Hey everyone, Shawn and Mu, we're going to get moon and me, he even Chuck this sledgehammer, it's a six pound sledgehammer down there. So you guys need to understand why upright swings, not flat swings get to... – So beginner golf swing basics, well there's a lot of things you can tell a beginner golfer that might help. But I've picked out three for you that I think if you can get the concepts especially, and I'll... package sets come in a range of different styles made by various different brands you might be wondering to yourself and trying to figure out what the differences are between each one now ever since that thing called covert... For me, the main component of a good strategy is the so-called lay-up distance. A distance that is for me about 80 meters. And for me the pitch is favforite shot. I try as often as possible to incorporate it in my game. So... (swinging whoosh) – All right, driver versus an iron. Well, there's a lot of little similarities I'm gonna go over in this video, but there's one very specific thing that you need to get right, it's very... right line… (shhhhhhhhhh) (running behind the ball) AHHHHHHHhhhHHHHHHHhhhhHHH Oooohhhh Woooohhhooooo! Yessssss. Get the credit card out Get the credit card out. He's buying it! He's buying... Cut through the tea at the base of the ground. What the heck Just this morning there was a golfer that came in, hasn't played since May, we are in September and only played twice last year. And the last time he went ... When to Have Your Clubs Refurbished vs. Replaced [intro music] >>Nick Jendrejeski: Perhaps your clubs just aren’t providing the same pop they used to. Or maybe they just need a little TLC to have them looking good again.... Hello, welcome to Estoril Golf Club. My name is Daniel Grimm. I'm a fully qualified PGA golf professional and we're gonna give you a little tour of our facilities here in the golf course. Enjoy and I hope to see you... Hello, my name is Chris Ardolina and I'm a golf instructor, here, at the Jim McClean Golf School located at at the Dural Resort and Spa located in Miami, Florida. In this clip, we're going to teach you how to properly...