Oh, my goodness. Look at that. Crushed. What Iron you got there? Nine. That's not even fair. We got Shawn Sav and Mu at your service. We're in  our wonderful indoor facility ready for a winter of training.  And one... When you implement this trail elbow in the downswing move you'll shallow it, get more lag, and play better golf. Let's dive in! All right this trail elbow move in the downswing what am I talking about? So i'll... Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube Channel. Today I´ll be talking about the Golf Driver. In the comments, a lot of you. And when I say a lot, a lot of you want to know how to hit your driver. So what... wedges our clubs used for the shorter shots in golf approach shots chip shots pitch shots bunker shots lob shots to mention just a few there are different types of wedges to generally define by having different lofts which is... (woosh effect) – Now, most people have a swing that doesn't perform under pressure, it's not as accurate. And it's a heck of a lot of effort without the accuracy and distance that you want, because it's... Hi golfers, Nick here from Nick Taylor golf it's Friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna start a 3 part series covering learning the stack and tilt golf swing so the 1st... – So beginner golf swing basics, well there's a lot of things you can tell a beginner golfer that might help. But I've picked out three for you that I think if you can get the concepts especially, and I'll... Hi I'm Zoe from Tenerife Property Shop and today we are in the area of Golf del Sur on the south coast of Tenerife, and we are going to be viewing a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom spacious apartment. This apartment has a stylish,... (swinging whoosh) – All right, driver versus an iron. Well, there's a lot of little similarities I'm gonna go over in this video, but there's one very specific thing that you need to get right, it's very... Hi golfers Nick here from Nick Taylor Golf it's friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna take a look at a stack and tilt golf swing with the driver okay pretty good shot again...