Driver Part 2 Swing Hi everyone, we are going to talk about the backswing of the driver As I mentioned before that proper stance is very important I find that a common mistake my students make is when they use They tend to swing a little to the right when the driver is backswing and actually that puts them further away from the ball so sometimes that can cause you to hit the back of the ball if you overdo it and you hit the top of the ball okay I see Another mistake is leaning too far on the left side of the body which can cause you to hit too deep and the ball will bounce into the air understand so it's very important to keep our stability and also our turn to be nice in order to make a nice backswing it's very important It's important that we get the bar right, right? So again, is this a standard stance? I make sure my arms are stretched out from my torso when doing the backswing with the toes facing forward.

Stretch out understand? We can't let it rise right away when the club is backswinged we can't let it get too flat, alright, make sure I'm making the right shot . The spin to get a great top position, is that ok when we do the spin backswing to the top we see that our head is a bit behind the ball we have to make sure the head is not over the ball or even in The front of the ball, okay? A great kick is to stretch my arms out to make sure my chest starts to turn, okay? My left knee will move in and down a little bit just make sure it doesn't collapse all over for me You will notice some gravity on your right heel when you lean to the top of the backswing to the left, is it not 100% gravity on the right heel but you can put 55% on the left and 45% on the right or 50% on each side can also make you feel a little more weight on your right heel when you hit the top of the backswing, right? That's the ideal stance on the backswing .

It's really important to make sure you're doing a full rotation, right? That way you can give the downswing more power. Now let's practice the downswing. When I hit the top of the backswing I want you to start the downswing with the left hip and move it slightly to the left or nudge it so my body stays on the top and hits my head with the ball and is always behind the ball For the hitting action our left hip should turn to the back, my chest starts to face the target, and at the same time, the left arm is straight.

Our handle is not forward or backward, it will not press the ball, just make sure the driver Going back to where it was set with the hips and chest facing the target, okay? At all times we have to make sure our left hand is stretched out from the chest but the elbow may be slightly bent when hitting the ball, okay? That's hitting Ball Position After hitting the ball I have to make sure my arms are fully extended from my chest to make sure I have enough rotation around my spine so that the face stays square so it looks like this is around my hitting position. Body rotation to keep the clubface square we all want to have a nice finish when we get to this feed position, right so from here we have to make sure our left side is about 80% gravity and keep going around us Rotate the spine until our left leg is at 100% gravity and our right foot is just turned this way .

Make sure you are balanced when closing the bar. If you want to check that the left side is at 100% gravity, try lifting it slightly Just tap your right foot down if you see yourself lifting your right foot and then backing up it means your gravity is not fully on your left foot is that ok as I mentioned before, control your Swing is a very important thing If you are struggling with your swing and are always uncontrolled and unbalanced you can adjust your swing speed to 70% of your normal speed and see what happens No. 1 Wood Stance 1. The top of the ball is half the height of the ball above the driver 2. The ball is on the inside of the left heel 3. It leans to the right 4.

Gravity is 50:50 1. Straighten your arms when taking the shot 2. Rotate on the driver tilt axis 3. Gently push/move the left hip to initiate the downswing 4. Straighten the left arm when hitting the ball and align with the shaft 5. Also send the rod through the driver tilt axis 6. Close the rod & Well styled, that's all I have to share with you about the driver Please make sure you always hit the ball with a square face and a good rhythm on the ideal swing plane Of course, always hit Sweet spot I hope this video helps you guys hit more fairways hit the ball where you want it Remember to subscribe to my channel thank you very much, we will see you soon thank you