today we're going to be taking a look at the callaway warbird package set now this set is probably the most sought after package set from the last few years and to be fair it's not hard to see why going off of the locks of it so package sets are typically aimed at mid to high handicappers and maybe like people who are just getting into golf or people like getting back into playing after having a bit of time out so with that in mind that is why they usually make package sets to promote a bit more distance forgiveness and just general easiness of use and also like with most package sets in this callaway one you will find a five to sand wedge iron set with oversized heads now the oversized heads are quite a bit bigger than a typical iron set iron which just makes the sweet spot a bit larger so it increases room for error so if you're not quite catching out of the middle you're still going to get pretty good results and there's just more room to play with so the retail price of this set that we're looking at today is just under 800 pounds so we take a look at what you get in this set i'm gonna give like a rough price using that price i just mentioned at the 800 pound and give like a rough estimate of what each club will cost so the driver you'd probably be looking about one three five on that and then it jumps to five wood which i would price it about 115 pounds and then as i mentioned a second ago in the iron set you get a five to sand wedge so i would price that at about 350 in this set and then obviously you get a putter and the bags included which i would price both about 100 pound but however you spread the price over these clubs you're still getting like a really good value per club than you do if you're going to buy like a set off the shelf like say callaway's main model of club for example even like the normal iron set you're looking at paying the same sort of amount as this whole set cost so that is how good the value of this package set works out against like the main set of clubs that you see callaway and every other brand promoting all the time i'm not going to be putting it up against anything because i did a cobra one of that last week if you want to check that out so then you can see the exact differences between the two but i just wanted to see how good this calorie set actually was so yeah let's do that and put these clubs to the test now like at this point in all my videos it's now time for me to hand you over to our tamed golf club duster now some say that he appears on high value stamps in sweden and that you should never go around his house for christmas lunch unless you like the taste of seagull all we know is it's called the bomber starting with the sand wedge so the bomber hit a few pit shots just to get started just to get a feel of these clubs and he moved on to a few full shots using the sand wedge now the main thing to notice about this package set straight away and the bomber mentioned it too is the actual weight of them so it's quite a noticeable difference in weight between this set and other typical package sets so with the seven iron which is the iron that i normally compare in my videos they were going pretty well as you can see by these shots now the heads on these irons i can't actually see anything mentioned about these with the write-ups of this package set but they do seem to be quite offset and the bomber was actually moaning about this saying that they did feel like quite heel weighted and quite sort of draw biased which you can see by shots everything was going slightly left i mean the strike was good but he does have a tendency of drawing it anyway so this kind of wasn't suiting him or favoring his natural swing so let's take a look over these numbers with the seven iron that the bombers just hit with ten shots i'm going to put these into my leaderboard and compare them against every other seven iron that i've tested so far so the launch was actually coming out really low for the bomber on his like normal typical shot and i mean part of that reason is probably because they were going a bit left so the club face was a bit close when he was hitting them but even taking that into consideration they were still going quite low for the bomber the spin as well was also quite low i mean it wasn't too low we'd like to see a bit higher but that probably also had something to do with the closed face but with a low launch i would expect the spin to be slightly higher than it was now the peak height then was quite low and probably as a result of the previous two which then caused the descent angle to be a bit too flat for my liking so you're not really going to get too much stop when landing it on the greens but it is coming out at quite a nice low flight which i don't mind especially playing in england it's always windy and you need to keep it under the wind it's going to help for that reason now the most unusual thing about looking over all of these numbers is the distance now we're taking all these numbers that we've hit so far i would expecting this to have gone a lot further than it was doing so with a low launch low backspin going quite low and quite flat it's almost like it's hitting like a six or five iron with them type of numbers but the distance isn't showing that and it's actually not even going that far for a seven iron really so on the leaderboard here you can see the cobra package set seven iron in here as well now i think these callaway ones look slightly nicer than that so i'll give it a slightly higher rating so the bomber was hitting a few in his pre-test warm-up and there was a few there shall we say that weren't struck that great but the results are actually still pretty close to the normal shot then as i mentioned the spin rate wasn't great the distance wasn't too good either but the price per club is going to be probably one of the best on here just the main thing that was letting these clubs down was the dispersion now that's a bit unfortunate that the bomber does normally hit a left because that just wasn't suiting the bomber's swing so i mean if this was going a bit straighter and say you've had a zero or one dispersion that would have brought the points total right up and would have placed this like mid table and in a pretty good position but unfortunately that is life and more importantly that is golf so without disappointment and what you normally get in golf is disappointment let's move on to the firewood so the bomber was hitting this 5 wood really well actually and you mentioned that it did feel quite stiff especially in the lower part of the shaft which is probably one of the reasons why all these shots tend to be coming out quite low because they do feel like a bit of a heavier and a bit of a stiffer shaft to your normal package set as i mentioned before and that is going to result in a bit of a lower flight but yeah good distance with this 5 wood a bit better than it was with the irons and a good dispersion like everything was going pretty straight so this 5 wood was going pretty well but then when we got onto the driver now this was actually coming out pretty similar to the irons again and this driver is actually quite interesting because it's about half an inch maybe an inch shorter than a normal driver so they've kind of taken more control and dispersion outlook on this rather than going for all out distance but the ions and the rest of the set are just standard length and the same as what you would normally get it's similar to the ions is because it was coming out low again now the bomber normally launches it quite high but this was coming out quite low and the spin was quite high so it's kind of the opposite to what you're after with a driver like the more well the better way of playing it nowadays is a high launch and low spin that's how most drivers are made for and that's probably the main reason why the distance was not quite as far as what he would normally hit it now i thought a lot of this was going to be down to the flex and the shaft but actually having looked at the shaft on this it actually comes with a stiff flex driver so even though it does stay stiff is still quite a light and quite a flexible stiff and i mean looking at these shots i mean the bomber was still hitting it really well it just wasn't getting the same sort of distance but in terms of consistency and accuracy you can't complain about any of these shots really and for a mid to high handicapper looking for a package set or maybe someone looking for the first set i mean that is the main thing you want to look for to start with is is how often you hit in the fairway and how straight it's actually going and as these clubs are aimed at that type of person it's actually doing exactly what it's supposed to what it says on the tin and again like the irons it just felt like you couldn't really leave anything out right that much so i was actually quite impressed with this driver i don't think it's the best looking driver it probably doesn't feel the best but in terms of accuracy and easiness of sort of getting it down there in the middle of the fairway you can't really go wrong with it so moving on from driving for show now let's take a look at putting for dough and the putter in the set is one of the best parts about this package set let's just see what callaway statement on this putter is in this set so this set comes complete with one of the most successful putters in odyssey golf history this easy to line heel and toe putter is supremely balanced and has a urethane insert for more feedback on every putting stroke so yes for those people that don't know odyssey is made by callaway and surprisingly quite a few people don't actually know that but odyssey being one of the biggest names in the putter market that is the level of quality that you're getting in this package set now i know the putter doesn't really interest the majority of people especially people just starting out like a putter is a putter to them most of time but just be rest assured that this putter is ideal but as far as putters go this is a great addition to this package set see now that i've gone through each club in the set it's now time to properly put it to the test and we're gonna be playing nine holes around the brabusin with it so when i'm playing these holes don't actually use the putter for it that's because it's too hard putting on this machine on a mat so what i tend to do is just give myself a one button from 12 foot an inch to put from 12 foot to 50 foot everything over 50 foot is going to be a three but see i'm just going to pick nine random holes around the braxton and we're going to see what score this callaway package set can shoot round there so starting off with the driver i would expect the bomber to be hitting quite a few fairways with this due to the shorter shaft i can't imagine it getting down there as far as he normally does the fight on all these clubs is actually really nice and especially considering that the shaft should be a bit whippy and a bit too light at how quick the bombers swing so you should really be expecting it to be quite a bit too high and just like a higher week of flight that sort of balloons in the air and doesn't really go anywhere and that's pretty similar story again with the irons so two pretty good shots there on the first to take a steady par to begin with and moving on to the next and the driver was a bit wayward which is pretty typical of the bomber to be fair in the last few videos as i mentioned in the range session though i would imagine that most of his missed shots they will be towards the left-hand side as that's what these clubs are set up to do and the bomber doesn't really need any help in that department nevertheless though the bomber still had a pretty good line into the green he hit a nice shot over the flag and even showed a bit of backspin on the green but not quite enough to set up a birdie but another nice part on the second with so our two hit greens isn't a bad start to the round setting up is two in two parts hole number three par three from 161 yards going in with the eight iron and what a beautiful shot to who would have guessed the left side of the pin but not that far left as it set up a good birdie and first of the round and hopefully more to come i'm quite surprised to be fair how quick these approach shots are actually stopping with a fairly low ball flight because it's not even like it's going a long way so you can use a shorter club which will give you more spin and lock as the bomber mentioned he felt really comfortable aiming up the right-hand side of the greens knowing that he just won't lose any out to the right famous last words i know but anyway on to the fourth and the driver back in hand the par 410 at the belfry it's pretty drivable par 4 normally but i think it might just be outreach with this warbird driver it's only actually playing 263 today so this green is actually quite long and it's probably like 30 yards difference if it landed literally a yard further it would have stopped a lot quicker if it landed actually on the green instead of on the fringe and it would have been at least a birdie that i think or maybe even an eagle as it was just over the 50-foot benchmark it was a three-part part but the shot was actually almost perfectly played i generally love that hole even though i've never played it in real life but i love a gamble and a risky reward hole so that is a really nice hole to play and i will probably be picking that in most of my nine hole review videos now onto the fifth hole part three again 176 yards this time going in with a seven iron quite a tough hole this one over the water and not the shortest of holes but i think i jinxed the bomber by saying these irons were stopping quick because as you can see here this like the last one just went bounding on through the green through the back and set up another three pot would you believe well this time it was a bogey it would have been better going off the green so we could have had a chance of getting up and down it was also hard trying to get the numbers right playing with completely different clubs week and week out to be fair to him or a sixth hole another part three again this time at one eight eight yards to the pin opt-in for the six iron this time standard sharp usual shot shape a bit of a draw right into the heart of the green getting off the three foot train results in another part keeping the bomber at a level par for the round so pretty standard straightforward hole there moving on to the seventh of the day the shortage par 4 16 at 370 yards but it does play a bit shorter than that and usually a pretty good birdie opportunity here if you can get a good drive away i know it wasn't to be today though as the bomber went left and the shorter shaft on this driver doesn't seem to be working too much in the bomber's favor but as i've mentioned a few times the anti-right of this driver just doesn't work well with the bomber's natural shot shape that he plays not to worry again though as he did have a good line in still and 126 is just a perfect number to play to far enough to play a full shot but close enough to not really be able to straight too far away and and it shows with this absolute peach of a shot here with a load of rip back almost ripping back straight into the hole it wasn't quite meant to be so a birdie would have to do but now on the path for the round one under and if you think about it this is actually quite an accurate reading doing this because yeah you had the birdie on the par 3 which is about 10 foot way so you could argue that you wouldn't definitely have hold that what is definite is that one of those three buttons daphne wouldn't have been a three-putt so apart from the fact there's no wind and every light is perfect every time and this is just like real life anyway the eighth hole today the 17th part five it's quite a hard t shot this one a big dog leg to the right but you do want to cut it as much as possible to give you a chance to get into the green this t-shirt was pretty good though got a bit lucky with a bounce off the bunker but it did somehow find the fairway which is a bit too far back to be able to reach with a 5 wood which is one thing with this set is that it doesn't come with the 3 wood which maybe would have got there i mean he was thinking about going with the driver which definitely would have got there but it got down there pretty well decent distance nice flight and straight away i wanted to place it which left a nice straightforward ship and put for birdie it wasn't the best of ships but it was within range and set up another birdie now taking the bomber to 200 par with one hole to play which is the ninth hole of the day the 18th par 4 where without a doubt we'll be taking a cheat code and blasting it down the opposite hole coming the opposite way which is by far the much safer option avoiding most of the water a good drive to finish off with but just lacking a bit of distance again i was pretty impressed to be fair how the bomber has been hitting that driver it's really good to watch in the air but i'm just spinning a bit too much as i said before because the bomber swings a bit too quickly after that driver combined with it being a bit shorter and a bit too high of a loft what he normally uses then you can see why it's not down there as far but like say a 260 drive straight down the middle nothing to complain about that's most important thing is finding the fairway so there's actually more than fine round most average courses that play like 6005 yards or under like you don't really need to be hitting it further than that anyway the pro shot looked like it was going to set up another birdie here to finish the day off with but he's just outside the range so you'd have to settle with a par in the 18th which isn't the worst thing ever to finish on a nice two under par for the round there was three birdies and one bogey pretty good standard of golf there going to show that you don't necessarily have to be a mid to high handicapper to enjoy this set as i said at the start that aiming point to go for i was quite a standard score around here for the bomber around nine holes so it's done well to score that i think the callaway is made for people who playing a bit of a better standard of golf and then the code one is made to be just like really easy to use especially for anybody who's struggling with a slice i think those are the main two differences between these yeah whatever package set you go for you're always getting like a really good deal and a really good price as i mentioned at the start compared to like the main ones that you see these like just really good value for money if you could let me know what you think about these nine holes i've been playing i think i'm going to stop them because they do take a bit too long and i just want to figure out how to properly record them but if you let me know what you think that would be amazing and if you want to see more reviews like this i'm going to be doing a various different things over the next however long it's going to be don't forget to smash that subscribe button and hit that bell if you don't want to miss any more of my upcoming videos we'll see you in the next one thanks for watching goodbye