hey in this video i'm going to be opening up the wilson pro staff sgi one inch longer set for a men uh give this video a thumbs up if you like it or a thumbs down if you don't i don't care but let's get... (woosh effect) – Now, most people have a swing that doesn't perform under pressure, it's not as accurate. And it's a heck of a lot of effort without the accuracy and distance that you want, because it's... – So beginner golf swing basics, well there's a lot of things you can tell a beginner golfer that might help. But I've picked out three for you that I think if you can get the concepts especially, and I'll... Oh, my goodness. Look at that. Crushed. What Iron you got there? Nine. That's not even fair. We got Shawn Sav and Mu at your service. We're in our wonderful indoor facility ready for a winter of training. And one... so and welcome to a new video from the company 9ff but you probably recognize me for one or the other video I'm Jannes my father I'm Jan hi we want to thank you for all the great feedback on our golf videos that we... um that's me katie robinson two-time back-to-back silverado junior academy champion and 2016 u.s skid summer torchy enough about me let's go play some golf i want to be the first females to make an impact on the... wedges our clubs used for the shorter shots in golf approach shots chip shots pitch shots bunker shots lob shots to mention just a few there are different types of wedges to generally define by having different lofts which is... (golf club thwacks into ball) – All right, so there's a great video here today. What I see a lot of players do when they fall back, and let's be honest, everybody knows they're falling back if they're... [Music] Hey, guys! Christina Ricci. If you want more pars but you really struggle getting the ball airborne, you don't have a lot of distance especially from the fairway, that's your pain point. All right, you chunk... for example if i can make you better at a sport whether it be baseball football golf or anything quicker you're going to enjoy that sport more play it more often right that's my goal is to get more people that...