If you're struggling with your golf game
at the moment and your swing feels off I  want you to take a good look at what
your hips are doing. I can almost  guarantee you're not getting your hips
deep enough in the golf swing and that's  why you're struggling, let me explain.
As you make your backswing where most  golfers go wrong is they don't get this
trail hip deep enough away from the golf  ball. So this direction here.
And if you don't get it deep enough it  can cause a flow-on effect for the rest
of your golf swing. Now  for the lead hip same thing.
As you start your downswing  that lead hip doesn't get deep enough
this way away from the golf ball.

So  why would you need to get hip deep, why is
it so important? For starters  when you get more hip depth it enables
you to rotate better on the backswing,  extremely important. If you don't rotate
enough you'll end up using a lot more  hands and arms to swing 
through on the downswing. So we  need that depth to get a better
backswing coil, better rotation there.  Now as we start our downswing if we
haven't got enough depth quite often  we'll stand up and we'll 
minimize that space or close  that space between us  and the golf ball which means we'll
stand the club up   a lot of flippy action and that will
reduce your ability to hit consistent  strikes on the golf ball. So we need that
depth as we go back and we   need depth on the way down with
that lead hip so we've got space. This  space here helps us shallow the golf
club better.  space to shallow
and also it helps you  sequence the golf swing much better
through the impact  so if you get that depth have a look
from face on and get a better turn here  we get more space
and because it enables us to rotate  better we can use our lower body to
really rotate through  past impact now spoke about how getting
those deep hips improves your sequence  so let me explain if you're someone that
slides in your downswing your hips  go too much laterally this way towards
the target that is because you're not  getting your hips deep enough
in the downswing and in the backswing  for that matter so what getting those
hips deeper will do  it will encourage you to rotate better
in that downswing improving your  sequencing  and right through to an impact position
so look like this  we'll get deep here but importantly in
this downswing if you get the depth in  that lead hip
you won't slide those hips as much  and you'll be able to swing through to a
better finish so towards the camera  so instead of going like this
now we need a little bit of lateral  shift and that's covered in other videos
but you don't want  too much where it's like this  and then that throws off that sequencing
so you can get  depth here
depth here  and then rotate through to a full finish
that's going to improve your sequencing  which will improve your overall golf
swing when you load your hips properly  in the golf swing what that does is
it engages our glutes now when you  engage your glutes that helps you again
with that  that ability to rotate and hold our hold
your posture better in the whole golf  swing when you can hold your posture
better  you can shallow it better can stay a lot
more balanced  and enables you to swing through with a
lot more power so loading up those hips  gets these glutes engaged now if you've
never  thought about getting your hips deeper
in the golf swing it's a good chance  you'd never engage your glutes so if you
try this exercise with me we'll just put  that club down for a moment
if you were to just turn back  a lot more than usual
you should feel a stretch right around  this area here that's engaging your
glutes  something you probably heard the pros
talk about before so from face on i'm  engaging my rear glute there
on the down swing i'm engaging this  glute here i can feel a
tight stretch around this area here  when you
engage your  glutes
you're going to use your hips better and  you're going to be using the ground
better and you've no doubt heard of  using the ground for power
the only way to use the ground for power  is by getting those hips deeper
on the way back  and on the way through now
if you're doing this for the first time  this will feel really awkward and that's
a good thing because if it feels awkward  or uncomfortable means you're doing
something right because what most  golfers do
you might be able to relate to this  as they turn back
nothing's engaged here hips aren't deep  glutes aren't engaged and then what
happens on the downswing  your upper body your upper body just
swinging your hands your arms  yeah you'll have a few good rounds hit a
few good shots here and there but you'll  never truly get  the most power and consistency out of
your golf game because you're not using  the ground not really utilizing this
ground forces  what they're supposed to be designed for
so get yourself  deep
on the way back  and deep on the way through
you're going to start hitting the golf  ball a lot more consistently so if you
get those hips deep what you're going to  do is you're going to stay in posture
better which means that ratio or that  distance i should say for my chest to
the golf ball that shouldn't change a  heck of a lot from here
to here  most golfers who struggle again this
might be something you can relate to if  you've seen your swing on video they
generally  stand taller here or they might get
depth here but then they get taller here  they get further from the golf ball once
you're further away from the golf ball  you're in a lot of trouble that's where
you have to use your hands and arms to  really time up the golf swing so we need
to stay in posture  from there
to there you probably heard of the terms  getting lag
and better shoulder rotation in your  swing like for example lag in your golf
swing which is this this angle here  between
my arm here and the shaft  that is a byproduct of using your lower
body correctly so if you can use  the lower body better by getting depth
you'll naturally get better lag  which results in more power and
consistency  you probably remember a video of thai
gourds i think it was about a year or  two ago
and he was practicing  i don't even think he had a club in his
hand but he was practicing like this he  was making his back swings like this and
he's down swinging he was doing this  he was getting really low to the ground
really pushing out his butt pushing his  hips back deep
and he was just rehearsing this  getting extremely deep and what he was
doing  he was getting those hips deep but
engaging those glutes  and making sure he stayed in posture now
you never swing like that  you never really swing like this
get this low to the ground  but when you exaggerate a feel you got a
better chance of when you make your real  golf swing of keeping those hips deep
staying in posture shallowing the club  you're going to create lag
and just become a lot more consistent  overall so i want you to practice this
without a club first of all  you're just going to get in a golf
posture and you're going to be pushing  that hip back here in your back swing
and then pushing the lead hip back  in your down swing i'll show you this
from a few different angles so we're  getting depth here  we're getting depth here feeling a
stretch in our glutes they're extremely  important making sure you get that depth
and that depth again  don't need to be hitting balls
but obviously you want to work up to  that at some stage put a club in your
hand i'm just going to make really easy  swings and just focus on getting that
depth don't even have to make a full  swing depth there
depth there and through  you can hit a few shots i'm not too
concerned how you hit the golf ball  that's not important
you're probably not going to hit them  any good anyway because you're
you're building a new movement pattern  into your swings it's going to feel a
bit strange but that's okay  so i'll just hit a couple here but i'm
going to do it nice and easy i'm not too  worried about the strike i'm more
worried about how those hips are moving  so
i'm gonna do it extra slow  i'm just gonna get a bit of depth here  depth here
and then through do it nice and slow  and through wasn't a fantastic strike
but that doesn't matter i really felt  like those hips  were getting plenty of depth
on both sides through that swing  and you'll need to do
at least  10 20 repetitions a day
feeling those glutes getting engaged  and i promise you you'll find you'll
start hitting the ball more consistently  you'll be more balanced in your golf
swing it'll feel a lot more effortless  which is what we all want so let's do
another one  just going to feel like i'm getting that
depth  and that depth again there
this works for every club in the bag by  the way driver your hybrid irons every
club in the bag  so let's do another one
gonna get a bit of depth  that was a better strike got that one
fairly solid but again not worried about  the contact when you start doing this
i'm worried about  you getting the depth
and as a byproduct of that depth you're  just going to improve
your ball striking right across the  board so important video i want you to
watch coming up now this talks about how  to stop standing up
in your downswing so this   will go into a
bit more  depth on what i've covered here
how you can stay in posture better  instead of doing this
it's going to teach you how to do this  which is what we've covered here but i
go into a bit more detail and it's going  to help you out even more so i'll see
you on that video it's coming up.