[Music] Hey, guys! Christina Ricci. If you want
more pars but you really struggle getting the ball airborne, you don't have
a lot of distance especially from the fairway, that's your pain point. All right,
you chunk it, your balls are low, no fun, no confidence. So, I find players
go off where they don't get distance or the ball doesn't get airborne or they
even chunk it or blade it because they're just using their arms,
all right.

And the back foot's stuck in cement. So, they're not … you're not using
your body. All right, so, you really want to use your
body and get to a full finish. All right, so, you're the target –
you gotta swing all the way through, all right, so your belly button is left of the target and this shoulder is wrapped all the way around, All right, I know what you're thinking, "Christina, I'm not that flexible." It really has
nothing to do with mobility; it has everything to do with your back leg.
All right, where players go off is because they don't move it.
They're like, "Oh my gosh, I can't get to a finish; I'm so
immobile, I've lost all my flexibility, and it's really this back foot.
So, once I get players to move it even pick it up …
pick it up and flip it so they can get their belt line left of
the target line, immediately they get
10, 15, 20 more yards.

It's crazy! Players are like, "Well, I hit the ball. What does
the finish matter?" Well, believe it or not, the max speed is from the ball forward
so if you're finishing here, which is kind of before
the ball, right, you're not really generating enough club head speed. But if you're increasing your speed … so, from the top of
your backs when you're increasing your speed …
so, the speed is out in front of the ball, you're gonna get a lot more distance.
And with the PXG 0211 Z Hybrid Iron,
that's gonna make your job of getting that ball airborne effortless.
I'm only asking you to get to a finish, all right, so use your body and get to a
finish and you're going to be amazed how far
the ball goes.