Chip Better By Using The Ladder Drill

Chip Better By Using The Ladder Drill so I've spoken before about the two elements of chipping so the first element is what I'm going to call airtime that's the amount of time the ball spends in the air and the second element is ground time that's...
VW Golf Sportsvan

VW Golf Sportsvan Schauen Sie sich mal diesen VW an. There is one Benzinmotor and one manuelles Getriebe. Dieses Auto ist unterotherm mit einem multifunktionalen Lenkrad, further Sitzheizung und einer Klimaautomatik ausgestattet. Sie sind immer...
Day 1 – Here  |  MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 1 – Here | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey – Hello, everyone, and welcome to Move, your 30 day yoga journey. I'm Adriene, and this is sweet Benji, and we are so glad you're here. I mean, I think I can speak for him, but I am so glad that you are here. You...
Unboxing TaylorMade’s New Stealth Driver!

Unboxing TaylorMade’s New Stealth Driver! – Cinebot studios, a super fancy, multimillion dollar production facility, with a robot camera. – That scared me a little bit – Today we got a special delivery from the golf company TaylorMade inside is their...