what is up vector community i am tori wilson i'm here today with don saladino and we are here in the barn we're gonna do a great lower body workout we got five exercises i hope you're ready to work i'm nervous [Laughter] she's got me nervous right now i don't know why i never get nervous for workouts i'm like tory i'm like okay it's all about the glutes and the butt right we've got some things here that i haven't necessarily done so i'm i'm ready to because i'm super excited to show you okay hip bridge we're going to go down onto the floor okay you're going to take the handle all the way to the other side of your hip and hold it close perfect then of course bring those hips up bridge we'll go 10 of them right dig with your heels 10 reps guys come on yeah it's funny because as i'm doing these you start feeling that glute cramp a little bit more and a little bit more which is you know you feeling it on your inner thigh yeah i'm feeling inner thigh i'm feeling glutes which is great because i've just been doing way too much sitting lately so this is this is a great movement for me getting into the hip extension perfect go to the other side turn around make sure that handle is on the other side opposite hold it tight good it's funny that first rep you feel it pull you in that direction and then your body kind of takes over and you're like all right i got to stabilize here yeah you feel like you could just yeah that's what i like about it you really have to think and create tension and good good it's funny something that looks so simple actually starts catching up on you it looks easy all right so what are you now we're going to go into an extensor squat okay how's that weight that's right no no you need something heavy what from there and we're just gonna really feel that nice deep dig with those heels remind yourself dig with the heels feel it in that glutes keep coming quads hamstrings glute core let's keep it moving awesome a few more a few more you're almost there great variation it would be the row i love that that's really good okay now we're going into a reverse lunge you want me to yeah take that down one perfect we're going to go reverse the line okay right arm i always have to remind myself not to do a row if i just want to do the lunge because it almost seems like you just want to natural to want to do that row as you're pulling in no it's not a bad variation i actually really like it but right now just focusing on stabilizing you want to make it a little hard you could always bring the knee up 100 it's funny as you get working in this circuit too i don't have a lot of time during the week for cardio so just being able to i think format these exercises harder it gets elevated let's go two more feel a burn feel the burn baby come on guys feel the burn good awesome okay we're going into a lateral split squat uh switch out so left leg forward the leg that is near your casing is going to be going to be the one that goes forward we're just going to drop that back knee try and look forward and just and i always notice you know you got to find your sweet spot when it comes to how far you come out from the vector uh where you're going to find your balance so play with it almost there yep one more one more let's go oh yeah come on switch sides all right perfect so i'm going to come here now all right don't forget guys the the one closest is so the vector is the one that's going to go forward sometimes it you know you can get thrown off i always get i was whoa see that so like now i've got to engage i got to get my core firing and then i kind of find it right there there we go very normal for me on the first rep to just kind of yeah lose it for a second and then my body kind of remembers and as you get better with your balance you move further out yep it's okay to be close close to it again i mean i'm really feeling that quads hamstrings glutes core i've got uh rdl this is my favorite new exercise i i love this one so you want me to pull in right pull in real this is so great for the hamstrings and glutes you guys are going to feel this right away yep you want me to change the weight you good no this is actually perfect i could always take a step back but it really feels it feels right it doesn't look like it's doing what it's doing oh my god right it's incredible squeeze squeeze please come on how many more you got i got one more what's incredible about that is five movements but we just hit the entire lower body just from different directions and but this is like this is shaking on me right now yeah it's a good one guys thanks for joining guys thanks guys