [music] there are a lot of announcements let's see when it first started so we're looking at 10 11 So it started on the 10th of November when they announced their payout structure and everything so they've been developing it for a while it seems someone say big owl cervic copper king ok so let's see their fac how do we have it when will crypto mint ok minting on february 12th so it probably started a bit later where can i get gopher ok booster ok so some people are boosting They seem to have it their place here yeah people are messaging every minute so yeah there's stuff going on it's a nice little cozy little community right to enter so it's basically so come on No go ahead and mint it I'll give it a try and see what we get it's two points I'm going to max mint so it'll be 0.207 to get it so let's try it 0.207 gas not bad it's 41 dollars to mint so let's get it three out of 627 Let's try it ok so it's minting minting how far are we in maintenance ok so it wants to take a possible total of 586 ok let's see what we end up with here in block explorer let's see what the scan looks like so while mining I'm going to give you some Talking about what I'm working on I'm actually working on a new nft
collection that's going to be integrated more incentivized to sort of close the gender gap between
nft and the web 3.0 ecosystem .

Real investor investment opportunity uh and again it's not financial advice but there will be some real world uh utility type and also some events so these are the three I've got so I've got one at 1800 1800 and 20 000. so this is good so i got a caddy look at it so i got a caddy and two these are two little boys so let's see um so if i go to my profile i can see what we got okay so these ducks too oh boy here's a bunch of crap Here's what I'm not really interested in so let's see what it says okay so let's try to go from here to 1803 let's do it if we go in here and click on one of these so if we go to 1803 that's okay with me it hasn't migrated yet But it will be mine so it's just waiting for approval so 20 908 is a bit higher so let's try and figure out how it's going to go um yeah I think there will be an opportunity a point where you can actually convert them as members ah so yeah I Definitely want to see how we can do that so I think I spent about 0.22 each so yeah 34 to 12 yeah right so 0.22 um to minute 3 uh and yeah that's right guys and yeah I hope you um you know you find it Got a Interesting uh it's very under the radar and a very interesting project with a very
small tight team behind it so I read somewhere I think it was on Twitter where they all said uh uh here's the team doxed so and from what we've seen the names and the details are actually there.

So uh there's [MUSIC] yeah there's stuff going on so it's not bad so that said um yeah I'm going to tell you more about the NFT project upcoming video uh please stay tuned there's going to be ah some special uh consideration for the crawl and other projects I've been involved in so that All project members get special benefits so yeah sure you know keep an eye out and you know keep it up Cheers Bye Going [Music].