Hello! Do you have stains on the seats of your car, just like me? We all drink and eat in our cars sometimes and those stains can cost us a lot of money. But I have discovered a way that won't affect your wallet much! For the cleaning of the car interior you will need a Wet&Dry vacuum, I have this Einhell one and it is really good. If you don't have this kind of cleaner, take a dry cloth or just borrow a vacuum from someone who has one. You will also need some vinegar or apple cider vinegar, doesn't make a difference, dish soap, about a liter of water in a container (0.26 gallons), and a sponge. So I took a liter of water and put a lot of dish soap in it. That is important because it will clean out all the filth and the vinegar will basically disinfect the seat since it contains alcohol. I think that that will be a perfect combination. I put about 2-3 deciliters of vinegar in the mixture, but it depends on how much water you use.
And you take a sponge and mix it all together. When you get a lot of bubbles, you will know that the mixture is ready. So to use this mixture, you just slowly rub your seats. You can use a brush or something of that kind, it will also work the same. As you can see, I rubbed it in pretty hard. I crossed the same spot a few times. So after you rub the mixture in, leave it for 10-15 minutes for it to dry up. Then you take your Wet&Dry vacuum and you thoroughly and slowly vacuum it all. I'll show you how the water in the vacuum turned out at the end of the video.
If you don't have this vacuum, I deeply recommend that you borrow one because you will not draw out the mixture very well with a dry cloth. Then you repeat the process on the driver's seat. So rub it in thoroughly, leave it to dry up for about 10-15 minutes and then vacuum. Also don't be afraid of moisture, I will show you how to make sure no moisture gets left behind. So now I'll vacuum the seat and get an almost dry basis. And for the end we have the backseats that we "shampooed". So I rubbed it in very well, left it enough time to dry up and vacuumed it. You can find a review on my channel for this particular vacuum cleaner.
I'll leave a link in the description below. The vacuum is very good for this kind of work, especially work around the house, the car or anything else. Now, the vacuum itself vacuumed most of the moisture out of the seats, but I decided to put the heating on. I also put on the option for heated seats. I have the both front seats heated. I turned it up to the max so the car dries up quicker. If you plan on doing this in the middle of the summer, you can leave the car in a parking lot or in your yard in the middle of the sun.
Now I'll show you what we actually vacuumed out of the seats. Get ready for this because even I couldn't believe how filthy the water is. The water is completely black. You don't even know how much filth can be hidden in your seats. You are supposed to do this more often since that is vehicle hygiene. And we also sit in them a lot of the time.
So guys, after 2 hours of drying the seats look brand new. You will smell the smell of vinegar in your car for a couple of days. But it will all go away with time. The important thing is that your seats are clean and disinfected. So if I have helped you and I saved you some money hit the like button, share and subscribe and I will see you in the next video. Bye!.