– Hey there, thanks so much for tuning in. Are you ready to make sure that your golf grip is on point and also ready to relieve some of the tension that you may be feeling in your body during or after a round? If so,... may have seen by now that brands have started to bring out previous generations of models to run alongside their current lineups and you may have also seen rick shields videos where he's been reviewing the cobra f9 and the... huh all right guys so today we're gonna play the random club challenge usually in golf you obviously get to choose what club you wanna hit and it's pretty easy today we're gonna change things up we're gonna... If you're struggling with your golf game at the moment and your swing feels off I want you to take a good look at what your hips are doing. I can almost guarantee you're not getting your hips deep enough in the golf... welcome to the top gear test track we're going to take a look at a bunch of cars that didn't quite make it into the main show and we're going to pit them head to head to see which one puts down the fastest snap... – The concept of having the club across the line really relies on the fact we've established what the line is. So the line is our ball to intended target. So I've got my ball here, my intended target, the...