One of the worst things that golfers
do is to overlook the basics. We get attracted by all the fun
things that happen with a golf swing, all the exciting shots we can
do or all the tips online. But if you ignore the basics, the
foundation of your golf swing, you are always going to
struggle. So let's fix it. What you have to understand with the
iron swing is we want to try and have a descending blow. The gold swing
is sort of like a circle or an oval, depending on the spine tilt. And we want to ensure that we
strike the ball and then the turf, you might have heard a lot about shaft
lean and things. And I'm actually, you're gonna talk about
that in another lesson, because shaft lean might actually
be an enemy of good ball striking for you, but you're gonna find
out why now ball, position.
I wanna make this as simple
and easy as possible. There's always ways you can fine
tune it and do various things. So we're gonna go into the differences
about how it affects your ball position. First of all, we are just talking
about weight distribution. What do I mean by weight distribution?
Because we want this circle, this swing to be a circle.
want the bottom of that circle, that arc to be just after the ball. Now that's, uh, the general
sort of field we want. So we need to make sure our
setup matches that intent. If I was to hang back
like a driver here, okay. Where I've got a lot more spine tilt
where I'm gonna be hitting up on the ball. If I set up this way, it's gonna be very difficult for me to
make a descending blow into this ball without having to make a big adjustment.
Meaning if I'm over here
and I sort of make my swing, I've got to make a big move to
get that ball first and then the turf. Okay. We don't want that. We wanna try and make it
as effortless as possible. We want to try and make sure we have
60% of the weight on our lead side to 40% on this trail side. Okay. And what you're gonna notice is just by
finding that sort of balance in the feet here, just trying to sense the ground. We are going to feel that just by having
a little bit more weight over on the front side, doesn't necessarily
mean I move my whole body, but my head is staying central.
And now just without doing anything else, I can make a little swing and I'm
brushing the ground just after the ball. When you overlook the basics, you end up spending way too much time
on the stuff you just don't need to pay attention to. The next part we're
gonna cover is your balance balance. Isn't just an overall concept. It's extremely important when it
comes to allowing the club to swing, feeling the way to the
club and having poise. But sometimes we screw ourselves up
because we don't have the balance we need right from the offset.
Okay. And it's, you know, it's ignored and I want you to stop
ignoring and pay attention to it cuz you have to refine it. Now the
balance affects so much, not just for a pretty looking swing.
If I have too much weight on my toes, whether it's because of my spine
where I'm tilted over too much, or I've got sort of too much flex here, it's difficult for me to make a swing.
That's sort of nice and
rounded and free flowing. The type of swing you'll tend to see
is something that just sort of picks up because I'm trying to counteract
myself this way. Okay. I'm fighting from falling backwards. And what happens is as the weight of the
club starts making its way back to the ball. I, you know, I save myself in a way and
I will fall back that way in results, scooping
the ball, lifting it up, getting away from that descending blow
that we were talking about.
Likewise, if we've got too much weight on the toes, if we have too much weight on the heels, we are going to do exact sort of opposite. So what can happen is if my weight is
already too much on the heels or I'm sat back too much, it's very easy to me
to fall back and to counterbalance, I'm going to hype, you know, early
extend through the ball. Again, this is catastrophic. So what do we want? We want to make sure that our
balance is directly in the center of the feet and the balls of the feet
here. This is golf simplified. And when you work on the foundation, you can have a game and a swing that
you trust with every club in the bag, not just hitting consistent irons. So what do we want to do
as far as general swing, we've got other videos that
we can discuss on the grip.
I'm not gonna go into that, but I do
want to ensure that you have flow. Okay? The golf swing does not have to be rigid. It does not have to be
long and rotational. Most people make the biggest mistake
when it comes to drivers or 3 woods or something or fairway woods where it's a
bit more thinking you're going to make a big rotation and a big rotation. When
it comes to struggling with iron play. It's because of that big rotation
and it's more of a sweeping action. We want to have that sort of
slightly steeper angle of attack.
And that's gonna happen
by two things. One, we are gonna have very soft
arms. As we have our swing here, very soft. We don't wanna be rigid. Okay. The club needs to weigh a ton.
That's what it needs to feel like. If you allow this club head to swing
itself a little bit more and you kind of get pulled along for the ride, it's gonna be so much more
consistent and a lot less effort for you. So you have it by a very firm
grip. Okay. As if you're casting a, a fishing rod, this club, isn't gonna
leave my hands, but I have the whip.
I have that acceleration
without the forced. So try and test yourself from
like a scale of one to 10. How tense are you with
the arms and the forearms? How tense are you with
the grip and the wrists? We don't necessarily want it to be one
where we are completely loosey goosey, but we certainly don't wanna
be above a six or a seven. It's all gonna be different for you, but that's what we're trying to
accomplish here.
And when you have that, we are going to feel like we are
winding up a lot more forget about rotation. We want to be winding up. And
the feeling is that hips are extending. The back is extending. And our, you know,
our upper back is extending up here. The left shoulder is going down.
The right shoulder is coming up. None of that is thinking or trying to
make a shoulder turn or a big turn. In that sense. It's all about the tilts. You might have heard this
in the instruction wherever
on YouTube or whatever it might be.
We want to have tilts and
it can happen by practicing, you know, certain drills at home that show, okay, what angle on my shoulders pointing
at here and through the ball. When am I pointing at here? You need to understand that the
swing is a lot steeper with an iron, but we have flow. So
it's wind up and flow. Thanks for watching that iron lesson. Now, if you want to elevate the rest of
your game with a really simple concept, check this video out. It
is gonna help you a ton..