Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube Channel. Today I´ll be talking about the Golf Driver. In the comments, a lot of you. And when I say a lot, a lot of you want to know how to hit your driver. So what... (golf ball strikes) – All right, so I feel like most golfers, you get sick and tired of not being able to clear those hips and rotate 'em open. When you make a swing and look at it on video, you notice that you stand... >>> WE'RE BACK ON GOLF SENTRA WITH YOU FROM BLESSING GOLF CLUB IN ARKANSAS. COLLEGE GOLF IS BACK WHAT A DAY WE HAD ON MONDAY. LOPEZ RAMIREZ, THE SOFT MOR FROM MISSISSIPPI STATE. >> WHAT A ROUND OF GOLF JULIO... Broken? Impossible. some of you already left a comment, saying that offroad tyres are a must for the Golf Country and of course there's a large choice of offroad tyres on Ebay of course I thought of the spare wheel the... (Nick Clearwater) Nice! So I've got my friend Jon here, he's a good player, we've been spending some time getting this driver dialed in, his numbers are perfect, as you can see here. So let's take a look at... Hey, friends. It's Len from 1A Auto. Today, I want to give you some quick information about some under the hood basics. Right off the bat, I want to let you know that almost everything can be found right inside your... (logo swishing) – Now over the years, I've learned a few tricks that are gonna allow you to make golf easy. It's gonna make it easy to hit that nice draw. It's gonna make it easy to get that ball that feels... If you're slicing it, pulling it, hitting thin or fat shots what i'm about to show you in this video is going to help you out because it's all about the magic of the right elbow. Okay, the first part of this... Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube Channel. Today I´ll be talking about the Golf Driver. In the comments, a lot of you. And when I say a lot, a lot of you want to know how to hit your driver. So what... – Welcome back, Adam Bazalgette here in sunny Naples, Florida. Two-time PGA Teacher of the Year Award winner down here, want to touch on a subject today, an important one, how to chip and pitch a golf ball, stay tuned....