LEARN STACK & TILT (PART 1) | Golf Tips | Lesson 132

LEARN STACK & TILT (PART 1) | Golf Tips | Lesson 132

https://www.youtube.com/embed/yyG-qlG08eg Hi golfers, Nick here from Nick Taylor golf it's Friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna start a 3 part series covering learning the stack and tilt golf swing so the 1st...
Costa rica : enquête sur un paradis écolo

Costa rica : enquête sur un paradis écolo

https://www.youtube.com/embed/TeWggIJe6TQ With its tropical climate, his forest as far as the eye can see and the ocean for horizon, Costa Rica has been for some years the flagship destination nature lovers. They go through thousands of kilometers and disembark from...