– Hello, and thanks for joining us. Do you find yourself
making inconsistent contact with the golf ball? Are you somewhat
uncomfortable with the club making contact with the grass or the mat during practice and play? But are you ready for your golf ball to fly higher, faster, and farther? If you answered yes to those questions, then stay tuned, this video is for you. (upbeat music) In this video, we're
gonna learn a few facts about how ball contact
and grass work together and then we're gonna
give you a great drill that you can use while you're practicing and even while you're out playing to improve your ball contact. So, if you struggle with
making maximum contact with the golf ball, you are not alone. Now, while there can be an array of issues surrounding not making the best contact, today, we're gonna focus on the issues that revolve around not letting the club bottom out in the grass to meet the ball.
First thing we need to
understand that even though it looks like the golf
ball is sitting right there on the top of the grass,
actually, that's not true. Even though we can't discern
it with our naked eye, the ball is ever so slightly embedded. So if you notice, if I use
my hand there as an example, that would be what we
kinda think is going on, but it's actually kind of like that. And so, think about this. The ball is embedded. Sure, it's sitting on grass, it's sitting on a small
surface area of grass, but this golf ball weighs
more than those blades of grass upon which it's sitting.
So guess what? Instead of just sitting there, it's falling down a little bit. So how will I ever make full contact if the ball is here but my club is here? There's zero chance, right? Every single time, I'm
gonna catch it high. And so that's what we wanna get rid of and we're gonna work on today. So if we want the face of the club to make full contact with the ball, it must bottom out below
grass level, right? Before we move into our drill that's gonna help you
level up your ball contact, can you please let me know
if this video is helping you? If it is, would you be so kind as to press the like button, subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and
hit the notification bell so that you don't miss not one video from the Dr.
Greta Golf channel. Thank you. Okay, so how do we become more comfortable with making sure that the club bottoms out at the grass level? We simply have to practice
that and we've got a great and simple drill
to help you do that. Now, here's a word of warning. You're practicing out at your club or at a course and the
grass doesn't belong to you, you may not mind, but
what we're gonna learn here is to do a little
bit of weed whacking, so it will cut into your lawn. So if you have a pretty lawn at home, you may wanna consider
investing in a quality mat and I have a link below
to some great ones, like I'm here practicing
on a mat right now, just for ease of use.
Here's what we wanna do. We're set up in our
proper position, correct? And I'm just gonna take a
moderate backswing here. But what you'll notice is that you can hear and feel that contact. Now, I'm making sure that
I give it a good thump so that you can hear it, but that's the hear it and feel it. And if you keep a good rhythm, you'll find that your swing will feel much more natural than you're thinking because again, if we're
just kinda coming up here doing this, what we're teaching ourselves, folks, is to top of the ball. So if you want your ball to
fly farther, faster, higher, and just have more fun out on the course, practice brushing the grass and
you will achieve your goals.
See you in the next video..