LEARN STACK & TILT (PART 1) | Golf Tips | Lesson 132

LEARN STACK & TILT (PART 1) | Golf Tips | Lesson 132

https://www.youtube.com/embed/yyG-qlG08eg Hi golfers, Nick here from Nick Taylor golf it's Friday so welcome to another lesson on golf tips this week on golf tips we're gonna start a 3 part series covering learning the stack and tilt golf swing so the 1st...
BUDGET Clean Car SEAT For 0 $ ?  ( VW GOLF 7 )

BUDGET Clean Car SEAT For 0 $ ? ( VW GOLF 7 )

https://www.youtube.com/embed/3cS5R8FIV3s Hello! Do you have stains on the seats of your car, just like me? We all drink and eat in our cars sometimes and those stains can cost us a lot of money. But I have discovered a way that won't affect your wallet much! For...