hey everybody Danny Maude thanks for joining us did you know that your downswing just takes about half a second to complete what's half a second that's half a second that's not enough time is it to start to... I'm at the golf driving range at Bali National Golf Club. And we've had a lot of requests for me to share advice on how to swing a golf club for senior golfers. I don't know who a senior golfer is, but it might be... Hey, it's Sam Oh and welcome to the first module which is on keyword research. In this first lesson, we're going to talk about what keywords are and how to choose them using a simple 4-point checklist. Let's get... Speaker 1: Hey everyone, Shawn Sav & Mu. And, do we have an episode for you today So many of you are saying, man, I struggle with my long irons starting at the six iron I'm. I really start to spray the ball and,... (woosh effect) – Now, most people have a swing that doesn't perform under pressure, it's not as accurate. And it's a heck of a lot of effort without the accuracy and distance that you want, because it's... That tiny change is gonna make all the difference to every shot you hit from green to drive. I talk a lot about your natural instincts and the more we can tap into it, you're gonna play better golf. You're gonna have a... hey everybody Danny Maude thanks for joining us did you know that your downswing just takes about half a second to complete what's half a second that's half a second that's not enough time is it to start to... what is up vector community i am tori wilson i'm here today with don saladino and we are here in the barn we're gonna do a great lower body workout we got five exercises i hope you're ready to work i'm nervous... – So, if you're watching this video, it most likely means you're struggling with early extension or you're struggling to stay down in the shot, stay down, getting forward shaft lean, being able to release.... (woosh effect) – Now, most people have a swing that doesn't perform under pressure, it's not as accurate. And it's a heck of a lot of effort without the accuracy and distance that you want, because it's...