(woosh effect) – Now, most people have a swing that doesn't perform under pressure, it's not as accurate. And it's a heck of a lot of effort without the accuracy and distance that you want, because it's... Hi guys it's Aimee. Today I have prepared a bunker shot lesson for beginners. Okay, so when you step into the bunker you have to be careful not to touch the sand, because according to the SJ rule 13 – 4, you get... So, who doesn't love golfing? Well, actually me I'm not really a golfer but I will tell you I do get asked quite often, where can I go golfing around Quantico, Virginia. So in this video I'm going to talk about... Hi, Andy Eastwood here welcoming you to the Octopus Ukulele Academy! [Andy shows off…] There's all sorts of fancy strumming you can do on the ukulele but let's not try to run before we can walk. None of that... Hello, my name is Chris Ardolina and I'm a golf instructor, here, at the Jim McClean Golf School located at at the Dural Resort and Spa located in Miami, Florida. In this clip, we're going to teach you how to properly... Hello and welcome on Carjager ! So today the weather is superb as you can see. It is the perfect weather to try the Volkswagen Golf cabriolet GLI. Before we speak more precisely about this car we are going to speak a little... hope y'all having a great day out here at Nashville golf & Athletic Club got a fun little on course challenge today we're gonna be playing at two ball scramble on the front nine this video is gonna be the first... SONIC: Let's do this! STEVE: Alright, Sonic! Step right up! SONIC: This better not be another one of your tricks, Steve! SONIC: Huh? Where the heck am I? BALDI: Hello, Sonic! BALDI: Welcome to my schoOOl house! SONIC:... Hi golfers Nick here from Nick Taylor Golf it's friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna take a look at a stack and tilt golf swing with the driver okay pretty good shot again... – So beginner golf swing basics, well there's a lot of things you can tell a beginner golfer that might help. But I've picked out three for you that I think if you can get the concepts especially, and I'll...