today I'm going to show you how to remove the dash panel and instrument panel on a Mac to golf or rabbit first have been removed the radio remove the cage for it as well then remove the switches these will pop out and you need to touch those do you missed it remove the blanking plates and on the other side this one's got a light in it so we might have to do the wire on that after that might push back through and this one the lights the [ __ ] yep next the heated panel will pull out and disconnect the electrics and the light to that one the that one slides got clicked on that way then screws this should be three there to undo that release the heater one two three therefore the panel and inside behind the light switch on there and then another one so undo those next after you've undone the screws you can just scale the panel and remove it not forgetting the clip the hazard warning lights and anyways you've got like that one coming through next to move the instrument panel the speedometer clark's it's a bit difficult I find it reaching with my left hand too and clips so on this one I'll use me right hand behind it and then I can grip top and bottom just squeeze the cable for the speedometer and that's it I pulled it out the back of it having on the screws on either side the only thing holding it in now is the electrical cable connection at the bottom of the speedometer clocks that and we've got an alarm wire as well the OED we've got in the way slightly but if we if we just tip it forward lift out then we should be able to unclip that wire again that's the I might just catch done and that's brought the speed of clocks out the care no I'm the other video I'll show you how to change the the bulbs for LEDs I'll just show you here those two clips I undid the one for the cables you squeeze the other side to release it and that and there's the speedometer cable which there's the clip on that showing that but squeeze top and bottom just pull it out