Today we’re going to show how to setup your new Approach® R10 First, we will begin by pairing your Approach® R10 with your compatible smartphone You will now need to download the Garmin Golf™ app on your phone In this video we... hey everybody Danny Maude thanks for joining us did you know that your downswing just takes about half a second to complete what's half a second that's half a second that's not enough time is it to start to... Hi golfers, Nick here from Nick Taylor golf it's Friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna start a 3 part series covering learning the stack and tilt golf swing so the 1st... – So beginner golf swing basics, well there's a lot of things you can tell a beginner golfer that might help. But I've picked out three for you that I think if you can get the concepts especially, and I'll... we went to our lockal wrecker we picked up this beauty a real garret turbo so the turbo polo is complete everything is connected air intake, exhaust oil feed , oil return i think its time for a test start i will put on the... Hello my name is Chris Ardolina and I'm a golf instructor here at the Jim Mclean golf school located at the Doral resort and spa in Miami Florida. In this clip today we are going to talking about cleaning golf clubs. And... Once gain a somewhat inconvenient lie. High grass around the ball means that the ball is in great danger – that the club gets stuck, before it hits the golf ball. But fortunately there is a solution. The key is to swing... – There are many ways to add club head speed. You can work on your ground force reactions, you can work on getting some lag. But I've really only found one way that's gonna help you to instantly add club head... Hi golfers, Nick here from Nick Taylor golf it's Friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna start a 3 part series covering learning the stack and tilt golf swing so the 1st... for example if i can make you better at a sport whether it be baseball football golf or anything quicker you're going to enjoy that sport more play it more often right that's my goal is to get more people that...