(golf club thwacks into ball) – All right, so there's
a great video here today. What I see a lot of players
do when they fall back, and let's be honest, everybody knows they're falling
back if they're doing it, they just have a tough time stopping. And we're gonna go over how
you can stop doing that. There's actual a, what
I call a thoracic bump, which I'll go over here in a second, that's really crucial to this. But what I see players doing is their weight goes on their back foot. And one of the reasons is we're trying to get more to the right so we can swing more from the inside.

So what happens if you're
swinging over the top is your weight goes to the left early, your shoulders kind of get
tilted more toward the target, instead of away from the target. And that right shoulder comes out. So when I do this, that gets
me steep and over the top, and I don't wanna do that. And to solve that, being a good athlete, you came up with a solution. You said, "Okay, I don't
wanna come this way with it. I'm gonna go ahead and come
more from the inside with it." Now when you do that though, if you don't have this little bump, what ends up happening is your weight gets too far on your right side, your right shoulder gets too far back, and then, all of a sudden,
we start drop kicking it.

So we hit three, four
inches behind the golf ball, we chunk it, we don't wanna do that. So then we go ahead and miss the ground. But we're so far back here,
we end up hitting it thin. By the time we get to the golf ball, it's a total mess and everybody hates it. So let's talk about
the move to fix it now, instead of talking about
what we're not doing, what the wrong way to do it is. So you do want to have this shoulder tilt when you're coming and your down swinging. Every great player, let me go over this for a second. Every great player has what I call the stable fluid spine at impact. And what that means is the
spine angle isn't changing. It's tilted away from the target, about 20 degrees or so, with most players. And the shoulders will
be tilted away also. That's universal. There's never been a great player in the history of the game that didn't have spine tilt
and shoulder tilt at impact.

It's the only way to get
the club from the inside, to get lag, to get shaffling, to get everything you have to do, just non-negotiably have to
do, to hit the ball well. Now what happens is, if we don't get a little bit
of this bump with our ribs, or what's our thoracic
spine in the middle, then we end up getting
too far on our back foot.

So if my ribs don't kind of bump this way, and I stay on my backside, all of a sudden my sternum, my upper body, everything is way too far back here, and I'm gonna drop kick it. So I want you to practice for a second. We're gonna go ahead
and bump our rib cage. This feels weird, but
don't move your hips. We're not talking about moving
the entire hips like this. I want you to feel like you're bumping your
rib cage to the left. And when you do that,
your ribs go this way, toward the target, and your
shoulders can tilt a little bit. So that way I'm getting more forward. I can still get my
weight over my front foot and still have that tilt.

So what I see when you do this correctly, what you can feel is, go ahead and get in your tilt but keep your weight kind of 50/50, or even favoring your front foot, and then bump, feel like
you're bumping your rib cage toward the target, and feel like you're
bumping the right side of your ribs toward the target also. So you're gonna feel like this right side doesn't go down and back. It goes more toward the target. And then you're in this shoulder tilt and you can easily… Now you're in a position to where you can come from the inside. You have this shoulder tilt away, your nose is behind the golf ball, but my entire upper body
isn't back here too.

My entire ribs aren't. So I feel like I'm bumping this forward, my head's staying behind, and now my weight is left, even though I've been able to deliver this club from the inside. So when I do that, it's a
simple move of coming down. You get a little bump, you almost feel like
this side stretches out. Everything feels real
connected on your left side, you're in your body here. Everything's gonna feel
real, real connected between your armpit because
that's bumping into it, and that gives you a
lot more control also. So you're gonna be able to
have lag, have shoulder tilt, you're gonna be able
to hit the ball first. You're gonna be able to make
your weight go to the left, all without falling back. So let's try it out now,
here, in half speed, just to kinda show you
what this would look like.

So here's the wrong way. I'm keeping my upper body
back, drop kicking it. Here's the right way. I'm bumping my rib cage toward the target, still coming from the inside. Now my weight is left and
I've gotten perfect alignment. Nose behind the golf ball, ribs toward the target. Still have that tilt, still
have that shoulder tilt.

Everything's fantastic there. So let me go ahead and
do it in a full swing. (club thwacks against ball) (club thwacks against ball) There we go. Hit the ball first and in the ground. And I was able to get that lag and get tilted away, without falling back. It's not too bad. 170 yards for, 169
yards for an eight iron. Definitely happy with that. Now if you wanna take it
to the the next piece, there's something still here, and that's starting that
down swing the right way. And, see, a lot of people rush the down swing with
their hands and arms. They almost feel like they're
yanking this club down. And that doesn't give me enough time to get that little bump toward
the target with my upper body and to get in the correct
position like we talked about. Now, if you wanna learn how to do that, I got a great bonus video for you.

All you need to do is go ahead and click one of these cards
that pops up on your screen. If you don't see a card,
don't worry about it. Just go down to the link
below in the description, and I'll teach you the way to
stop rushing that down swing, so that you can smooth that out, and you have plenty of time
to get that little bump, get your weight on the left.

And the the downswing will
feel like it takes a year, compared to what you're used to. And the club will start to
shallow out a little bit, compared to what you're used to. It just gets a lot easier
'cause you have more time. So I'm gonna go ahead
and play a preview now. Go ahead and click one of
those cards, a link down below. I can't wait to share it with you. Let's go and get started. Now the bottom line is that if you pull this club
down to ring that bell, or pull the hands more for the inside, what's gonna happen is you start to rush your down
swing from that pulling, and that can throw off your sequence.

And we all know that once
your sequence gets off, that is gonna be the root
cause of all your problems. Now maybe you're being
out driven way too often or you're terribly
inconsistent with your strikes. Some of your shots are heavy, some of 'em are thin, some of 'em are off the toe, and then the next ones
are way off the hill. Now you end up way over in the trees, you're in the tall grass, or maybe you're in the
hazards all day long. And it really comes down to this, Clay, how in the heck do we fix it? Well, there's some good news.

Well, there's only two things
that you need to learn. First, you need to learn
to shallow the club rather than pulling the hands down and getting the shaft
in this steep position. You see, there's another
way that the pros do this. And once you start to get that
club on this shallower plane, more from the inside,
then you pair that up with the right way to
square the club face.

And once you put these
two things together, everything starts to fit in your swing. Now your buddies will start
to get a little bit jealous 'cause you'll start hitting
solid, longer drives, time after time, and round after round. Now I'm gonna teach you this right now, on what I call the E slot technique. Let's walk through exactly how to do it. So here's what I want you to do. Go ahead and take a swing to the top and get in a really good position. I want you to feel like your weight is mostly shifted to your right side, and that your hips and
shoulders are nice and free. I don't wanna be locked up here. I want my knees to move, my hips to move, and that's gonna allow me to
swing my shoulders very nicely. Now, one thing that most people get wrong when they swing to the top is they don't get this
tilt away from the target. So instead of being straight up and down or leaning to the left, I wanna be slightly tilted away, in what I call the stable fluid spine in my Top Speed golf system.

Okay, so now that you're
at this great position at the top of the swing, what I want you to do is
instead of pulling those arms straight down or ringing the bell, that's gonna get the club shaft steep and get this elbow kind of
flapping behind your body. I want you to do something very specific. I want you to take the tip of your elbow and move it in a specific way.

Now, not this small bone on
the inside of your elbow, but I want it to be right here at the tip. And here's what I want you to do..