When you implement this trail elbow in
the downswing move you'll shallow it, get  more lag, and play better golf. Let's dive
in! All right this trail elbow move in the  downswing what am I talking about? So
i'll set up on a down the line view for  you and i'll show this from a few
different angles so you get a better  look at it. When you get to the top of
your backswing here what i'm  recommending you look at doing is this
trail elbow for me it's my right elbow  as it comes down I want you to feel like
it traces along your rib cage  and moves down the side of your body
here. Now why is that such a good thing in the  golf swing? Well if I can do that  get that right or trail elbow to trace
down my ribs there not the whole way of  the downswing at least that first part
of the downswing.   What it does helps you shallow the golf
club, helps you get more lag  and improves your rotation making it
easier to hit from the inside  meaning you'll be able to hit draws
and a lot more consistent strikes on the  ball.

Now the opposite to that what I see
most golfers doing, that trail elbow  instead of tracing down like this
it tends to go out.   You can see what happens when the elbow
goes out, club gets steep hands go out the right  shoulder goes out as well everything
goes out forcing the club down steep  cutting across the golf ball
and that's where you get your big slices  your big pulls. A whole host 
of problems in your golf  swing.

All right so from face on what
does it look like? So as we   get to the top of our back
swing we want that right or that trail  elbow tracing down there and you'll see
if i'm if you're doing this right you  should see the gap close fairly quickly
between this trail elbow and your ribs  here
so look something like this  hopefully you can see that on camera
i'll just turn a bit this way  you can see i'm not out here like this
i've closed that gap there  so i'm here
and i'm closing that gap to there  extremely important let's you probably
won't see it too well from this angle  towards the camera
i don't think you're going to be able to  see it very well there at all but again
from here  keeping it nice and close
this angle here  nice and close to that rib cage here now
if you're having trouble doing this it  could be some reasons why
first one could be lack of rotation  if you're starting your downswing you're
not rotating enough what you'll find  your body will stall here
your hands and arms and tape will take  over now if your hands and arms take
over and you stop rotating  it's impossible for that trail elbow
to stay bent and close to your body it  will come away  arms will extend
and you'll have to flip through  at the golf ball now the other common
one is early extension  again this is tied into other problems
as well but if you're someone that  stands up taller in the downswing you
get further from the ball  you'll have no choice
but to extend those arms  the elbow will go straight very quickly
it'll come away from the body  again
you have to be flipping   at the golf ball
so  those are two very common ones the other
one will be a lack of weight shift if  you're someone that
gets to the top here leaves all your  weight on the back foot
naturally that right elbow  will straighten because you're further
away from the golf ball the only way of  hitting it
is to extend those arms all right  those are the three reasons
why you're having trouble with that  trail elbow so let's look at how we can
fix it for you all right the first thing  you need to do to get this trail elbow
in the right spot on the downswing is  you need right side bend so let's have a
look  now the opposite of right side bend
would be  standing up tall getting further from
the ball  elbow
shoots out  arms extend so what i want you to do
when we start our downswing  we get down lower now this next part as
we rotate  we get right side bend this right
shoulder gets lower towards the ground  i'll do that again  we go here
see that right elbows tracing down my  ribs then we're getting right side bend
and you'll see  i'll turn around here
when you get that right side bend  to here
you'll see i get shaft lane  i get lag
to here  to here
i get lag  i'm going to hit the ball a lot more
solid i'm going to compress it with my  irons but this is also going to work for
your driver and your hybrids and your  woods as well but that right side bend
move  there that right shoulder a bit lower
going to help you get that right elbow  more tucked into your ribs
and in that great  impact position a really powerful move
have a look at these pro golf swings on  the screen now you'll see from down the
line that trail elbow traces down that  rib cage it shallows out the club and
they get into a great impact position  now
the club doesn't won't stay against the  ribs the whole way obviously it will
come off but it traces down for that  first part of the downswing getting into
them a great spot and you can also see  from face on how they close that gap
between the trail  elbow and their ribs
enabling them to get lag that's how  they're getting more power that's how
they're hitting the ball  so much further and they get that great
consistency here's a drill i want you to  practice grab yourself an alignment
stick or something very similar to this  and place it under your right elbow pit
you don't even have to be holding a club  to do this but i'm going to show you
this in this example so just going to  hold it there just with a sort of a
reasonably light to medium sort of  pressure under your armpit
now if you're doing this correctly  as we get to the top of the backswing
here  this alignment stick should stay
on top of my lead arm here  as i rotate
all the way through  okay it's just fractionally come off
there but it should stay  fairly close to it
all the way through  that helps keep your arm structure in
place if i was doing this incorrectly  you can see here it comes right off that
lead arm  but what you want to do  is just keep everything on
in a nice structure  all the way through to impact there just
comes off right at the end there but  most of the way down in this downswing
got that elbow tracing down my ribcage  through to impact there in a great spot
there that is a a great drill to  practice you don't have to hit shots
doing that but it gives you a great feel  of that trail elbow in the downswing all
right the favorite way of mine of  practicing this is just to get over a
ball here  again initially you don't need to be
hitting shots to do this  but you're just going to take the club
up to the top and all you're going to do  is feel like this trail elbow
just sort of bangs into your side of  your ribs here  and you'll see as soon as you do that as
long as you've got some good  good wrist angles
to here  that's the move as long as you've got
decent wrist angles with a bit of  cupping in that
trail wrist and the downswing  you'll find
that club will shallow automatically you  don't even have to think about it that's
going to be the feel for you if you've  ever ever looked at your golf swing on
video which i encourage you to do  and you're just
finding  as you start your downswing there's a
really big gap here between your trailer  by your ribs  you're just finding you're
you're casting it a bit  your elbow's coming away you're losing
power  i want you to practice this this will be
a real game changer for you you're going  to get to the top
elbow's going to hit the ribs  to here and you're just going to stop
and that's what you're going to practice  you can see here the club shallow
i'm going to hit from the inside  happy days on the golf course that's
what you're going to do  top
hit the ribs  impact
practice that at least 10 20 times a day  and once you're feeling really confident
with it you've done it so many times  bang
bang  here
bang  bang
that sequence  is going to be an absolute game changer
in your golf swing so from face on  go to the top
bang  bang
those moves are going to make a huge  difference in the way you strike the
golf ball so let's hit one here i'm not  too concerned
how i hit it it's   more about getting
that sequence right  and the flow and effect it's going to
have in your golf game so let's get over  one
all i'm going to do is go to here  to here
and through like that that's going to be  the sequence
do this right you will rotate better  get better lag come from the inside
so many good things are going to happen  in your golf game
so let's get over one  slowly to here
here  and through
that's going to be how you practice  let me know if you have any questions
about that i want to know  after you've tried this has it made a
difference to your golf game   have you
found that  working on this trail elbow has got you
shallowing the club much better i've got  an important video coming up that i want
you to watch  because this talks about how to stop
standing up in the downswing which ties  right in with this video so make sure
you watch it it's coming up.