I'm Boyd Summerhays, PING golf ambassador and I'm here with my son, Cam. Here to share with you a drill to gain more speed, power and distance for your junior golfer. Preston and Grace and Cam have all done this drill at a young age. What we do is we try to have a long distance contest from having a half backswing and half follow through. We're trying to generate as much speed as we can from a half swing, back and through.

Awesome shot, Cam. Really get that out there. Half swing back and through. Beautiful there. So now, after doing that 5 or 10 minutes with your junior golfer, let them take a driver. Tee it high, let it fly. One thing I love about the Prodi G driver is that it has enough loft to get enough carry, but also will keep the spin rate down to get a lot of roll. Do this drill and your junior golfer will gain more distance and hit high bombs like that Great job, Cam..