Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome
back to my YouTube Channel. Today I´ll be talking about the
Golf Driver. In the comments, a lot of you. And when I say a lot, a lot of you want to know
how to hit your driver. So what I've decided is I'm gonna do a
three part series starting with this one. And then the next two weeks, I'm gonna drop one each week
about the infamous Driver. Just to give you guys a heads up.
This is not the driver that I use. This is Robin golf is a company
who sent me some golf clubs to test out for the beginner golfer. Um, and or really anybody who wants to try
them out, what it is. It's nine clubs, you get nine clubs, a bag and
head covers.

They look beautiful. I have also tested this one out a little
bit before I started this video. And what's really cool is you get to see
the imprint of the ball straight away to know if you're hitting the center or
if you're gonna have a few mishits. So I've hit a couple, a little bit high. So all the information about Robin
golf will be in the comments below. They're also giving a discount to
anybody that watches any of my videos, which is great.

There are $800 for a full
set of nine golf clubs, which is an amazing deal. So that's all
the heads of I'm giving you about this. So if you see a few balls here and there, it's because I'm testing the driver out. Now let's get started with
all things. Driver Set Up, let's go Driving range outside. I came out here so I could use tease to
show you guys how to put your tea in, but to give you a heads up,
I do have the wraps that Don, to kind of give you my
yardage ball speed, etc. So we know where it's
going on the driving range. So ball set up. I I'm sure all of you have
watched my GAPS, videos. And if you haven't at
the end of this video, make sure you go individually
and watch all the videos on grip, aim and alignment, P for
posture S for Stance.

GAPS. That is your Golf Set Up. That is your golf
fundamental. And you also can, um, download the golf, the gaps
guide again in the link below, and it'll be under each
one of those videos. So GAPS is currently God set up. Let's talk about driver setup.
So if we're starting with G I'm gonna put the ball and the tee down, we're starting with G the grip.
I'm going to do the neutral grip. If you don't know what that is, you'll have to watch the grip
video at the end of this one. So my left hand goes first.
My right hand goes on top. I do the overlap grip.
So mine looks like that. And I'm just gonna come and just
swing the club and test it out.

I'm nice and relaxed. I have like a five or a six out of 10
in terms of how tight I'm holding the club. So that's my G we've
nailed it. Neutral grip. The next three, aim, posture,
stance really, really important. But while we're doing that, I want to make sure you
guys know how to tee for the driver. I've also done a YouTube video on how
to tee it up on the tee box. But if you haven't seen it again, end of this
video, but I'll show you right now. So I have this handy dandy tee, very convenient that it's given me a
little blue mark for me to know how deep to dig it in. I like to have my softball nice and high when I'm using the
driver nice and high. When I'm using the driver, the rule of thumb is half the ball
needs to be over top of my driver head. So let's push it in a little. There we go.

So grip is great. You already know about
aim and alignment, but if you don't, we're going to use these
railroad tracks to guide us with. Feet. This is the target line. This
is where my feet need to be. Okay. So I've put my club
down. I'm gonna always, always, always close my feet. My left foot makes a 45
degree angle and my right foot is nice and wide. Usually
until you shoulder it's apart, put this one, you're gonna be a little more than
shoulder with a part looking strong because everybody wants
to crush their driver, myself included.

So we
wanna look strong, right? We don't wanna look stiff like a
soldier strong. So for our aim, what we're going to do
is gonna close my feet. So I know my shoulders and my feet
are square. They're all in a line. I'm going to move my left toes, 45 degrees and move my right
toes in a straight line like this. This is what I look like. So that is your aim. Your
feet are lined up one foot. Isn't overtaking the other foot.
They are nice and straight. Both of my clubs, as you
could see, they're parallel. So that is your aim for
posture. As I'd mentioned, might be better if you come from the
front to see how wide I am going with my posture. So my club is down. I've given you 45 degree with my
left toe. Just aiming a little bit. This ball is going to be
in line with the left heel, with the left heel. So close my
feet, move it a little bit left heel.

And then I take a little bit bigger
than shoulder with a part for my sand. So this is what I look like
when I am about to hit a driver irons driver wedges, nice and close irons driver. Okay. So I look in my head, I
look solid. I look strong, I look athletic. I'm not tall and stiff. I am relaxed and looking very strong. If you play volleyball or
basketball, you would look like this. That is kind of what I look
like. Okay. So I have my grip. I have my aim because my feet are nice
and lined up. My shoulders are square. Now my posture I'm looking strong. Okay. And I've also kind of
mentioned stance, right? How narrow or wide my feet should be.

That is kind of part of my stance
and posture. And from this side, as you were there before, you could see, I tell you what to stand
like a soldier, right? I want you to look nice and
athletic, nice and strong. So let's hit one to kind of
show you what that looks like. And I'll do my full routine. You need to find a
routine and stick with it. Every shot, stick with a routine. And I. Aim for. This, right. Have for my. Doing my, a aim. Left toe right foot. Nice. And is 180 threes. Fall speed is 122 miles per hour. Launch angle is 13.7 degrees.
Let's do a quick recap. So have my gaps.
My grip is neutral. My aim. I am making sure that I'm always
standing behind my ball before I start. So you have to make
sure a little hot tip bonus tea boxes.

Sometimes they're making you
aim towards a tree towards water, a hazard, which is why it's very important
for you to come behind your ball. So I have my tea, nice and
high everyone. Nice and high. This tea comes nowhere close to halfway. I am keeping it nice and high.
Okay. So just a little bit. I just dig a little bit and
then let it go. Nice and high. You can use the lines on your ball.
If that helps you. If you really, really need to golf to kind of guide
you as to where you want to go, but you have to stand behind the ball.
Your aim is very, very important. You can have
the best golf swing in the world, but if you're aiming towards the
trees, it's gonna go in the trees.

So we are back here. We are
aiming. Please watch that video. I am finding something in the grass
in front of me that I want to aim towards. So I have my G my grip. I am finding my routine. I'm
finding that piece of grass. I want to aim at perfect. I am
staring at that piece of grass. I am now coming and putting my
club nice and flat and closing my feet right behind the
golf ball. Not over here, right behind the golf wall. I
close my feet, 45 degree angle, nice and wide. I kind of
wiggle to make myself relax. That's how I know how
tight up holding the grip. So I wiggle or waggle
just to like calm myself and kind of just to baby
steps within my own space.

I bend my knees and I'm sitting like this. My shoulders went from being
square to dipping the right shoulder down a little bit. Okay. So I'm dipping the right shoulder
down a little bit, gonna do a nice, smooth swing. I crushed that and Rapsodo didn't catch it, but that was way over 200 yards.
I caught that very clean everyone, and my teeth flipped outta the ground. And I'm really sad that
cheat and catch it, but sometimes it just technology
is just like that. <laugh>. Hi, everyone. I forgot to do
a closing to the last video. So a little bit different. You're
seeing me not on the golf course, but here we are. Thanks for watching. And if you have any questions
about your golf driver setup, um, please leave them in the comments below
all the links to everything that I've mentioned in terms of you wanna see my
other videos with gaps with teeing the ball up, um, all things about
Robin golf, also in the link below.

And as always, I do read the comments. So just like you guys
asked me for driver videos, there's gonna be a three part series. So thanks for watching the
first part next Thursday, you're going to catch the biggest
mistake I see with the drivers. And the week after that part three, you're going to see three
successful ways to hit your driver when you're on the golf course. See
you next week. Thanks for watching..