hey guys welcome to the great outdoors RV my name is mait and today we're gonna go a little bit more in depth on batteries so batteries are the heart of a camper because they run everything they can run everything from... (logo swishing) – Now over the years, I've learned a few tricks that are gonna allow you to make golf easy. It's gonna make it easy to hit that nice draw. It's gonna make it easy to get that ball that feels... How can this jackknife drill, help your weight shift Amazing the power you're going to get by understanding the timing of where you want to deploy the knife. I don't want to miss this show. So 201-yards carry... Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube Channel. Today I´ll be talking about the Golf Driver. In the comments, a lot of you. And when I say a lot, a lot of you want to know how to hit your driver. So what... – Cinebot studios, a super fancy, multimillion dollar production facility, with a robot camera. – That scared me a little bit – Today we got a special delivery from the golf company TaylorMade inside is their... welcome to the back the basics golf 10 part drill series this is the coin drill [Music] the coin drill another great way to test the quality of your strikes to make sure the ball is coming straight off the center of your... – If I got a video for you to help you hit your driver. Absolutely fantastic. You're gonna feel like this thing is a weapon and all we have to do is a few simple things that all great drivers of the golf ball do. And... I'm at the golf driving range at Bali National Golf Club. And we've had a lot of requests for me to share advice on how to swing a golf club for senior golfers. I don't know who a senior golfer is, but it might be... Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube Channel. Today I´ll be talking about the Golf Driver. In the comments, a lot of you. And when I say a lot, a lot of you want to know how to hit your driver. So what... – Cinebot studios, a super fancy, multimillion dollar production facility, with a robot camera. – That scared me a little bit – Today we got a special delivery from the golf company TaylorMade inside is their...