The golf grip – powerful with
no pain Dear Videoportal, today I have
another video for you on the subject of your hand position
or your grip. And this is very close to my heart, because as a
child, I should had changed my hand position for many years, and it always felt terrible and so
I changed again at the end of the day. And since then I have much less stress on my hand and on my
elbow. So now it's also about the topic of pain. The normal hand position, as
you are used gripping it, is sometimes a bit over it,
sometimes so. But I don't care how you grip now, but the
question is how long you grip. And the normal hand position ,
as we are taught. the butt end of the club has always to stand out. And I have tried this hand
position over and over again and I actually have to try it again
now, and terrible, if I grip it in my hand like that.

The club
immediately feels unstable and uncontrolled. But it also doesn't feel strong and
it also feels very uncomfortable for my wrist.
What happens if I tilt my hand down and let the butt end stand out? Then your palm of the hand
comes here on top of the handle And if you now look exactly,
then your wrist overstretches, you can also see this from this
angle, the wrist overstretches very, very strongly already in the basic position and that is already in a too strong ulnar flexion so tilted position downwards, which is even intensified with downward pressure in the impact zone, and that is even
more unpleasant.

Now we should learn from other
sports. For example, when you play tennis, the tennis player has always automatically pressed and fixed the end of the handle of the racket in his palms. Thus, the little finger is the
last finger. So this is a normal tennis hand
position, with which you have maximum strength. Every other striking racket is
also rather grabbed over the back and then the handle goes
just a bit more through the hand, as you can see here. I now have a grip more through
the hand and accordingly my shaft fixed is now fixed in my palm of the hand and because it now goes more through the hand, it is much, much more comfortable. So even the little finger closes. It is much more comfortable to
hold the club, because the hand is not so much tilted anymore.

So this
position of the hand with the palm on top and the grip
through the fingers creates extreme stress on the joint and
then creates extreme stress on your forearm in the motion
afterwards. And thus to the muscle attachments of
your fingers and your wrist. Many elbow complaints and pain
appear because of this tilted hand position in rotation. So don't grip your club in a
tilted position, just grip it longer. Look for the position
where you notice, bow I have it fixed in your palm and be aware whether you have more feeling and above all more control. First of all,
I have more power, I have a lot more pressure into
the ball, I have much less stress on my
hand and I have much more feeling and that's what it's
all about. So this slightly longer hand position here
immediately creates much more effect for us. Let's compare the extreme. Grip a
strongly tilted hand position, a lot in your fingers and hit
some shots.

And feel with which hand
position you feel more comfortable and feel with which
hand position you have less stress!.