Remember to square your shoulders, Jerry! Yeah, yeah, I got it. That's okay! I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me! Try again and keep your head down. Okay, well, which is it? Square my shoulders or keep my head down? Well, it's both. But most importantly, you've gotta relax. You know what, Mr. Meeseeks? I don't think this is working. I give up. I'm sorry, Jerry, but it doesn't work like that. I'm Mr. Meeseeks! I have to fulfill my purpose so I can go away! Look at me! Well, make yourself comfortable, because I suck. No, Jerry. I'm the one who sucks! Let me try something. I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me! Hi, Mr. Meeseeks! I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me! Hi! Can you help me get two strokes off of Jerry's golf swing? Can do! I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Is he keeping his shoulders squared? Ooh, he's tryin'! Everybody, stop! Look at me! My brothers, nothing will be accomplished by shedding Meeseeks blood! None of us can die until our job is done! The job can't be done.

We'll never get two strokes off his game! No, we won't. But we will get all strokes off his game! Where's he going with this? I'm listening to him. When we kill him! I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Jerry, maybe it's time I take that trip I always talk about. Where would you go? I don't know, man. Italy, Greece, Argentina … Countries known for their sexually aggressive men. Did I tell you how much I love your new haircut? What the heck? There he is! Run, Jerry! Come on out, Jerry! Guys, I'll choke up, I'll follow through! I'll do whatever you tell me to do, okay? Oh, we're well past that, Jerry.