Cut through the tea at the base of the ground. What the heck Just this morning there was a golfer  that came in, hasn't played since   May, we are in September and only played  twice last year. And the last time he went   out to hit some balls, he was all over the place.  Didn't know what was, what the hecks was going   on. Mm-hmm. . So he thought that he could come  to the pro shop and get fit for a set of clubs Cause that would fix all His, because that would fix all, he could buy his  way out. Mm-hmm. and, and, and get a golf swing.   Mm-hmm. . So our assistant had a, a little bit  of a fit because that person was out to in by 10   degrees.

And so they were swinging so far to the  left as a righthand person and the angle of attack   was still so steep. They kept on jarring the mat  and there was no way that they could be fit for   any kind of clubs. Mm-hmm. , he tried an inch and  a half longer. He tried cuz he was a tall person   and he tried a half inch shorter, nothing worked.  Mm-hmm. And so what we did is I said, Come on   over to my side. Mm-hmm. and we give him a grass  whip and we showed him how to cut grass. So Seth,   you have a grass whip in your hands and so what  I want you to do is cut grass in both directions   there and it's really simple task. Right. You  see the grass, you see the tool that you have and   you're just cutting grass along the ground. Now in  a million years, go to the top of your back swing   in a million years. Would you  feel the need to go this way   Is it if you wanted to cut grass  along the surface of the ground No, I'd like to keep my legs.

Thank you. Okay, . So you're using the  momentum of the arms and grass whip and   you're just cutting grass along the surface  of the ground in both directions. So you   notice this forms a beautiful arc. Mm-hmm. . So  then we take the arc and we cut a tee with it.   So we put these two pieces of tape on that  grass whip in which she's gonna cut thet in   that direction.

So did you see the blur pass over  that tee So we're just gonna cut the tee at the   base of the ground. Awesome. Do that again. Cut  through the tee at the base of the ground. Okay,   go to the next one. If you cut through the tee at  the base of the ground, what happens to the ball Just falls Cut through the tee at the  base of the ground or not   Almost Try it again.

Same deal. Cut  through the tea at the base of the ground. What the heck That is skills. You see how small  that is What the heck Okay, let's do it again. So, Question. Were your, were your eyes on the ball Yeah. Oh, there you go. So well done. What we're  gonna do Yes. Perfect. Well done. So put   your eyes on the grass between the  leading edge of the grass whip and   the ball and cut the grass at the base of  the ground. There we go. Ditto, please. Ditto. Cut through At the base of the ground. Yes. So  when your eyes are on the ball, guess what You   hit the ball. Hmm. That would've been a top shot.  Mm-hmm . And if your eyes are on the ground and   the soul of the club stays along the ground, you  cut through and the ball falls to the ground.   So of course nobody knows that this club is  first and foremost designed to cut grass. It's   got a leading edge. It's sharp enough to get  through the grass. So here's your seven iron,   your grass whip, seven iron. And what we're gonna  do is we're gonna put a tea lower to the ground   and all you're gonna do is cut the knob of the  tea out from the ground with the soul of the club.   Look at that beautiful little Canadian bacon  strip.

Yeah. Okay. So now we put a ball on that.   Go ahead. Cut through the tea. With the soul  of the club. What happens when you do that Ball meets center face. Doesn't that feel amazing Yeah. Did you guys hear   that sound That was flusher than flush  Mm-hmm. . Okay. So it took 10 minutes,   10 minutes to fix that individual. And  then we had a wonderful fitting. Not Fix, just help, I apologize. Not fix, just help. Right So we now  are following the surface of the ground with the   soul of the tool. Now the ball can meet the face  and instantly over the top is gone. Mm-hmm. . So   what was happening is that individual was going  after the ball. So as long as you go after the   ball, it doesn't matter what tool you have in your  hands, how long it is.

Mm-hmm. , it doesn't matter   what kind of club you have, nothing's gonna work.  So you can't buy your way into the game when the   ball is your target. Mm-hmm. . But if you use  the club the way it was meant to be used, and   you're just gonna let the club follow the ground.  So what's really cool about that is if I only had   one arm mm-hmm. and I was cutting grass with  just one arm.

Where's the center of this swing   Sa your shoulder socket. So my shoulder socket  represents the center of this machine. And notice   how the club keeps cutting grass underneath  the shoulder socket. Yeah. So now we take the   club and put it in both hands. The center of the  machine now is right here between my clavicles,   the, the sternal notch. Mm-hmm. . And then  I'm gonna take the grass and I'm gonna send   it to the target.

So watch what happens. Send  the grass, send the grass, send the grass,   send the grass. So now I've, I'm starting to get these beautiful  divots that are going in that direction. So if   I take the grass from here and I send it to  my target, watch what happens. It's an arc.   Send the grass, send the grass,   send the grass and notice the grass  comes out from the center forward.   I bring that to the ball and all I gotta do now is  my eyes are between the leading edge of the club   and the ball on the grass, not on the ball. Cuz  I don't want my brain to go back to the ball. So   I am cutting through the stem in the direction of  my intermediate point and I'm just letting the arc   take care of itself. Have you ever  seen something more beautiful S   very lovely. Wasn't that gorgeous Mm-hmm. , You  can see my divot is moving in that direction. And   that was   absolutely right there in the center of my club  face because the soul of the club was staying   along the surface of the ground.

So we hope you  enjoyed this simple reboot. Get yourself a grass   whip. We have, these beautiful grass whips at  wisdom and golf that have our logo on them. So   if you can't find a simple grass whip like this  at your hardware store it, you're gonna get 'em   online because they won't sell these. You don't  want kids swinging in the aisles with these,   you get a lot of, injured ankles. And so  get yourself one of these grass whips or   sling blade is another name for it. And if you  can't find one of those, Thanks Seth. So notice   we have these beautiful grass whips here with  our logo on it and it's, it's like this copper   medallion that's nice and heavy. So while you're  cutting grass, you're also getting a brilliant   release of that anatomy through the shot. So  when you're cutting grass in both directions,   the release is taking you right through the  grass.

So enjoy that. See you next week.   Don't know where the ball is going. Feel  desperate for a golf swing. You've got too   many thoughts going on in your mind and you don't  know which one to use. Time for a a, a reboot..