Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube channel today. We're going to talk about how a handshake is similar to the first part of your backswing and golf. You first introduce yourself pre COVID. You would go... There is something destroying your golf swing, and I wager you haven't even considered it. You've been chasing all the technical solutions for your golf swing, getting frustrated. But if you overlook this one thing,... hi guys it's Amy your golf coach today is the mysterious beginner series level 2 golf lesson I told you about last time we worked on the 8 o'clock position last time so it really should be the half swing next but... HI, WELCOME TO ANOTHER VIDEO AS FIRST, I WANT TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO ARE FOLLOWING ME IT'S ABOUT 1600 ON INSTAGRAM AND LITTLE MORE THEN 1000 ON YOUTUBE I DID NOT EXPECT IT, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU AND NOW, LET'S DO... hello welcome back guys uh we are the back nine of the beautiful sarapon course i'm going to share with you my focus of the game where do i actually look at and what am i actually focusing on so i will signify this...