(HOW TO…) Hi, I'm Pádraig Harrington. I'm
here at the Rio 2016 Olympics with Team Ireland Golf
and I'm here to give you a few tips on how to play golf. (SWISH) First thing for people, especially people coming new to
the game of golf, is to remember the first three
letters of the word "school". S-C-H.
OK, the S stands for swish. You've got to make the club
swish as loud as you can. This is probably your one and
only opportunity to build speed, so forget about
hitting it to start off with. Make that club swish. (CHEST) In golf, we don't try and keep
our head down. We try and keep our chest down
as we hit the golf ball – and in the backswing. So, we never want to lift our
chest and as we come in to hit the golf ball, we want to
keep our chest pressing down on the golf ball. So, we don't worry about
our head, but we worry about keeping our
chest down and in the shot.
(HOLD) H – the most universal thing
you can do when you're swinging a golf club. It will help everybody for
every shot they ever hit for the rest of their life. You've got to hold your finish,
OK? So we swish the club, we keep our chest down but we
must finish holding our finish. The reason why we hold our
finish, it's not because we want to pose, and it's not
because it looks good but it actually signifies you've done
everything behind the ball, before you hit the ball,
in balance.
A lot of bad golfers,
when they hit the golf ball, they'll fall backwards,
whereas a good player on a good shot will be able to
hold his finish..