Speaker 1: Hey everyone, Shawn Sav & Mu. And, do  we have an episode for you today So many of you   are saying, man, I struggle with my long irons  starting at the six iron I'm. I really start to   spray the ball and, and it, and it really becomes  a headcase. We're going to show you just how   incredibly easy it is to get a ball airborne,  solidly struck with one of your long irons.   Pick one, anyone, no big deal.

You  want to stay tuned for this show   But before we continue, of course, we  would love for you to be part of the   wisdom and golf team. So please  subscribe to the channel, leave A comment or question down  below and give us a thumbs up And be sure to smash that bell so you  never miss any videos! Smash the bell, man.   I love it. Out of the gate. Of course, the long  irons are called long irons because it's longer   shafts.

So I got pitching wedge and I got four  iron here. And the distance between you and the   ball is obviously going to change. But many of  you are saying, you know, I want to have the   fist between my club and the ball. And so if  I do fist between club and ball, here we go.   So fist between club and ball, let it  swing back and through without stopping.   Okay. That's fine with the  pitching wedge. Alright.   So if I do fist with the four iron and  then you try it and do that, whoop whoop   that's different. See that would have been  many of you. And then now look at how,   when I let gravity deploy my arm  club unit, it's coming out here. So obviously I'm not out of balance  right now because I feel like   my feet are very secure to the ground. I'm  just pre-deploying. So my wedge was over here.   My 7iron will be here. My four  iron is going to be there.   Then my fairway woods in there, my drivers.  So the distance between my hands and my body   is going to be very different.

So that's number  one. So the first thing that we need to do, you   got some bird lunch here is we pick our  intermediate points. So I'm going to set up   to go to my building over here and I'm going to  secure my posture, pre-deploy my arm club unit,   and see where that wants to cut grass right  there. Now I bring that into the ball. So   we talked about, if you haven't seen  our videos on how to cut the grass yet,   I recommend you go check out the best training  aid in golf, the grass whip, Shawn Clement,   and then go see grass whip  training, Shawn Clement. So understand that the sole of the club is  designed to cut grass first and foremost, the turf   interaction, by the way, these Callaway apex 21,  the way the sole is configured, it is the best,   turf interaction I've ever experienced  as a golf professional or a player in the   last 40 years.

They've really they've. They  found the right recipe. So I am delivering   my dandy line stem towards my target. So that's  a dandelion and we're going to start with,   and this is Tom Watson used to warm up with a  three-iron. You imagine that's that cool. So if I   was just warming up with a four iron right here, I  see my dandelion stem. I just gather it naturally   and then just cut the dandelion stem in the  direction of my target. So I basically hit   that four iron, about 150 yards. I'm not trying  to lift the ball. All I'm trying to do is cut the   dandelion stem in the direction that I want the  ball to go on and I'm not trying to hit it far.   All I want to do is let the weight of  my arms cut the stem in that direction. So hear the sound of that really solid. Now,  if I take a little draw here, I'm going to   do a little flight plan.

I'm going to start  at the right edge of my intermediate point.   Play the ball off here back  a center. Yes. You heard it.   I'm actually playing the ball. There's the  center of my stance, a hair back a center. And   from there, I'm just cutting the dandelion stem  in that direction as if nothing was a big deal.   So ball back to center, gather it, and let  it go in the direction. I want it to go.   So notice the contact with the ball is always  solid because I'm always cutting the stem of   that dandelion in that direction. And so if  you try to lift the ball with the long irons,   that's not going to work. If I were to  take the ball and put it right off my back   foot and close the face, completely watch this.  So notice I've basically had zero lofts left.   That ball is going to basically  go off the ground about that much.   Then the dimples on the ball, once the  ball is airborne, the dimples on the ball   are going to help raise it up.

So I'm going  to play the ball right off that back foot,   close the face and just let the weight of my  arms cut through the stem in that direction. Look at that. Wow, well, not pretty And   that was easily 200 yards. So look how high  that went. I mean, that's perfect for playing   anywhere in Scotland or Texas, that's the  kind of shots that you're going to need.   And on our premium channel this week, we just  finished a nice practice session in the trees.   Very, very cool way to practice your long irons.   Find a nice area at your golf course where  you can hit shots out from the trees.

Don't   keep the trees too close at first. You know,  it wouldn't want that ball to ricochet and   you know, hurts you. So Sav are you ready Yep.  Let's have a look at what salve does with this.   So you got five iron and you know, for, for most  women, five irons are very, very difficult to hit   because they typically don't have the club speed  to benefit from it. But it doesn't mean that   you can't hit it. Right So let's see you hit some  ridiculously smooth five irons in that direction.   So that was a full range of motion. And that's  the key here because the club is so much longer.   It's like a ball on a string. And what you're  looking for is the full range of motion in   the backswing. Then just let the arms fall  through the stem and out toward the target.   How easy is that   height on That's like too easy? Now, do you  ever feel the need to hit the long irons hard I did before, but not anymore.

She did before, but not anymore.  and what changed for you Well, working on the alignment of all my clubs  kind of help solidify everything. And then,   the thing we worked on with  just throwing it easily. Yes. The video where we did it's called gently  drive your ball 300 yards. Right. And   that video was, I mean, it ruffled a lot of  feathers because people go on that's impossible.   There's no way you're hitting at 300 yards with  that swing. It always looks a little slower on   video, by the way. Right. And when you go to a  PGA tour event or an LPGA tour event in person,   you'll notice that club's coming through a lot  faster than what you've seen on video. Right. So   it's really cool when you go see the events  live now and then the GC quad that we use   make no mistake. It's giving you very accurate  information. So let's see hit one more, The smoother you swing, the farther it goes. The smoother you swing, the farther it goes.   Nice.

So let's unpack that for a little bit.  if you want I'll, I'll unpack that with Mu Sure. So the smoother, the swing, the farther it  goes means. And then you were telling, we   were talking about throwing the  club with ease. Now, face the camera   and pretend you're going to throw  your club into the trees here.   What was the first thing that started the swing? So you started with he, even the backswing.  Yes.

So you're heaving the club into the   backswing. And then what was the first  thing that started the through swing For me, It's that like waiting for the  weight and then letting it fall through. So she says, I'm waiting for the wait. So she's  got arms and club that feel heavy, right. And   you're using the weight of those to deliver  your shot. So what actually happens is the brain   engages that kinetic chain. So your weight loads  up into that lead leg.

So you shift your weight   and then the lead leg is using the  ground to get your body out of the way.   So your arms get to fall toward the target.   All right. So we're gently throwing the club  in the direction that we want the ball to go.   Oh goodness. How easy was that still in the  air Just, just landing now. Spectacular. So Mu,   let's see, you hit that. So for   Munashe this actually feels like a 50-yard  pitch shot.

Yeah. Right, exactly. And so he's   just using the weight of his arms to swing that  way. He's got what 4 iron? I got 5 iron. Okay. So   that would go. So you're a volleyball guy.  Yeah. So to you. So for Mu, it's easier for   him to focus on squeezing the ball through the  doorframe. You'll see, an oldie, but goodie video   that we have called hammer through. So imagine  there's a doorframe here in front of the ball   and Mu is just trying to squeeze the ball through  the doorframe.

So imagine a doorframe right there.   And we're squeezing the ball against the doorframe  with the face of the club. And to do that, the   hands are, are going to be way more in front of  the ball. So you notice how it looks like there's   barely any loft there. And that's what scares the  majority of golfers out there. They're thinking   how's this ball going to get in the air instead  of staying with their tasks. Right. Right. So   let's see a squeeze that ball into that picture.  Okay.

With the weight of your arms and club.   Oh my, that's crushed. There we go. That was awesome. That was nice. Yeah. So,   the stem of dandelions out for you and typically,  you know, when I'm, when I want to try and hit   a high fade, fairway, like a long iron  with a high fade or with a fairway wood,   I'm seeing dandelion stems and I'm going to flip  up into the air. Right. And when I'm trying to hit   the ball, compress it low into the wind I'm using  a doorframe and volleyball. Right. So it's just   pretty cool. So you can match up your tasks to  how you want to go about things because obviously   getting long errands into the air for you is a  piece of cake. That's it So to resume. All right,   thanks. I want to send that ball over that  intermediate point toward, toward those trees.   I get my distance to the ball. I got to  feel like I've got full freedom in the arms. Now, one other way of doing that is I'm  going to set up and get my nice posture.   So I'm bending from the hips, very solid in the  glutes and quads.

I feel like the arches of my   feet are secured to the ground and I'm going to  be, I'm going to get way too far from the ball.   So that to me feels like if I tried to  whip through the dandelion stem that way,   I'm going to have to lose my balance or I'm gonna  either hit it off the toe versus, and the majority   of you guys tend to be too close to the ball with  the long irons. So if I get way too close, now,   it feels like I have to hang on to it, or I'm  going to have to stand up to get it, to deploy   the one in between.

So I get my posture. I  pre-deploy my arms and now I feel like, Hey,   right there is where it wants to pass. So  now I bring that to the ball, not like that,   not like that altogether. That's accurate. Now  I've got my intermediate point. I see my dandelion   stem and I'm using the weight of that arm club  unit to send the dandelion stem in that direction. And there it is very nice, nice little  draw coming right back between the two   pine trees splitting the difference. So hope  you enjoyed that. We'll see you next time.