One of the most common swing characteristics that lead to lower back pain in golf amateurs is the sway. The sway is an inability to rotate correctly. So instead of rotating with the takeaway on this axis, the hip is elevating... Hey there, this is Xiaopang and you're watching my first tool-assisted speedrun When I started recording this run, my main goal was to show off some good gameplay. The time was only my secondary concern. In fact, this run... Alright, it's driver minute clinic time. Let's start from the ground up. So, I've got my ball teed up. I've got about half the ball above my face. That's a good tee position. Now let's get set up.... Hi guys, my name's Aimee Cho, a golf professional! Today I'm going to show you a super simple drill to help you hit this driver longer and straighter. Tada! Make sure you subscribe, like the video, and comment down... Hello and welcome on Carjager ! So today the weather is superb as you can see. It is the perfect weather to try the Volkswagen Golf cabriolet GLI. Before we speak more precisely about this car we are going to speak a little... Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube Channel. Today I´ll be talking about the Golf Driver. In the comments, a lot of you. And when I say a lot, a lot of you want to know how to hit your driver. So what... golf has a language all of its own and at first it can be difficult to understand so here are a few terms to get you going fairway this is the short grass where you want to direct your ball the fairway leads to the green green... Driver Part 2 Swing Hi everyone, we are going to talk about the backswing of the driver As I mentioned before that proper stance is very important I find that a common mistake my students make is when they use They tend to... Hi golfers, Nick here from Nick Taylor golf it's Friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna start a 3 part series covering learning the stack and tilt golf swing so the 1st... Hey folks! Great you're watching again! I'm Milo from Mastermilo No idea why I'm doing this.. But I see those vloggers doing that Who says Mastermilo Says; RollGolf You don't know what the RollGolf is? Check...