(Nick Clearwater) Nice! So I've got my friend Jon here,
he's a good player, we've been spending some time getting this driver dialed in,
his numbers are perfect, as you can see here. So let's take a look at what he's
got set up here and then I want to show you just how to make this thing so
radically different and gets such a different change in his ball flight. So
he's pretty well optimized on how this is gonna launch. Now he's got both of the
weights very close to the center of the face, that'll reduce the spin and should
make him hit it a little bit lower and then this 10 degree head is set pretty
close to that standard loft. Now what I want to do is radically change this
thing. So I know Jon is deathly afraid of over drawing these balls so I'm gonna
start with this weight all the way back into the low heel and then he also wants
to minimize the amount of spin he has, that's why we had that weights all the
way up to the first place, so I'm pushing both of these back into the club and
towards the heel.

Those are both the areas you wouldn't want for the most
spin and the most draw bias. Then we're even gonna do a little something fancy
to the shaft here too. Right now he's got a 10 degree driver, I'm gonna make that
12 and we're gonna really ruin Jon's day. This will remind you of the old days
when he used to hit him too high and spin them too much. So all this
adjustability is built into all these new fancy drivers. Knowing exactly where
to put the weights and how to make that happen, that's the test that you really
have problem with on your own. This is gonna be as high as you can get it Jon.
To do this well you need a launch monitor, a coach who can guide you through
the process. It's simple to do though with some help.
Hit that thing and then I'm gonna laugh as I get to see how horrible this is
going to be. Just what you wanted! You launched that
one way too high, spin rate on that is almost 4000 rpms, that one went about 30
yards shorter in the air, the truth is all in the numbers here.

We laugh
because you can do so much with all these golf clubs and yet you at home
don't always even know where to start and I just affected how much he hit this
ball by 25 yards. You need a coach, you need a launch monitor. Go find a local
GOLFTEC coach near you today get both those things done. Schedule a TECFIT..