Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome
back to my YouTube channel today. We're going to talk about
how a handshake is similar to the first part of
your backswing and golf. You first introduce yourself pre COVID. You would go in and you would shake your
hand in a very straight hand like this, and he'd say, hi, I'm Cheyenne. And the person would reciprocate
and tell you their name. Most people don't go in with their
hands like this, shaking your hand, nor do they shake like this.
You'd go in with a straight hand. You've been taught this as a young kid.

And how do you do you shake
your hand in the backswing? I want you to think handshake the
first one of the back swing handshake. So become behind me. I'll show you what
it looks like with a club in my hand, just like I was shaking the hand. Your club is now an extension of your
hand. So when you shake someone's hand, your club should look like
this. When you're shaking, someone's hand incorrectly, your club also looks incorrect.

Okay. This is called closed. This
club face is called square. And when the club face of
the sky, it's called open. So that means you'd be shaking. Someone's
hand like this. So going in like this, we want the club face to look
square. Yes, everyone. Yes. Perfect. So at the same time, if I just stick my hands
straight back this way, my club face still
stays square. I haven't, all of a sudden changed my handshake
from this way to this way I haven't gone like this and I haven't gone like
that. My club reflects my hand, just like this. I've common. Put
it down beside me behind the ball. And now my handshake, doesn't
all of a sudden go like this, which we knew was opened because
the club's facing the sky.

No, one's shaking it like this. Right?
So just like you took it from here, you need to take it straight back here. That is the ultimate position of your
hands. So I'm in front of a ball. I'm relaxed, I'm breathing. I'm
bringing my hands straight back and I'm stopping here. My hands on
coming back here, as you've noticed, my hands are ongoing out there. I'm just shaking my hand and
bringing right in front of me. So I just see your hands. Your clubs are an extension of your hands. Love is down hands, come
out and look right there. I'm shaking the other pen for you.

Nice and relaxed. Shaking the hand. This is the first part of your backswing. If you've watched my previous
video on the driving range, it had a practice with purpose. You will see that I do a lot of
practice swings with my hand, going out like a handshake. And I tell you not to go back
here and not to go forward. Make sure to watch that video as well.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, but this is the first step to your
backswing, shaking someone's hand. And I'm just going to move my hand
to the right, right in front of me. It fits behind me where I can't
see it. You've gone way too far, right in front of you shaking hands again. You can do this inside your
house in front of a mirror. You don't have to go to the driving
range. You don't need to leave your home, grab your golf club and just bring it
right in front of you and just shake some shake.

Your partner's hand.
Whoever's at home. Nobody's at home. Pretend like you're shaking someone's
hand and just keep practicing that. Then bring a club in front of
you and did the exact same thing. We can all practice our golf swing
in our homes to get the repetition going in our brain to
create great, great habits. If this helped make sure
to click the like button. And don't forget to subscribe
in the comments below. Let me know what you think
of the handshake method in
terms of keeping that in mind, when you are practicing at the driving
range or on the golf course next week,.