The posture you have when you set up to the ball is even more important than aiming. What, before you yell at me, yes. Aiming of course is important, but it does not have as much of an effect, the contact, but your direction,... Flush Sweep Hi everyone, I'm Michelle Welcome back to the Golf Channel with Michelle today I'm going to talk about our fairway woods some people use a 3-wood, a 4-wood or a 5-wood that's what we're talking... OK, a good tip for beginners when they start playing golf . . . What I normally tell my friends is that it's not about strength or trying to hit the ball as far as you can. It's about rhythm. It's about... I'm at the golf driving range at Bali National Golf Club. And we've had a lot of requests for me to share advice on how to swing a golf club for senior golfers. I don't know who a senior golfer is, but it might be... hey guys welcome to the great outdoors RV my name is mait and today we're gonna go a little bit more in depth on batteries so batteries are the heart of a camper because they run everything they can run everything from... hey everybody Danny Maude thanks for joining us did you know that your downswing just takes about half a second to complete what's half a second that's half a second that's not enough time is it to start to... I'm at the golf driving range at Bali National Golf Club. And we've had a lot of requests for me to share advice on how to swing a golf club for senior golfers. I don't know who a senior golfer is, but it might be... huh all right guys so today we're gonna play the random club challenge usually in golf you obviously get to choose what club you wanna hit and it's pretty easy today we're gonna change things up we're gonna... thanks for coming oh thanks for having me yeah very cool to meet you um first there's a lot to talk about first of all uh golf has become such a such a big sport in the last 10 years it's been so huge your approach to... Take a moment to read the following. How was that? Frustrating? Slow? What were those sentences about? They're actually a simulation of the experience of dyslexia, designed to make you decode each word. Those with dyslexia...