You want to hit the ball further? Of course you do. But the thing is it cannot be forced. It cannot take a lot of effort. And the three steps I'm gonna give you today are almost frustratingly simple, but they work every... E: Ready J: aaagggghhh E: What the fuck was that? J: I meant to go AAAAIIIMMM READY but it came it like aaaaaa J: I want to skip let me do! E: OK, I'll go big home *laughs in weird voice* E: Alright! Hey get your tits... IS A FEET PAST MOVES TO THE EDGE OF THE GREEE ABOUT THIS H, YOU USUALLY CAN DROP IT RIGHT THERE ON OR NEAR THE >> YOUNG WITH DRIVER OFF THE TEE HERE THIS WILL BE A 60-YARD PITCH SHOT FOR HIMS EVENT AND TRY TO DO WHAT... welcome to the back the basics golf 10 part drill series this is the coin drill [Music] the coin drill another great way to test the quality of your strikes to make sure the ball is coming straight off the center of your... Hey, Performance Golfers, Matt Walter here coming to you with a few keys in your golf swing that you can check to make sure you're on plane and getting a good strike on the golf ball. So, in today's video, I want to... hey everybody Danny Maude thanks for joining us did you know that your downswing just takes about half a second to complete what's half a second that's half a second that's not enough time is it to start to... >> SOME COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND CORPORATIONS WILL COME TOGETHER AND USE GOLF AS A TOOL TO FOSTER CHANGE. >> THERE IS MORE IN THE OPPORTUNITIES BEING PROVIDED TO THE BE THE CHANGE TOURNAMENT. >> WE WERE IN THE... WHISPER OF WIND INTO AND OFF THE LEFT AT THE MOMENT GREEN IT'S T BACK THERE BIRDIE FOR KANG. >> THIS WAS THE THIRD FOR THITIKUL AR CHARLEY. 13 AGAIN >> JUST A MOMENT ATTHAYA THITIKUL >> WHERE THAT HOLE... – So beginner golf swing basics, well there's a lot of things you can tell a beginner golfer that might help. But I've picked out three for you that I think if you can get the concepts especially, and I'll... Speaker 1: Hey everyone, Shawn Sav & Mu. And, do we have an episode for you today So many of you are saying, man, I struggle with my long irons starting at the six iron I'm. I really start to spray the ball and,...