hi I'm coach Cheyenne welcome back to my YouTube channel part two of the driver series so on the first part if you haven't watched it make sure you watch that verse really um but it'll be the end of this video as well so the first part is about setup gaps your grip your aim your posture and your stance all to do with your driver as well as how high or low to tee the ball up voila um when you're on the Tee Box so that we have accomplished in part one part two probably I would say the biggest mistake that I see um my students or just people when you play with with the driver is this let's get started [Music] [Applause] I am aware that everybody wants to crush their driver like I Know Myself included I always want to crush my driver I'm five foot three and to be fair I can hit it pretty far which makes me very excited um so let me tell you the biggest this mistake that I see out there because we're so anxious and excited to crush it the number one thing that happens when you're doing that is I'm gonna walk up I'm going to tee my ball up my dad mentioned in the last video all right I'm gonna do my routine [Music] and then what happens is so so it's excited our first movement all of our swings really should be out here this is where our first part of our swing should be when you're with your driver you're so excited that people like to whip it in here because you want it to be fast and electric and just you know you want to crush it so instead of you having your mechanics and your fundamentals of your first part of your swing being out here you are whipping it because you want to come in with your hips and you want to turn it all that good stuff I get it so in my video about driving range and what I talk about no man's land so if you've played other sports usually coaches talk about no man's land where you're not supposed to be so this would be my version of golf Snowman your first part of your swing should not be supposed to be here no man's land first part of your swing which pretend to have a line that is right behind your wall and in slow-mo you want to follow this line that is what you're thinking to prevent yourself from having your first part of your swing be here you are so far back that your body has to do some really crazy insane things for your hands and your everything else to catch up so therefore you're gonna breathe you're gonna think there's an imaginary line that goes behind my ball and then come down and just okay so if I was to show you what no man's land looks like this is what we are not trying to do but we all do very often is we come here [Music] straight but not the object right so we are going to pretend with straight lines [Music] the idea of me trying to go straight and not whip it in here and then trying to get my hands and body to catch up so that is the biggest mistake that I see out there on the golf course but mostly with my students when they first come to me asking me they want to crush the driver 250 yards dead straight when I see you whipping it we will regroup and start with nice and slow okay I hope that helped make sure you watch next week's video on part three with the driver series thanks for watching make sure you click the Subscribe button and the like button if this video helped and all of the information will be below on how you see the all three series as well as Robin Golf and what they're doing with golf clubs to try to help more people get into the game making it affordable and I'm just testing their clubs out to see what they're all about they look beautiful but do they work see you next week