Hey everyone, Shawn Clement here solo at  your service today. And, for so many of you,   you're wondering, Hey, do I release the body? Do  I release the hands? What in the world does that   mean anyway? But I can tell you one thing. I want  to stop this flipping down here because my wrists   look terrible and I'm hitting all these super high  shots and hitting the ground before the ball.

And   I'm losing distance. I should be hitting a  lot farther for my, my irons, and driver.   I'm going to answer those very easily for  you right here in this session. Stay tuned but before we begin, of course, We would love for you to join us  forever here at wisdom and golf.   So click the subscribe button and, you  know, after you've watched the whole   video, I'd love to hear your comments or  questions or suggestions for future videos   and, you know, give us a thumbs up while  you're at it. Really appreciate that.   An easy task for you. This is our latest task at  wisdom and golf. over the course of this, winter   is a pandemic-born task. Now imagine to get more  club speed, you get the ticket paintbrush and you,   you put, you know, dip it in water.

Don't want  to make a mess and you want to take the water   and you want to separate it from the pink brush.  So you're going to give it a nice sling and the   violent change of direction here at the bottom  pulls the water out of the paintbrush. So now   take that duct tape to a golf club and make  sure that the paintbrush is very, very light.   Okay But this image should be enough for you.  I want to take the water out of this pink brush   and I want to spray it into the wall.

So let's  look at what would need to happen if that were   to occur. And you'll realize as you do that, as  you focus on that, here it is in slow motion. Taking the paint from the paintbrush.  I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm waiting. There Starts here. And the majority of the water  comes out right there towards my net. So, And then you'll look at your swing after that, and  then you'll go, wow, look at that lag. Wow. Look   at that beautiful clearance of my hips because  my brain needs to bring the water over here.   For most of you, the ball is your target.  So that's like taking the water out of this   paintbrush and throwing it at the water or  pardon me, throwing it at the golf ball.   So here I am throwing the water at the golf  ball and you see that beautiful chicken weight   because my body had to stop here facing my target.  And I had to let go of my lag plenty early.

And   as soon as my paintbrush catches up with my hands,  we have the old flip-ola. There it is. So when the   club passes the hands and I'm trying to lift the  ball, or I'm trying to spray the water at my ball,   you get chicken wing, you get flipped and  you get the stuff that you don't want.   So how do we do it? Well, when I spray my water  at my target, all I need to do is figure out how   to put the ball in the way, right? So here  we go. If I do it from here, it feels like   I'm going to miss the ball entirely. Here we  go. My attention is right there on that net.   There's a nice target in the middle of it. And I'm  going to spray the water right there.

Here we go. Spray the water there. And yes, I missed  the ball. So I bring the brush down to   the grass and I'll go, okay. If I spray the  paint in the direction of the target, well,   it feels now that the ball will get brushed on the  way by here we go. I'm delivering my water. There.   There it is. So I was delivering  my water that way. And the brush,   actually the frame of the brush, you heard the  sound hit the ball. So the ball was in the way   of my spray, painting the water.  There that's the difference. So   when I'm going in that direction, while the  brain's got to go get the ground, use the   ground to get my body out of the way.

Notice  my hands come through first. Then the shaft,   then the beginning of the heel or the  pink brush, then the toe of the club. And there's the release. So my body is completely  out of the way to release the body and the weight   of the club now, which I'm projecting toward the  target has to now release me. So a good way to   feel that. And it's done in every sport. And  you've seen me do this in a lot of my videos.   Just watch Pete Sampras deliver in slow  motion, go, Pete Sampras, pronation serve   slow motion and you'll see him come. It looks  like he's going to split the ball in half.   And then there's this beautiful release  of the anatomy. See how my hand turns   over. So if you had a sword in your hands and  you're going to slash through a bamboo shoot,   notice the brain's got to go get the ground,  use the ground to get the body out of the way.   Here comes the elbow hand shaft tip of shaft  release.

There's the release of the anatomy.   So when I slash notice how the weight of the  sword releases me, look it in your direction. See that? it's inevitable, it's like in baseball.  When you're hitting a shot over the pitcher's head   into center field, there's a full release of  the bat. The trail hand has to clear over the   lead hand and the lead hand must yield out  of the way. Otherwise, it's a checked swing   and a broken wrist or two. So we don't want  to hold on to this. We want to release it.   We want to release it. We want to let it release  us. So now I have a ball. I have a target.   I want to release my water toward the  target. Is the ball in the way No? No.   Hey, that's pretty good. So it feels  like the sole of the club's gonna,   you know, drag through a little bit of grass  here. When I release my paint over there,   what, what's it going to feel like  when I whipped the paint out there Oh yeah.

Yeah. It feels about like release  the paint. You want to come and have a look,   just see guys, see how much fun this  is. So I'm hitting a 7-iron draw.   There is 189 yards total. Here we go. All  right. My seven. All right. So you can see   nice club speed there with that seven iron. Okay.  Coming from the inside, down and through. That's   when you can tell if I release at the ball, when  my students release at the ball, it's like nine,   10, 11 degrees up because they went into the  ground and they're trying to lift the ball.   But when I'm throwing toward the target,  I always have a downward angle of attack.   And there's the draw.

So my carry was 188 yards,  my total 189 yards. I got some good spin on that.   So let's look at the replay here. See how pretty that is. And here it right over  the flag flags at 180 yards, right there, that is   bliss on a stick people. That's what I want for  all of you guys out there is this kind of ball   striking. So to resume, I need to go that way.  You want to snap a punch that way. The brain's got   to go get the ground, use the ground to get you  out of the way. And that punch needs to release.   This is not a complete punch. If you want  to do uppercut, that's different, but still,   the uppercut has a little release to it. The jab  has a major release to it, and that's exactly what   we're doing here. So when I'm swinging towards  you, this is held on ball slides off the face-off.   It goes to the right.

This is thrown at my ball.  Notice the chicken wing my body quits here. It stops turning why my target, but if I, I want  the target to be towards you, and I'm going to   throw this club towards you. Here, it comes,  throw, see what happens to Collect the ball here   faces slightly open release the ball of square  to slightly closed depending on the draw or fade.   And then the continuation of that right  release is there. Notice how my hand is under   and I'm letting the club release in  your direction. So you have a task   you deliver in the direction of your target,  and you allow the weight of the instrument   to release you.

If you want more information  on this, go to our premium channel. It's only   $9.99 or $9.95 a month, 10 bucks a month. And  you're going to see my release videos. There's   the lead hand release. So you get a full  idea of how that works individually. The trail hand releases the release, fine-tuning.  And then we got snap release Polish, an amazing   video. That really hits the feel of this thing  home. Then when you throw the club in the   direction of the target, the next videos you want  to see are throwing the club. If you throw the   club in that direction and don't let go, well, the  weight of the club has to release your anatomy,   but you need to know what that feels like, what it  looks like, and understand it. So you can allow it   to let it happen. Right then after we do that,  we do turbocharge that release. So you know how   the legs react to the G-Force of that release.  And then all of a sudden, boom, magically,   a golf swing appears. And then you can  fine-tune that with the premotor cortex series.   Something I could never put on YouTube  because nobody's searching for that stuff.

But it's highly important stuff to prepare your  central nervous system, to get you ready for a   specific task. You give it the wrong task, you get  the wrong result. So you need to understand how   that command comes from in here, into here. It's  amazing how this works, wherever your focus is   your energy flows in that direction. So you  need to be very highly educated as to where   you're going to put your focus. And then you want  a confirmation that you actually stayed with it.   So that works in co target confirmation series.  So get on our premium wisdom in golf, premium.com,   and then you won't believe what we have in  there.

I mean, there are over 400 videos,   always two angles to the camera. It's my life's  work. You'll see Mu and Sav there with me with   certain of my videos. And that's the most  important part though, are you understand   how this machine works from here out, and  then you'll stop wasting your time with   Pinocchio positioning.

All right, this is what  I want for you all the best. See you next week.