What's up guys welcome back to golf simulator 
videos we're back today with an excellent video   for so many gsv subscribers because it's a 
question that i get all of the time what is   the best golf swing analyzer system but for home 
use i have so many people that have home golf   simulators and you know they're trying to stay 
within a budget and a lot of the professional   software and hardware can get very expensive well 
swing catalyst now has the swing catalyst home   edition i've shown the pro software connected to 
my gc quad which gives amazing advanced features   especially for coaches and instructing but if 
you're just doing home use you're looking for more   of a budget friendly setup and that's what they've 
done and that's what we're here to demonstrate for   you today but we're also going to show you a 
new product swing catalyst now has their own   private label camera which i have here today 
called the fox now it's a usb 3.0 camera they   do have a network based version as well if your 
system you know can use that that's excellent but   these are the usb 3.0 cameras let me go ahead and 
just throw them up in the screen now i'll show you   those cameras right now because you know they're 
a great small form factor high quality you're   going to see that the specs on them are everything 
that you need so it's a 1440 by 1080p resolution   you know it's global shutter and it's also going 
to have up to 249 frames per second all right so   good look at those cameras it's also going to come 
with varial focal lenses which makes it you know   very easy to set up in different environments such 
as mine i mean i have these cameras mounted just   seven feet behind the ball and then i'm probably 
about five to six feet off of the ball here   i do have a 15 foot wide room if i wanted to move 
that you know you know closer or further away i   could but just to kind of give you an idea but 
i have some really cool tips for you guys that   i'm going to show you as we move on in the video 
so make sure you stay tuned because i know a lot   of people are getting into the higher end 4k dlp 
projectors and the difference between dlp and 3lcd   is that when you use these higher frame rate 
cameras and you get out of sync from the frames   per second you can get flickering all right a 
lot of you might have seen that i'm going to   show you how this software has the capabilities of 
adjusting the settings to eliminate screen flicker   on dlp projectors so i'll show you how easy 
that is to do and i'm going to show you how much   quality you still get doing that as well so before 
i move on make sure you subscribe if you haven't   yet guys i appreciate it like the video comment 
below any questions you have and most importantly   if you're looking to purchase the swing catalyst 
home edition software or these new cameras these   fox cameras make sure you shoot me an email pin 
it to the top of the comments and put it in the   description these guys takes excellent care of my 
viewers so you'll see this this room is really lit   up right now well you know i have to have a lot 
of light even though i'm just using two lights   i don't have anything crazy going on my room is 
very very dark depending on how much ambient light   and everything you have you'll have to adjust 
your lighting accordingly so i have pretty good   results i'm very happy with these results on what 
i have if you wanted to increase quality you know   you probably want to go with a brighter situation 
inside of your room i have like an led panel that   faces on and then just an led panel in the back 
and i can give you guys these details or put them   in the description so you know what i'm using here 
but let's just go ahead and we'll take a swing   all right i have this set up today on purpose 
just to kind of show you guys why this home   uh software is so awesome because you don't 
you don't need a specific launch monitor   okay so you could be using garmin r10 you could 
be using flight scope or skytrak or not even a   launch monitor for that matter because they're 
actually using microphone activation so i have   a microphone set up it will only activate from a 
crack of a ball and they can actually uh you know   adjust the sensitivity inside of the software 
they have that adjustment available which is   fantastic so it doesn't matter what launch 
monitor you have you can just use microphone   activation that's very important to point out so 
i'm using a flightscope mevo plus i just have an   ipad hooked up just to take a demo shot really 
quick and then we're going to look at the swing   and talk about settings and all the features 
so let's just go ahead and take a quick shot all right pretty decent shot down there and now 
we'll go over and we'll do an analysis of that   swing you can see it buffering on screen already 
so first thing first let's just go ahead and   take down that camera because we don't want to 
be blocking anything all right and then you'll   see this recording is already buffered and it's 
already going to show me a preview of the slow   motion i'm going to hit open recording and so now 
i'm actually inside of that recording and it looks   like my layout let's make sure we have two cameras 
selected single recording there we go perfect   that way you can see there's all kinds of 
different layouts available and i'm going to show   you a demonstration of how to use that in just a 
second so stay tuned for that but you can see here   i'm actually talking right in the beginning there 
of the buffer which i love the buffer because it   gives you enough time to kind of get set up uh 
you know before and after so it's going to get   activated by the microphone just like i said so 
first thing i like to do is i like to go right to   the takeaway see how the club just starts moving 
and i'm going to hit control 1 and you'll see that   turns orange and that identifies the take away now 
and then i go to the top of the swing there's the   top of my swing right there and i hit control 
2 and then i go down to the impact of the ball   which is right here and i'm going to hit control 
three so all those are identified excuse me i   can actually hit one two three and then now 
it's as easy as that to go to each position   now i want to talk about my settings in my camera 
and what you might see different from the left and   the right so the left is that down the line camera 
where you can see flickering okay well i actually   have it set right now to 120 frames per second 
versus on the right is 249 frames per second now   to the normal eye when you look at it you really 
don't know much of a difference once you get down   to maybe like impact you'll see that i'm getting 
to almost twice the movement from the right camera   as the left but if you're trying to eliminate 
screen flickering the key is is that you need to   get it to that interval so it's a 60 here refresh 
rate on a dlp i'm going 120 frames per second   and it's going to eliminate that flickering and 
it still gives me look there's the club right at   impact and i want to point out how clear the club 
head is in both of these cameras now if i were to   lower the shutter speed on that face on camera i 
can probably get that even more frozen than it is   but as you can see i can clearly see where the 
club face is i can see where the ball is hitting   you know on the club i mean this is really really 
good results overall plenty plenty good for me   and if i wanted to i could add some overhead 
lights shining down on the subject in the club   lowering the exposure brightening the 
subject and like i said when you have   an environment like mine that's very very dark 
everything is black and then even i'm wearing   black or dark clothes it's going 
to make it a little more difficult   to brighten that up so just know that you 
could have much easier results than i have   depending on your environment and then also 
depending on your lighting but there are drawing   tools that are included in the home version i 
think it's great you could be drawing lines very   easily on your subject depending on what you're 
working on i can do some various lines like this   they even have things like the body you know 
kind of outline tool that they have so if i just   hit the number one and go to my setup or address i 
can actually adjust this right over top of my head   and i can actually scale it down kind of to the 
width of my shoulders is what i usually try to do   and then bring this right over the golfer's 
head move that just a little bit to the right   just like that and now if i wanted to 
just click and scrub through the video   i could see any head movement shoulder or sway 
movement outside of the box what i've been working   on is i've been trying to get my hips to turn 
more before impact and pivot off of my left leg   and i can see in this video i need 
to work a little bit harder at that   and that's why i just love being able to work with 
a coach come home and then i could even you know   work on something that he just showed me 
and then review it with him later as well   i mean there's just a lot of different things 
that you could do in this home software makes   it plenty powerful enough to do that but they 
even have advanced tools if i just clear this   out i'm just going to go ahead and clear all of my 
images and let's say i wanted to go back kind of   let's just go ahead and hit number two 
right to the top and let's say i wanted to   draw an angle all right from the club down to 
my hands and then down to my shoulder it will   even calculate an angle for you so if you're 
looking for a certain degree you can do that   all kinds of different various tools as you can 
see you could point to something if you needed to   all right they have regular just freehand 
drawing circles rectangles all of that's   right there and then you can zoom and pan to the 
subject and then zoom all the videos to fill the   screen as well so you can do different types 
of zooming options now one thing that i really   wanted to point out to you guys is the layout 
so i could go in here and just do a compare   and i could do a one camera all right and i can 
select which camera i want uh let's go ahead   and just select face on and then i can go to my 
explorer and i could get a swing that i actually   have of Henrik Stenson all right now this is a 
driver and i'm hitting an iron but that's okay   so let's put this in a and him and b okay and i 
do need to change that to face on right okay there   we go i just flipped it back on me a little bit 
but let's say that we wanted to see where he was   at the top of the swing and where i am at the top 
of the swing i'm going to unlink these at the top   that way i can change my let's go ahead and 
just click viewport b unlink it there we go   see i'm clicking those up at 
top all right now i can actually   change his swing separate from mine and i'm going 
to look at how he is at the top of his swing   versus how i am so i can look at where his 
shoulder is where his head is everything and if i   was driver versus driver i mean this is incredible 
you can sync them up and drag them at the same   time if you'd like so you could sync the videos 
up and lock them together all of that is available   and it's just so easy to do it now at the same 
time if you notice up in the upper left here   there is tagging available so i could actually 
go and select which club i'm hitting all right   i could rate this video and then it's going to 
be able to store it in my library so i could   find it later so i could look for eight iron 
swings or i could look for anything else so   lots of powerful tools to use all inside of the 
swing catalyst home edition when you look at   capture options you'll see that i have microphone 
selected there are other types of capture options   available for different launch monitors so in 
choir depending on what you have they do have   different things available that can use launch 
monitor activation with different home software   as well depending on the launch monitor that 
you have but like i said i think that one of the   most important things to point out for this swing 
catalyst home version that they offer is you don't   even have to have a launch monitor or you could 
have a very basic launch monitor you know that's   just measuring club head speed or you know some 
basic device that you're using and you could still   use microphone activation it could be working on 
your swing with full video analysis you know in   the comfort of your home garage whatever it may 
be so very powerful stuff coming in at a much   lower price something that i really wanted to show 
right away and like i said these new fox cameras   i just really like the quality that i'm getting 
out of them and plenty of features for me with   the home edition i'd love to know what you guys 
think make sure you comment below any questions   that you have you know if you're using something 
let me know what you're using and how it compares   if you have any questions on that whole dlp 
settings setup for that adjustment of the frames   per second let me know i think that's a huge thing 
to point out because it's a question that i get   all the time you know why is this flickering and 
you know depending on the software that you have   it might be locked to where you can adjust that 
so it's a benefit that you're going to get if   you're using the swing catalyst software that you 
can adjust the frames per second down to 120 from   whatever capable you know frames per second your 
camera might be and eliminate that flickering so   i hope you guys enjoyed this first look video at 
the swing catalyst home edition with their new   fox cameras stay tuned there'll 
be a lot more videos coming soon.