You can see if you've made a full turn because
it's perpendicular to the ground, or perpendicular to the line on the ground. And so the more that you can practice doing
this, it'll stretch you out, you can do it a few times, and then hit, and try to get
back to the feeling that you just had. And you just keep doing that over and over
again. Keep trying to feel where you need to be,
and that muscle memory will really take you to the course, so you can get that feeling,
and then it will be more of a natural move for you versus a mechanical thought. And that's the whole point of a golf training
aid, it aids you in the training of developing a certain swing characteristic that becomes
your golf swing.

And so it's no longer a mechanical issue,
you're not going to be caught up in your golf swing thoughts, you're just going to be playing