The sway causes low back pain in golf | Golf_MD

The sway causes low back pain in golf | Golf_MD One of the most common swing characteristics that lead to lower back pain in golf amateurs is the sway. The sway is an inability to rotate correctly. So instead of rotating with the takeaway on this axis, the hip is elevating...
Quick Tips for a Good (Driver) Launch

Quick Tips for a Good (Driver) Launch Alright, it's driver minute clinic time. Let's start from the ground up. So, I've got my ball teed up. I've got about half the ball above my face. That's a good tee position. Now let's get set up....
LEARN STACK & TILT (PART 1) | Golf Tips | Lesson 132

LEARN STACK & TILT (PART 1) | Golf Tips | Lesson 132 Hi golfers, Nick here from Nick Taylor golf it's Friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna start a 3 part series covering learning the stack and tilt golf swing so the 1st...
Auto doormidden slijpen!; RollGolf 2.0 #1

Auto doormidden slijpen!; RollGolf 2.0 #1 Hey folks! Great you're watching again! I'm Milo from Mastermilo No idea why I'm doing this.. But I see those vloggers doing that Who says Mastermilo Says; RollGolf You don't know what the RollGolf is? Check...